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Sandra Report 4 May 2011 14:05

I haven't had any hot matches for ages, has anyone else had any?


KathleenBell Report 4 May 2011 14:07

I haven't had any for ages either.

Kath. x


Sandra Report 4 May 2011 14:08

Thanks Kath, I thought it was just me.



Sandra Report 4 May 2011 14:13

Thanks PP.


AnnCardiff Report 4 May 2011 14:23

had none this year!!!

Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 4 May 2011 16:45

Genes have written to me telling me how to search for matches in the Kent family...............



AnnCardiff Report 4 May 2011 16:50

how kind of them!!! and of course you didn't know how?!!!


Andysmum Report 4 May 2011 21:40

I had a few recently, all with the same surname, and the places of birth were everywhere from the UK to Australia and several places between!!


Joy Report 4 May 2011 22:26

I prefer to use the search trees facility but am amazed at how many names are there without a year of birth and even some without a place of birth; I hadn't known one could do that.


InspectorGreenPen Report 5 May 2011 06:03

I have just received a whole batch of new ones today, nearly two pages worth.

Just looking through there does seem to be POB matching too, with an element of 'fuzzy' logic to deal with differing spellings.

Just to pick a few

Kirkburton Yorkshire v Kirkburton, Yorks
Hucknall & Torkard Notts v Hucknall, Notts
North Meols, Lancashire, , England v North Meols, Lancs

Plus a few odd ones such as
ukn v England
Stourport, Worcestershire v Evesham, Worcs

I have also a few reported where one or the other of us has a blank pob too.

Not sure there are any new leads there but I am actually quite impressed with the results....!


AmazingGrace08 Report 5 May 2011 06:49

IGP do get past the letter B?

I have received some last week, but any that do come in only go as far as the letter A or B.

I know it supposedly only takes a 100 but I have plenty of people in my tree whose names are common..for instance I have the surname of Smith...some of them I only know as born in England or Scotland. You'd think I would get at least one match wouldn't you!!! Nope not a cracker

Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 5 May 2011 22:01

New tip today from Genes regarding searching 1891 census for a Jane in my tree b. 1831..

Quote....... Was Jane married?
It's always worth checking matches for married names because in the census returns married women were normally recorded under their husband's name, not their maiden name. Click the name below to find out more.

Wow...I'd never have thought of that!!
I wonder why they think I've recorded her husband's name then?


Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it Report 6 May 2011 15:52

Not had any for some time. last lot were mostly who I am already in contact anyway. Wish they could sort out NEW ones not rehash any contacts already contacted. Surely they can programme it to reflect this ?? :-(


TootyFruity Report 6 May 2011 18:41

I have had one this year, I think it was January but it gave me a little tree. The match was with a contact I had already made but I was impressed with the tree.

I also seem to get only matches with the letter B and like Grace I have Smith's and Jones in my tree so would have expected hits on both those names.