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Adoptive children

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Locket18 Report 26 May 2011 16:12

Hi all,

I have conducted many a search for birth parents, but how do you go about tracing an adoptive child?



Flick Report 26 May 2011 16:48

Is this adopted child related to you in any way?

There is the adoption contact register.................

Bear in mind that ALL tracing rights are legally the province of the adopted person.


Locket18 Report 26 May 2011 16:54


I am assisting her half sister, what is the procedure? Mother was only 15 years at the time.



RutlandBelle Report 26 May 2011 17:04

as Flick says she needs to register with the Adoption Contact Register,


Flick Report 26 May 2011 17:11

Once a child is given for adoption, the mother forfeits all legal rights

Tell this person to register her details, then wait and hope.


Locket18 Report 26 May 2011 17:20

How is it that an adoptee can trace her birth parents but not vice versa|? An adoptee can find their birth parents via the internet since 2005 but not vice versa?

Very perplexed.



RutlandBelle Report 26 May 2011 17:24

I would like to know how someone can trace their birth parents via the internet please?


Joy Report 26 May 2011 18:55

I would be interested to know how someone can trace their birth parents via the internet, too.


Donna17 Report 26 May 2011 20:47

I found someones birth mother via the internet. His adoptive mother knew his original birth name and had told him - I don't know if it is unusual for adoptive parents to know birth names?

From that I found his birth record, with his mothers maiden name and found her marriage and from there her full name (she was married - again, his adoptive mother knew his birth 'story'). I also traced his siblings.

There were no likely second marriages or deaths for her - and there was someone with her name (exactly as on her birth and marriage certificates, including middle initial) as a free entry on with address and phone number. The premium entry even had her age range with it, which fitted with what I knew from her birth details.

I suppose it depends on how unusual the names involved are, and the circumstances, i.e unmarried or married mothers. And luck.

Birth parents can search but they have to use an intermediary; if an adoptee turns up unexpectedly it might be unpleasant for their birth parent (or not) but at least the birth parent is aware they had a baby and the circumstances under which that child was relinquished. The adoptee may have no idea they are adopted, depending on what they have been told, and the circumstances of their birth may have been less than desirable, so I guess they have to be approached more carefully.


Donna17 Report 26 May 2011 20:53

I should add that after all that he decided not to contact her! I'm not sure why not, but I only found the information, and the decision what to do with it was his.


Joy Report 26 May 2011 21:11

I see. I thought you meant an adoptee could find all details on the internet.

I would have thought it unusual for adoptive parents to know the name of the biological parents.


Flick Report 26 May 2011 21:51

As already explained, the birth parent gives up ALL rights when handing a child over for adoption.

The whole emphasis is on the welfare of the child..................and his/her rights.

Imagine the havoc if birth parents could trace their children without hindrance. It doesn't bear thinking about...............


Geraldine Report 26 May 2011 23:19

Hi Anne-Marie

Only the adopted person can access their original birth name and their adoption file. After an adoption has been granted in the court the child is then placed on The Adopted Children Register (ACR) in their adoptive names. This register is under lock and key and not for public view. However, the INDEX to the ACR can be viewed in main libraries in England and Wales. Unless you know the adoptive name (or part of it) it would be an impossible search.

Since the Law changed in December 2005 birth family members now have the legal right to make an application for contact with an adoption person.

This has to be done through either Social Services or an accredited Adoption Support Agency that offer intermediary services... there may be a charge for this.

A good website to read and find out who to apply to is

Hope this helps.

Cheers Gerry


Penny Report 27 May 2011 07:05

Adoptive parents quite often (i fact i'd say usually) know the name of the birth parent, certainly the birth name of the child. Adoptive parents are usually party to the circumstances as well