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attaching shared relatives to my tree

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Denise Report 12 Nov 2020 01:21

Hi all
Can anyone help or point me to relevant place on Genes for instructions on how to attach common relatives from a shared tree to my tree without having to sit and type everything out again?
I have done it in the past but its quite a while back and my brain isn't getting any younger lol %3A-S


ArgyllGran Report 12 Nov 2020 09:02

You used to be able to copy details from a shared tree to a "clipboard", and then to your own tree, but that's not possible any longer on GR, I'm afraid.
That ended several years ago.

Copying from someone else's tree isn't necessarily a good idea, in any case, unless you've checked the info for yourself and are sure it's accurate.
Trees on Ancestry, for example, are rife with shared and copied inaccurate info, and can't ever be assumed to be correct unless proof is shown and checked.


ErikaH Report 12 Nov 2020 09:56

I would endorse AG’s remarks about copying from other trees - not advisable, unless you have verified every scrap of info yourself.