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Advice on Parish Records!!

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NicolaDunbyNocula Report 13 Aug 2011 19:31

Thank you very much Gweyn and AuntySherlock I really appreciate the useful information you have given. Its nice to hear other peoples experience with their research as there is always some useful tips that can help others in their own research.

Thanks again Nicola :-)


AuntySherlock Report 13 Aug 2011 13:54

Hi NDN, May I add some information about Parish Records and researching them. This is from my current experience, first time and I have learned quite a bit.

If you find a possible connection on the LDS family history site you look to see if there is an image available. In my case there was no image. available on line.

You are however able to order microfilm which contains the image of the parish records. Your local LDS centre does not have the film. You can order it on line and the film is sent to your local LDS family history centre. There is a payment involved and you may choose the Centre to which your films are sent.

I am in Australia and it took a couple of weeks for my films to arrive. The LDS FH centre is staffed by volunteers, who are quite helpful and willing to give you assistance. The opening hours of my centre are very limited so I was pleased to find out that I can have access to the film for 90 days (or more if you choose the longer option). The film can not be removed from the Centre.

I found viewing the microfilm quite a challenge. The films I have dates from around 1550 through to (surprisingly) the 1950s. I ordered three at the same time and have managed to finish looking at one and have been stuck on the second one for a couple of weeks now. So with hindsight three was probably a bit ambitious.

It takes a while to become used to the ink blots, really terrible squished up writing and the old fashioned cursive script. Add to that the physical exertion of holding your arms out to wind the film, and your eyes turning square and squinty from looking at the screen, and you will understand it is not as easy as putting a name in a search engine, hitting enter and coming up with the answer. You would giggle at the amount of time I have thought about the search button.

I have recorded everything I think might be relevant to my search in my notebook. I don't know if you could copy the info to an iphone or other electronic device. I prefer mine in writing. Sometimes the images are so faded they are impossible to read. I am still not at the end of my second film and I have been through it three times now.

I specifically asked for this film as I wanted to disprove an LDS transcription. I found what I needed to know which really made a difference to my research. I now have an important marriage correct.

The LDS staff in the film borrowing section are excellent in replying to questions. I email them and always have a reply back within a day or two.

Hope this info helps.

Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 13 Aug 2011 11:29

There are some great images on the familysearch site.
My husband has spent alot of time in the last couple of days viewing records for family links in Africa.
Rumours have been able to be verified...

If possible it is good to look at original parish records.
I've just checked a printout I have of a 1792 Sussex marriage. One of the witnesses is probably the bride's stepfather. Time in the record office noting all mentions of her surname in the same small village showed a marriage of a couple when my relative would have been about 8. I think this is likely to be her mother and the later signature at the daughter's marriage gives weight to that...although not proof, of course.
Actually, he signed with a circle as his mark, which in itself I found interesting.

Have a look at old registers. You never know what you'll find.



NicolaDunbyNocula Report 13 Aug 2011 01:04

Thank you very much for your replies, I will take another look, maybe I've missed something.....knowing me I probably have lol.

I didn't realise they had images on the LDS site, I will definately take a look as I have relies in other lines from those areas.

Thanks again :-D


SylviaInCanada Report 13 Aug 2011 00:18

It is possible that that is your James Boustead

but don't forget that the tradition is to marry in the BRIDE's church

so you might wish to trace the bride, and see if you can find her.



mgnv Report 12 Aug 2011 23:59

Nicola - re:
If I went to my nearest LDS centre would they have the full records of the marriage with names of the Parents?

So they would have the full records, but as you've no doubt concluded, these are very unlikely to give parental details.

There are some collections of images of OPRs online - Cornwall, Norfolk, Durham BTs, Greater Manchester - see:®ion=EUROPE

Check some out for yourself to get an idea.


Joy Report 12 Aug 2011 22:14

I don't often go pre 1837 :)


NicolaDunbyNocula Report 12 Aug 2011 22:00

Tell me about it Joy, Its giving me a headache, I just keep going around in circles lol :- :-S


Joy Report 12 Aug 2011 21:56

Always tricky pre 1837 :)


NicolaDunbyNocula Report 12 Aug 2011 21:50

Thanks for that Kath, I was hoping that was the right one but as there are 3 others in Cumberland I thought there is possibility it could be one of those too. I just wanted to be able to rule out the others.

Thanks again Nicola


KathleenBell Report 12 Aug 2011 21:45

I see the marriage was in Stanwix, Cumberland.

There is this birth for a James Boustead in the same place:-


1753 Stanwix, Cumberland, England


There is also a christening recorded for a James Boustead in the same place in 1759 but that one died the same year. There is another christened in 1763, father John.

Kath. x


NicolaDunbyNocula Report 12 Aug 2011 21:38

Thanks for your reply gwyn, information is very vague, I got this from the LDS site.

marriage: 27 May 1786 —Stanwix, Cumberland, England
spouse: Mary Ivison

record title: England Marriages, 1538–1973
groom's name: James Boustead
bride's name: Mary Ivison
marriage date: 27 May 1786
marriage place: Stanwix, Cumberland, England
indexing project (batch) number: I03764-8
system origin: England-EASy
source film number: 1472284

Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 12 Aug 2011 21:32

Names of father, if known, only had to be added after civil registration started in the latter part of 1837.Before that, it's a bit 'hit and miss' as to what was recorded in parish records.
I am desperate to know the father of someone who married in April of that year........

You won't get any fuller details probably at the LDS centre, but parish records do throw up vital clues I have seen something like ....married George Smith, son of George Smith , the older, a miller.

When was the marriage?
Are there witnesses who might be family?
Sometimes you have to research siblings to lead you to your answers.



NicolaDunbyNocula Report 12 Aug 2011 21:09

I am trying to find the Birth of my husbands GGGG Grandfather James Boustead c1758. I have found his marriage to Mary Ivison c1758 but it didn't list the parents details. I have found 4 possibilities of parents for James Boustead....

1) How do you find which one is correct?

2) If I went to my nearest LDS centre would they have the full records of the marriage with names of the Parents?

Thanks Nicola :-)