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Attestation papers, 34th of Foot 1830

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Anne-Marie Report 20 Apr 2011 05:40


At least you have saved me hours of looking. I will ask someone if they are going to Kew after Easter.
Thank you once again for your help.


was plain ann now annielaurie

was plain ann now annielaurie Report 19 Apr 2011 18:51

You won't find anything on the National Archives site relating to him by name as nothing appropriate is name indexed. You'd have to go there or get someone to go for you, to search the records.


Anne-Marie Report 19 Apr 2011 18:17

Yes, Annielaurie it's too late, thanks for the info though.
I tried looking in the National Archives but no good so far but I will keep pegging away.

was plain ann now annielaurie

was plain ann now annielaurie Report 19 Apr 2011 15:46

Wife and childrens details are not normally given in the Muster Rolls until the late 1860's. This might be too late for you.


Anne-Marie Report 19 Apr 2011 07:45


Next time I'm in Wellington I will look the Regimental births/marriages at findmypast, didn't realise that they were on there.
Interesting to know that Alnwick was his choice but then one wonders why there.


Not able to get to Kew (from New Zealand) but I will now have a look at the online National Archives.

Thank you so much for your input, very helpful.


Barbara Report 18 Apr 2011 21:54

The muster rolls are a good place to look. These are found at the National Archives at Kew. The show married accommodation and how many children and the places based for each quarter. you can then work out when children were born and when likely married (it might say).

was plain ann now annielaurie

was plain ann now annielaurie Report 18 Apr 2011 21:45

Unfortunately attestation papers this early don't usually give any next of kin details.

It would be worth searching the Regimental Births on FindMyPast for births of the children, although they are not complete. You could also check the Regimental marriages on the same site.

Yes, it was up to him to say where he was going to live, on leaving the Army.


Anne-Marie Report 18 Apr 2011 19:54

Hello Spanish eyes, Bren and Annielaurie,

thank you for answering my query.

after reading James McGrath's Chelsea records I thought that his attestation papers would lead to more information regarding his family e.g. his parents. Also three of his children were born in places that he was serving, Catherine 1840 in Quebec, Canada, Margaret 1844 Ireland, Emily 1847 in Corfu my 3x great grandmother was born in Ireland,(Mullingar, Westmeath according to the 1911 census) in 1852 these all fit in with the places that he served according to the Chelsea discharge record. I would also like to know how he ended up in Alnwick, Northumberland up on discharge, did he have a choice or no?

So far I have been unable to find my great grandmothers birth record or indeed his marriage.


was plain ann now annielaurie

was plain ann now annielaurie Report 18 Apr 2011 15:17

There will be other records for him apart from the ones on FindMyPast but none are online. What do you want to find out about?

Bren from Oldham

Bren from Oldham Report 18 Apr 2011 10:30

Anne Marie
If you download the Records from Find my Past for your great grandfather they will provide you with the info you are looking for
I downloaded them for my Gt Grandfather and they were very interesting I already knew that he had been awarded a medal for Bravery in the 1850's which proved to be very useful thing to have .The records show that he was court martialled , but because of his brave acts he was only reduced in rank rather than being discharged from the Army



SpanishEyes Report 18 Apr 2011 08:13

George, I have many uncles and my grandfather who were in the Army or the Navy and at least one person who was a .Chelsea pensioner.

Please can you explain how I can find their records, it would be much appreciated. I have a son who is carrying on the family tradition of being in the forces and I would likecto have authenticated paper work for them all. I have quite a few photos of some in their uniforms and that is about all.

I hope this makes sense

09.14 Spain


Anne-Marie Report 17 Apr 2011 19:05

Hi George,

Sorry I didn't word that very well.
The information you gave is what I have. Thank you for your offer, very kind of you.



George_of_Westbury Report 17 Apr 2011 09:20


When you say you have this record, do you mean his service records?or that you just have the dates etc.

There is this record on Find My Past which could be him, there are 4 images relating to his service.

British Army Service Records 1760-1913
First name(s): James

Last name: MCGRATH

Calculated year of birth: 1812

Parish of birth:

Town of birth:

County of birth:

Age at attestation: 18 years 11 months

Attestation date: 24 December 1830

Attestation corps:

Attestation soldier number:

Discharge rank: Serjeant

Discharge corps: 34th Foot

Discharge soldier number: 820

The National Archives reference: WO97 / 2035 / 50

There are 4 images available for this soldier

|Onthe original record it states enlistment at Millbank Kildare, and he was born in Carlow

If you can confirm this is your man, and you dont have these records, and you dont subscibe to FMP i can download them and send them to you.



Anne-Marie Report 17 Apr 2011 05:27

4x great grandfather James McGrath was a Chelsea Pensioner and I have this record. He attested 24 December 1830 at Millbank, Kildare wonder if there would be any such papers and where.


I have to go and make the tea, and I forgot the time difference! Be back later