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Eleanor Report 17 Jun 2006 01:00

lol love that christine.....if only!


Janet Report 16 Jun 2006 23:21

Loving these....really made me chuckle Janet


Heather Report 16 Jun 2006 23:18

We ought to nudge up our old 13 Commandments thread for the newbies!


Dea Report 16 Jun 2006 21:54

Olde Crone, NNoooo !! - If you have munchies they are SSoo much nicer, BUT you have to eat them in two's - wide sides together - the same applies to rolo's - Individually they are ( I agree), revolting, but in two's they are YUMMIE - Same applies to Chocolate digstive biscuits - chocolate sides together. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dea XXXXXXXXXXXXXxxxxxxxxxxxxxx YUM!!!!!!!!!!!

An Olde Crone

An Olde Crone Report 16 Jun 2006 21:49

Dea You are very strange INDEED if you like Crunchie - they are absolutely revolting! Now, if you were talking Munchie Bar (that's BAR, not individual Munchies, they don't do it for me, has to be a whole block) OC


Dea Report 16 Jun 2006 21:46

Sorry Sarah - I DID secumb to a second, BUT - the rest I WILL save till tomorrow. Does that make me strange ?? Dea x


Sarah Report 16 Jun 2006 21:44

Blimey, What kind of a creature are you Dea??? ONE bite and *I'll save the rest for tomorrow* WHAT??? Who the heck can do just ONE bite?????? You probably need counselling or something - get into therapy.... One bite.... huh.......!!!!!! Sarah %3A-%29 -who sometimes stops at one bar!


Dea Report 16 Jun 2006 21:38

OOOhhh You might be sorry Helen, Just had ONE bite !!! of my Crunchie - Droolingggh now !!! - OMG that was Yummie !!!!!!!!!! - Will save the rest for tomorrow !!!! Dea x


Philip Report 16 Jun 2006 21:18

Thanks for the offer Dea. I'll have a poke around here, there's a couple of stores that sell english choccies I might get lucky :)


Dea Report 16 Jun 2006 21:13

Helen - NNNnooooooooo ! - California is BEAUTIFUL !! If you miss your walnut whips, or anything else, - just e-mail me your address and I will post some through to you (If chocolate - I will wait 'till the weather cools a little. Dea x


Philip Report 16 Jun 2006 20:38

OMG I haven't even THOUGHT about a walnut whip in at least 5 year.... now that's grounds for moving back home! Helen


Eleanor Report 16 Jun 2006 20:35

:( looks like ill have to just have one of the kids penguins...not much fun or chocolate to be had there


Dea Report 16 Jun 2006 20:30

Well - I would LOVE to share - BUT - As you know, I ate my Wallnut whip last night - plus half my Mars Bar (which I didn't tell you about !! - Mars bars are now called Believe !!! - Would you BELIEVE it ??? Today, I have eaten the other half of the Mars + half my Bounty bar, so I only have half a bounty bar + 1 Crunchie left to share !! NOT ENOUGH !! - Sorry, It is all mine !!!!!!!! Dea x


Eleanor Report 16 Jun 2006 20:16

ill have some too! god knows i must have put on a stone since starting my tree hehe


Dea Report 16 Jun 2006 20:01

OOOOhhhh Sticky - I looked at your list and I thought I could happily do a 'slidey' down it (My brain first recognises shapes and picture?? - don't ask why !!) Then I lookes at the numbers - That's REALLY scarey !! - I thought I was doing well but it seems I have several million ancestors to find yet !! Where did 'hubby' hide my chocolate ?????????????? I WILL find it !!!!!!!!! Dea x


Eleanor Report 16 Jun 2006 19:56

HOW MANY RELATIVES DO YOU HAVE? Think you have enough to keep you busy?? Let's see........................... 1 YOU 2 parents 4 grandparents 8 g grandparents 16 gg grandparents 32 ggg grandparents 64 gggg grandparents 128 ggggg grandparents 256 gggggg grandparents 512 ggggggg grandparents 1024 gggggggg grandparents 2048 ggggggggg grandparents 4096 gggggggggg grandparents 8192 ggggggggggg grandparents 16,184 gggggggggggg grandparents 32,768 ggggggggggggg grandparents 65,536 gggggggggggggg grandparents 131,072 ggggggggggggggg grandparents 262,144 gggggggggggggggg grandparents 524,288 ggggggggggggggggg grandparents 1,048,576 gggggggggggggggggg grandparents 2,097,152 ggggggggggggggggggg grandparents


Eleanor Report 16 Jun 2006 19:55

(1) Thou shalt name your male children: James, John, Joseph, Josiah, Abel, Richard, Thomas, William. (2) Thou shalt name your female children: Elizabeth, Mary, Martha, Maria, Sarah, Ida, Virginia, May. (3) Thou shalt leave NO trace of your female children. (4) Thou shalt, after naming your children from the above lists, call them by strange nicknames such as: Ike, Eli, Polly, Dolly, Sukey.---making them difficult to trace. (5) Thou shalt NOT use any middle names on any legal documents or census reports, and only where necessary, you may use only initials on legal documents. (6)Thou shalt learn to sign all documents illegibly so that your surname can be spelled, or misspelled, in various ways: Hicks, Hicks, Hix, Hixe, Hucks, Kicks. (7) Thou shalt, after no more then 3 generations, make sure that all family records are lost, misplaced, burned in a court house fire, or buried so that NO future trace of them can be found. (8) Thou shalt propagate misleading legends, rumors, & vague innuendo regarding your place origination. (A) you may have come from : England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales....or Iran. (B) you may have American Indian ancestry of the______tribe...... (C) You may have descended from one of three brothers that came over from______ (9) Thou shalt leave NO cemetery records, or headstones with legible names. (10) Thou shalt leave NO family Bible with records of birth, marriages, or deaths. (11) Thou shalt ALWAYS flip thy name around. If born James Albert, thou must make all the rest of thy records in the names of Albert, AJ, JA, AL, Bert, Bart, or Alfred. (12) Thou must also flip thy parent's names when making reference to them, although 'Unknown' or a blank line is an acceptable alternative. (13) Thou shalt name at least 5 generations of males, and dozens of their cousins with identical names in order to totally confuse researchers.


Eleanor Report 16 Jun 2006 19:54

Found these on a site