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All googled now I would like to ask....

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Jen ~

Jen ~ Report 25 Jul 2006 23:45

If anyone at all has come across a good/interesting site where I could get pictures relating to old trades? I am compiling my family tree chart now and adding features of interest as well as written info. I would love to add pictures of the various trades my ancestors carried out. i.e, I have so far a picture of a ship for the sailors, and a picture of a horse and plough for the farmers etc,etc. There were other trades such as Blacksmith, cooper, for which there is no suitable images of that era. I want to keep within the overall image of the day........nothing modern! Would also like to ask if anyone could explain more about the Fibre drawer brush industry in Bristol, I know some worked at/from home.........and what in your opinion, would best represent this industry, as far as image goes? A tall order I know, but any help would be invaluable Thank you. Jen

Glen In Tinsel Knickers

Glen In Tinsel Knickers Report 25 Jul 2006 23:49

Bookmarking for reference.and inspiration It's one heck of an idea,a picture tells a thousand words Glen

Right said Fred

Right said Fred Report 25 Jul 2006 23:49

have you tried google images?* remove *

Val wish I'd never started

Val wish I'd never started Report 25 Jul 2006 23:54

West Sussex County Library Service The Library Service holds over 45,000 photographs and pictures of Sussex places and people from the 1640s to the present day. At Crawley and East Grinstead small collections concentrating on the immediate locality, numbering around 3000 and 500 respectively, are maintained. Worthing Library holds views of every parish in West Sussex, and many in East Sussex, and formats comprise photographs (17,000), postcards (12,600), lantern slides (2,000), negatives (1000), prints and engravings (3,500) and original works of art (800). Of the above views, we estimate that about 10,000 are single copy originals available only in our collections: the particularly early views of Worthing seafront and town centre, and Lancing, taken from the 1850's, within 20 years of the birth of photography, are of great historical importance the Francis Frith Collection of original contact prints offers superb quality views of all towns and villages in West Sussex from the 1880s to the 1960s the Terry Child Postcard Collection, concentrating on Worthing and coastal villages from Selsey to Southwick, itself contains many rare street scenes and sought-after subjects such as railways, horse-buses, schools, sports, shops and tradesmen rare photographs of early aviators around Shoreham and the coastal towns found both in the Child Collection, and in the files of miscellaneous photographs and postcards, were taken within 8 years of the Wright brothers' first flight the 1800 lantern slides in the Watts Collection are beautifully crafted and technically accomplished views taken all over the County by at least three founder members of the Worthing Camera Club from the 1880s the Crawley New Town photographs collection is one of the most comprehensive on this subject the Harold Connold album of East Grinstead reflects the work of one of the finest photographers in the town and leaves us with a photographic record from the 1860s to 1930s Estimated total in database: 2,500 Contact Details County Photograph and Picture Collection, Worthing local Studies Library Richmond Road Worthing West Sussex BN11 1HD Tel. 01903 212060 Fax. 01903 821902 Email: [email protected] top


Unknown Report 25 Jul 2006 23:55

The records offices in each county where you had ancestors will probably have a good collection of photographs and drawings of the trades in their area. nell

Jen ~

Jen ~ Report 25 Jul 2006 23:56

Tom, Many thanks for that........will go take a look. Glen, Glad you like the idea, I thought it would bring my chart to life more it's going to be quite a large one 4ft x 3tf to be exact...........Got a frame on order for it and can't wait to see it finished. Sadly, I only have pictures of my parents and one set of grandparents to go on there........haven't yet come across that one family member hoarding all the goodies lol! Don't think it's likely either so won't hold my breath. Jen


KathleenBell Report 25 Jul 2006 23:57

If you go onto Google Images and put in the search box:- Blacksmith+trade Cooper+trade there are pictures for both. Kath. x

Jen ~

Jen ~ Report 26 Jul 2006 00:00

Valerie, Thankyou for that but sadly, I had no~one in Sussex. Get the general idea though. Helen, I have been googling some of the local councils in the appropriate areas, surprisingly though the ones I have done so far, don't appear to have these older images, some none at all! Won't give up though. Jen

Jen ~

Jen ~ Report 26 Jul 2006 00:03

Fresh idea Kath, I will give that one a go, here's keeping everything crossed. Thankyou Jen


Cheshiremaid Report 26 Jul 2006 01:09

Following on from Valerie's reply...I would advise anyone to take a look at the Francis Frith website.... www(.)francisfrith(.)co(.)uk .....he was a pioneer in photography from the 1850's till his death in 1898. I purchased a neat book last year, from his collection, 'Francis Frith's Countryside in Poetry and Prose' with some lovely photos. Only last Sunday I found another 'British Life a Century ago' which I have found fascinating and again some brilliant photos. If you are a sucker like me for old photos and old postcards it is really worth a look. And no I am not on their payroll just an addict lol. Linda

Jen ~

Jen ~ Report 26 Jul 2006 01:14

Wonderful Linda, Any and all suggestions are very welcome, I shall take a look tomorrow. I have heard the name mentioned before on here I'm sure? Jen


fraserbooks Report 26 Jul 2006 10:07

As to the brush industry in Bristol. Did your ancestor work for Kleeneeze by any chance?. It was a firm which started in Hanham just outside Bristol and employed people selling brushes and other cleaning products door to door. I think they were very successful in the 20's and thirties during the depression as people could pay so much a week. The firm also outsourced work to local factories. The firm is still going.

Jen ~

Jen ~ Report 26 Jul 2006 11:21

Hi Annie, I don't think so Annie, it was well before the advent of Kleeneeze. About 1820 onwards. Some of them were horse hair drawers, some horse hair pickers and some weavers! For I presume the brush and broom industry. I believe some people did carry out this work from their home. Then several of my ancestors moved from Bristol up to Manchester and probably carried on in the same industry, as it is given as such on the census' Jen