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Can this really say 'Negro Comedian'?

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Heather Report 15 May 2006 23:06

Thats probably racist anyway now Kate!


Kate Report 15 May 2006 22:52

A close relly of mine who works on a local paper was responsible for setting a competition, and she decided on anagrams of colours. She was amazed to get a complaint about the anagram 'IGRNGE' from somebody saying it was racist. The answer was supposed to be 'GINGER'! Kate.


Merry Report 15 May 2006 22:50

Oh!!!! Jess, that is priceless!! So much better than saying ''But elephants are grey'' Merry

Jess Bow Bag

Jess Bow Bag Report 15 May 2006 22:38

Nigger brown? No please dont lets go there! When i was a small girl , i went into the haberdashery shop with mother , who requested and reel of nigger brown cotton. the llady behind the counter informed her that the name of nigger brown cotton had changed, and was no elephant brown. I shall always remember my mothers words, said with indignation ''show me an elephant the colour of a nigger!!'' the thought still makes me squirm!


Merry Report 15 May 2006 22:30

If negro is not offensive (I agree) then what about nigger (which today is)??? My gran was always going on about nigger-brown, as in the colour........?? What do we call it now? Merry


Tiger-Lily Report 15 May 2006 16:07

Ouch!!!! TGx


Heather Report 15 May 2006 16:06

Can I have that lot, they sound fun. Amusing story actually, years ago when the black and white minstrels were the most popular show on tv and pc just meant the title of a policeman, my Great Aunt Wag (Charlotte - we all checked on this some time back, popular Victorian comic story - Charlie Wag and his gang - hence all Charles and Charlottes called Wag). Anyway, my uncle had moved to what was then Southern Rhodesia and now Zimbabwe. He wrote home to his mother who gave the letter to Auntie to read. 'Oh, isnt that lovely she said, they have a house servant who they call 'Wag'' (please dont say I have to explain!)


Tiger-Lily Report 15 May 2006 15:56

The Street Musician in 1901 census was my ggranddad Albert E Kirby (the boys older brother). My granddad, yet another Albert Kirby was a very talented musician. Me? Can't play a note! TGx


MrsBucketBouquet Report 15 May 2006 15:54

A silly usefull bitta info:------------- The original meaning of the word 'WOG' 'Worthy Oriental Gentleman' Not alot of people know that! lol Gerri <<<< takes a bow :-)

The Ego

The Ego Report 15 May 2006 15:50

negro is a perfectly OK word- it just means black ,negrasine is the name of black dye used in food. wog-stands for western orientated gentleman but is offensive. interesting that in spike lee (black film director) films in america he portrays black americans using the name nigger to each other and its acceptable within the community.


Merry Report 15 May 2006 15:45

Assuming they were white-skinned people, then they would have been blacked-up, like the Black and White Minstrels (if you're old enough to remember them!) Merry


Jeanette Report 15 May 2006 15:44

looks like their jokes where no good street musicians on 1901 census Jeanette


Trudy Report 15 May 2006 15:43

Hi Tiger-Lily checked it for you - definitely 'Negro Comedian' to me - obviously forerunner of 'Black & White Minstrels' - now if you remember them you have to be at least as old as me. Remember being taken to see them at the Talk of the Town in London about 1968!!!!!!!! Regards Looby


Trudy Report 15 May 2006 15:39

Hiya Perfectly respectable profession at the time, and if it's accurate, use it. Words and phrases that our parents used, we wouldn't dream of using now - 'wog' comes to mind immediately, but just because we wouldn't use it now, doesn't mean that it wasn't acceptable once - I suppose it depends where you're going to 'publish' it if you know what I mean. Regards Looby


Tiger-Lily Report 15 May 2006 15:36

Would some kind soul check this out for me please? My gggranddad Albert Kirby born c 1849 in Lambeth, London. He, and his dad and at least one brother were musicians when younger - later to become photographers. I looked in the 1891 census and found that his wife Hariett had died by this time and he was living with his brother John (also a widower) and his two sons, Henry and Frederick. The boys are aged about 18 and 12 years and their occupation or profession says 'Negro Comedian'! At least that is what it looks like to me. 1891 Census RG12/391 page26. Any comments or information appreciated. TGx