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Do you ever wonder?
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Beverly | Report | 16 May 2006 14:38 |
Thanks all, I love reading your stories! Nell; thanks for the thought about procreation, I too, have thought about that in the past, does make you wonder though, there may be totally different people living in the world today if there were no wars and disease. xx |
Linda in the Midlands | Report | 16 May 2006 08:44 |
My Mom married the boy nextdoor!. They almost didn't get married, My Dad was serving in the army in Germany and they had a tiff just before the wedding.My Mom cancelled the lot! church, cars, cake, dress.They ended up getting married in a register office.47 years later they are still together Linda |
Angela | Report | 16 May 2006 08:38 |
My parents met when my dad moved a considerable distance away from home to take up a new job. He got temporary lodgings above my grandad's garage. I guess that he might just as easily lodged somewhere else and not met my mum. I met my husband at a disco in a men's hall of residence at Hull University. My friend and I had only gone there because girls were let in free and a buffet was involved!!! Things may have been very different if we had decided to go to the pictures instead. |
Toni | Report | 16 May 2006 05:20 |
Yes, I am greatful that my 3 great grandfather decided to have 10 children and not nine. It's amazing that many of us are here when you think about child mortality and how many kids we have now to then ie 2-3 vs 10 or so. I do believe that we are destined to meet when the time is right. My husband and I met at a pub here in Sydney, however we think that we may have both been in a pub, in a tiny country town, about 3 hours north of here about 5 years before we meet. However nothing happened at the time which is lucky as I was engaged. But I wised up, my husband moved to Sydney and 5 hours after I had sworn off men for life we met. Toni |
Eleanor | Report | 16 May 2006 02:55 |
My mum and dad met on a blind date set up by my dads niece who worked with my mum Five weeks later they married and are still together today after 40 years! Who says fast marriages dont work! |
Unknown | Report | 16 May 2006 00:46 |
To get very personal, you are only you because out of all the millions of sperm your dad created, one of them happened upon a particular egg...... Is it just chance, or is it fate that we meet our partners? My husband and I met at a party which he only went to because someone mentioned it on the day concerned. The party was given by a girl called Maggi who phoned Mel to invite him, but he was out, so he just got a message that she'd rung. He didn't get round to calling her back. He worked for a public library service and just by chance, on the day of the party, he was sent to a different library to cover as he had a car. This was slighly unusual. Then someone came into the library with a query that needed information from the music library in the main library in Uxbridge. Because Mel had worked there and knew the music librarian, he was asked to phone - as it was lunchtime he didn't get the music librarian, but a mutual friend of his and Maggi's who asked if he was going to the party that night. So, if he hadn't got a car OR been needed as replacement cover in a village library, if someone hadn't wanted a music request, and he hadn't known the music librarian and if the music librarian hadn't gone to lunch - we wouldn't have met. nell |
Beverly | Report | 15 May 2006 22:55 |
Thanks Merry! Another they say 'the rest is history! It does amaze me, my sister was saying that if her father and my Mum stayed together then she would never have met her siblings as we would never have been bornxx |
Merry | Report | 15 May 2006 22:37 |
I agree completely..... If both my parents hadn't applied to the same dating agency...... If my dad hadn't had well polished shoes....... If my g-grandfather hadn't taken advantage of the housekeeper....... If my ggg-grandfather hadn't taken advantage of his wife's niece...... If my gran hadn't served my granddad his first pint, and her sister had poured it instead......... If my other granddad hadn't been on that railway station during WW1....... Then I wouldn't be here! Merry |
Beverly | Report | 15 May 2006 22:27 |
I agree, I only had a chat with my big sis today, we have different dads and we are due to meet him soon, I said I would like to thank him when I meet him for making her. |
Dea | Report | 15 May 2006 20:15 |
Sue, Some people (not me I am afraid ), think it is NEVER too late - Give it a go! Send your thoughts to those you cared about. It can't do any harm, and if it makes you feel better - that's good enough for me.!! Dea x |
Sidami | Report | 15 May 2006 20:09 |
I have often Wondered that too Bev, but do you know the biggest regret in my life is not thanking my parent's for having me......and it is now too late! |
Researching: |
Beverly | Report | 15 May 2006 19:55 |
Thanks Elaine, a twist of fate. |
Unknown | Report | 15 May 2006 19:05 |
Yep, my parents met because the woman who gave birth to me, found out her husband was having an affair with my Dad's wife. She and my Dad got together to discuss matter further and lo and behold .... The woman who gave birth to me, only had one way of communicating with the opposite sex ......... and only one way of dealing with the unwanted children she produced because of it .... Elaine ;-) |
Beverly | Report | 15 May 2006 18:54 |
Since I have been doing research, I have been thinking more and more about this but it's strange, if all of our ancestors hadn't met one another and married, we wouldn't be here today. It's so random. My Mum and Dad met when my Mum went into hospital and she stayed in the bed next to my Dad's Mum. Supposing if things had been different and my Mum went into hospital a week later, my parents would never have met and I would never have been born. xx |