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1921 census

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Marian Report 1 Feb 2022 11:22

Hello, just been reading an email from Durham Records Office which has the following:

1921 Census Research
Tony Whitehead is available to look up people and supply emailed images from the newly-released 1921 census at the National Archives in London at a competitive rate. If this is of interest to you, send him an email at: .

I don't know if it would be cheaper than FMP but just thought I'd post the above anyway for anyone who may be interested.


KathleenBell Report 1 Feb 2022 17:06

I don't know who Tony Whitehead is but I wouldn't have thought charging for images that he can look up for free at the National Archives would be allowed.

Certainly don't think Findmypast would be too happy about that.

EDIT - found this on the Durham Records Online site:-

(Retired.) Tony Whitehead, creator of the Seaham Super Index, the large collection of parish record and transcriptions that launched this site in 2003, has been researching and transcribing census data and parish records for many years. He is a Seaham native with extensive knowledge of the history of the area, and has written several books, including one on Mary Ann Cotton, Britain's most prolific murderess.

Kath. x


Kay???? Report 1 Feb 2022 18:35

The clause is,,

"""He can make a charge for his time as an acting agent on your behalf """ all researchers do who consult records.mostly they are free to anyone,but an agents time has be be paid for.


ErikaH Report 1 Feb 2022 20:15

One has to wonder how this would operate …………………


KathleenBell Report 2 Feb 2022 08:59

I was under the impression that you can only "view" images and transcriptions at the National Archives and not download them.

This person must be offering to download to his own phone/tablet/laptop and then send them by email to whoever is using his services.

As this has come from Durham Records Office I assume they know what they are talking about but it doesn't seem right to me. I suppose "competitive" rates could just mean that you don't have to travel to London yourself.

It would be interesting to know exactly how this works and how much he will be charging as I can't imagine that he can charge less than Findmypast.

Kath. x


ErikaH Report 2 Feb 2022 09:24

I sent an e-mail asking what the charge would be.

His response was that the charge is £1.75 per record, payable in advance, either by cheque or Paypal.

However, in reality, I would think the charge is actually for the search - whether or not a record is found and transmitted

At least with FMP one only pays when the record has been identified as being the correct one