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DianaBorntoGoogle Report 27 Dec 2011 21:54

Hi everyone. I haven't been on this board before so I don't know if I'm in the right place. Is there already a thread running on when the 1911 becomes totally free to search? Or is the date some years off yet? I've done all the usual searches but may have totally missed the info!

best wishes

Diana :-)


DianaBorntoGoogle Report 27 Dec 2011 22:03

I should point out that I'm about to renew my Gold membership but still unsure about upgrading as I'm on Ancestry as well and they are both expensive enough as they are. I don't want to close either memberships.

Diana :-(


Joy Report 27 Dec 2011 22:04
Redaction and release

The 2009 launch is a partial release of the census information, in which the census records will be put online in phases, with the sensitive information digitally obscured or ‘redacted’.

When you look at an example original household page on screen, or try and print it out, you will see that the last column (column 16) appears as a white blank. You may also see other blank areas on the document if there is sensitive information.
The 1911 census information will be released in full on 3 January, 2012, in accordance with the ruling of the Information Commissioner’s Office. On this date the redaction will be reversed and you will be able to see the documents in full.


Jonesey Report 27 Dec 2011 22:09


Ancestry currently has part (20 counties) of the 1911 census available to its members with the remainder due shortly. No need for GR Gold membership if the 1911 is all that you use it for, just have basic GR membership.

It is unlikely that any site will give totally free access to the 1911 census. All sites who have it available will either require a subscription or "Credits" to view it.


DianaBorntoGoogle Report 27 Dec 2011 22:39

Thanks Everyone. I use my gold membership quite a lot although not so much as I used to when I first started. I took it out as I found buying credits tedious and quite expensive as well especially if you hit a duff entry!
I'm not actually expecting 'totally free' access; I have my expensive membership on Ancestry too but didn't upgrade to access the 1911. I store a very extensive shoebox on there and between the two sites manage to keep most info together. Add in sites like Roots and its a wonder I ever leave the house! Good to know that I can raid the 1911 in a few days time. Happy New Year Folks!!



Joy Report 27 Dec 2011 22:44

Diana - the 1911 census is included in the ancestry membership.


MR_MAGOO Report 27 Dec 2011 22:57

This may help you to search on Ancestry.

The easiest way is to find who you're looking for in the summary books.
Then above the summary page you have...............

County>town>parish>district no

Transfer that info onto the 1911 census.

Then on the Summary page in the first column there is a schedule number, double it and put that number in the image box on the right. It does not always work but you will only be a page or two out either way.

It does work.


Flick Report 27 Dec 2011 23:07

What makes you think you need to 'upgrade' to get 1911 on Ancestry?

And if you subscribe to Ancestry, you're wasting money by having anything other than BASIC membership on GR


Joy Report 27 Dec 2011 23:09

Diana - you can search the census free:
and see the results in your ancestry subscription.


DianaBorntoGoogle Report 28 Dec 2011 00:30

Hi Everyone
Well you've all been very helpful I must say:) I was under the impression that we couldn't search 1911 during 1911 without the extra subs and would just get a look. I tried to use 1911 on Ancestry and it asked for credits saying I wasn't covered to use it although I'd just paid out about £136 or something. I must admit I thought it was all very expensive so decided to wait until the 1911 was freed up and try then.
I certainly won't renew my Gold membership on her which is due next week. I suppose I get to keep my tree on here as a basic member but does it stop me from messaging with people? TBH I've completely forgotton what we used to do when I first joined. At least we don't get the awful Hot matches deluge every month now! I find all the sites really confusing nowadays as there are some that are free and others where you have to pay. Diana


jax Report 28 Dec 2011 01:28

If you want to continue messaging people and using the boards you will need the standard membership.

Not all of the 1911 is transcribed on ancestry yet but you should be able to see whats there with all the subs, if you paid £136 it sounds like you have world wide anyway


Gai Report 28 Dec 2011 06:02

Hi Diana,

I had the same problem with the 1911 census on Ancestry as every time I went to search the summary books it wanted me to buy credits.

I emailed their help centre and after a couple of weeks and more emails they fixed what ever the problem was and now I can search without a problem.



Joy Report 28 Dec 2011 09:18

Diana, there doesn't seem to be gold membership any more, only standard and platinum:
though only the price for platinum seems visible.


DianaBorntoGoogle Report 30 Dec 2011 23:24

Hi Everyone

Now I'm TOTALLY confused. I tried to change my membership to a basic one but the link didn't work and so I e-mailed GR who said that they would cancel my £34.95 repeat subscription and close my account! Now, this is not what I want but it seems to be the only sub available now.I got another e-mail saying that I could alter it to 'single' which just means that it isn't a 'protected' sub any more and could be subject to price rises. It will still be £34.95 every six months anyway.
I really don't know what is going on now
Can someone please help me again on this as I don't want them closing my account on Jan 7th and I lose everything. :-(
best wishes


jax Report 30 Dec 2011 23:38

Change your subscription details to auto renew off that way you will not automatically get charged

They will not close your account



DianaBorntoGoogle Report 30 Dec 2011 23:45

Thanx Jax, now I can go to bed!

all the best
