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re genealogy advice

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Joy Report 18 Apr 2013 22:36

"Has anyone ever looked at the invitation on your Home page to ask the Resident Genealogist a question??"

Yes, a few years ago I asked a question which he was unable to answer.

"Please appreciate that he gives up his own time free of charge to attend the monthly web chat and has done so every month for over 5 years."

I, and many others, have given up our own time free of charge to try to help others in this site, over many years.


Sally Report 18 Apr 2013 22:23

what rubbish from genes

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sally w


Renes Report 18 Apr 2013 15:41

Nudge up ...... For Person who pm' d me


SylviaInCanada Report 17 Apr 2013 22:19

I agree, Reggie!


ErikaH Report 17 Apr 2013 22:15

Well said, Lady A

Anyone can learn at any stage of his/her life.............


SylviaInCanada Report 17 Apr 2013 22:12


......... as a professional in another field for well over 30 years during my working life, I too welcomed criticism and feedback ........... it helped me to learn and to be better

Nor did I appreciate a third party intervening to whitewash what others might have said

Thank you for your post.

Family Whispers

Family Whispers Report 17 Apr 2013 22:00

“We will remove any posts that we feel could be upsetting or offensive for Anthony to read” … WHY!!!!

As we put ourselves on a public forum there will always be someone who criticise you eventually. If a person is that thin skinned then perhaps they should not be on the boards or giving advice at all.

I am a professional genealogist with 35 years under my belt; my main field is Palaeography.

I teach and hold Family History workshops at my local museum. But even with all my qualifications and experience I can still get it wrong. After all we are all just human….

I have read on the boards how some do not rate professionals, but I would like to point out that not all of us think that they are better than the rest or think that they know it all….. if a bit of criticism and negative comment upsets such pros then perhaps they are in the wrong job.

I welcome criticism and feedback….. after all we can learn from it.

Even after 35 years I am not too proud to admit that I am still learning new things about genealogy.



MarieCeleste Report 17 Apr 2013 21:34

.. so does that mean any posts criticising us will also be removed?


Linda Report 17 Apr 2013 20:57

I looked at that page only because I like many members have been following Evelyn's quest.

I had high hopes that AA could help.

I realise that he had limited time but I don't understand why as an expert his interest wasn't piqued especially when so many members are avidly following her quest.

I agree with all the above postings and when I need help in my search do I need to say where I will look for help?


SylviaInCanada Report 17 Apr 2013 20:16

Fair points, Reggie .................. and Cynthia

Plus ..................... we also pay for subs to other sites, large and small, known and generally unknown ................. and also use those to help others on here.

............... and WE get criticized by some people for what we have or have not said / done.

We also get penalized or warned by GR if we do not respond appropriately!

There are helpers available on GR 24/7 365 days a year, for free, and we can, and do, spend many hours, weeks or even months, individually or in combination with others (as on the thread trying to find Evelyn's mother) helping those with problems ................

......... not just 1 hour once a month!


Cynthia Report 17 Apr 2013 20:00

Fair point Reggie.

The majority of the helpers on here give of their time freely on most days and, have done so for more than 5 years.

Some of us are around to help on Christmas Day and other holiday times too.

I felt the whole 'on-line' thing was a bit of a let-down to be honest and felt sorry for the newbies who haven't, as yet, discovered the fantastic help which is available on here. %3A-%28


ErikaH Report 17 Apr 2013 15:37

Why isn't it permissible for him to be criticised? He puts himself forward as an 'expert', so must be prepared for criticism if he is lacking in expertise.

ALL of us give our time and efforts FREE.....................and PAY your company for using the boards

Writing a book doesn't actually make someone an 'expert'


Community Advisor Report 17 Apr 2013 15:04

Thanks for your feedback and we will advise Anthony Adolph to refer people to the message boards in future . Anthony very kindly provides his service for free and has limited time on offer during the evening sessions. He is an expert in his field having written many helpful genealogy books and appeared on various TV programmes. Whilst we appreciate your feedback, we will remove any posts that we feel could be upsetting or offensive for Anthony to read. Please appreciate that he gives up his own time free of charge to attend the monthly web chat and has done so every month for over 5 years.

Thanks, Natasha


JannieAnnie Report 17 Apr 2013 12:47

"Ask an Expert"

Like SylviainCanada I decided last night to look at the "Ask an Expert" (Our resident genealogist, Anthony Adolph, is on call to help you with your family history in a live web chat........) especially as I had also seen the posts about Evelyn's long running thread - Cynthia had put a precis on the boards and then on the 'Ask' @ 9pm yesterday.

I also saw the brief / abrupt comment to one poster - and was also appalled - as far as I could see it didn't address the question - just seemed to compare two genealogy sites! I liked the poster's response 'interesting attitude' which really says it all.

As to his response to Cynthia's question - I felt there was a definite lack of interest, just the suggestion to contact someone (the epitome of local experts) - I would have thought for an expert to have an opportunity to break down such a brick wall as Evelyn's would have piqued his interest.

I appreciate that it is only an hour webchat and there were other questions raised by other members, but personally I was not impressed (perhaps I should qualify "I was not impressed ........because I have had excellent help here on the boards).

My conclusion - if you want help - "Ask on the Boards"

EDIT: and the link didn't work (had to cut it to this )


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 17 Apr 2013 11:30

With the time available to him, he can't really conduct research only give suggestions on a course to take. Yes, he should draw peoples attention to the community boards.
The Home page is trying to draw attention to the Boards, but obviously it has been missed by some posters. May be we can help, may be not but it's worth a try.

I seem to remember that in the past AA has offered to undertake research (with the implications of for a fee) which in the last session hasn't been mentioned. Perhaps GR have told him not to tout for business?


ErikaH Report 17 Apr 2013 09:25

I remember people asking this man for help in my early days on the site...............almost all of them reported back that he had been of no help whatsoever.

GR have been asked why he can't used the boards on their post about the 'you tube' farce


Cynthia Report 17 Apr 2013 08:20

In all my 10 years as a member, I've never bothered to even look at that section - until last night.

As some will know, I decided to put a question to Anthony Adolf re Evelyn's long running thread.

There was nothing particularly 'online' about it - it was just like using the boards.

My question was, admittedly, very long as it was the 'shortened' version of the story!

Anthony made a couple of suggestions but was, naturally, limited for time.

However, as I glanced down the other questions being asked, I realised that those questions would be easily answered by the members on here.

I really got the feeling that AA did not know much (if anything) about the help provided on these boards.

When I get a minute, I'm going to send a message to GR to ask if it would be possible for AA to advise folk to use the boards.

Can but try.



SylviaInCanada Report 17 Apr 2013 03:45

Has anyone ever looked at the invitation on your Home page to ask the Resident Genealogist a question??

I was tempted to look for the very first time this evening ............... after seeing the invitation for a member (or members) to be part of a You Tube video where he will solve "your" brick wall.

To say I was amazed at the answers provided to questions asked is an understatement

I was appalled!

The helpers on these Boards are much more helpful.

He was even rude to one poster ................. and we get hauled over the coals if any of us are seen, or perceived to be, as rude as that.

He never seems to refer people to the helpers on these Boards. I wonder why??!!

edited once Wednesday April 17 4:15 am