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Susan Report 16 Apr 2011 10:19

Hi Everbody,
I'm asking for some advice. My Grandfather Percy Valentine Hisman b. 1898 in Sydenham S.E London (Known as Kent then). He joined the army in 1914 at the age of 16 and survived the war. I want to know more about his army career and I know the Nat Archives are my best bet. However, they require his regiment and I have no idea. All I have are some photos of him in unifrom. Where do I go from here? Would the Nat Archives help me if I took the Photos along or is there another port of call I can make? Any advice would be truely appreciated. Thanks, awaiting a reply, please be patient , tips board virgin here!
Best Regards SusieX


Jonesey Report 16 Apr 2011 10:38

It might be worth you making a post on the forum at this site:


Mark Report 16 Apr 2011 10:41

Hi Susie

Percy served with the East Lancashire Regiment,he won a Victory Cross Medal, he has 2 regiment numbers 202434 and 33722.



Jonesey Report 16 Apr 2011 11:26


Before you get too exited may I point out that the Victory medal that Percy was awarded should not be confused with the Victoria Cross.

The Victory medal (Also known as "Wilfred") which was circular, not a cross, was awarded to approximately 5.7 million soldiers who had taken part in WW1.

Percy Valentine Hisman was also awarded the British medal (Also known as "Squeak") which was awarded to 6.5 million servicemen who served in WW1.


Potty Report 16 Apr 2011 11:27

Only 30% of WW1 Army records survive. The ones that do are on Ancestry but Percy's is not there.


Susan Report 16 Apr 2011 14:26

Dear Jonesey, Mark, & Potty, Thankyou SO much for your assistance it is much appreciated. Sorry for the dealy in replying but the technophobe (Me) didn't real;ise that my computer started going through an anti virus thingy and logged me off and I was under threat of death (not really) by darling hubby NOT to touch until it was finished. I wasn,t ignoring you all Lol!
I'm a bit disapointed that Percy's records didn't survive because I wanted to check up on a family mystery. Grandad always spoke about visiting Jamaica in the army and being made very welcome and he and his pals getting VERY drunk on white rum. I inherited an enbony trunk from him (sadly was eaten up with woodworm and had to be destoyed) that I believe must have come from Jamaica. Sorry very long winded but wanted to chech records cos as far as I know WW1 didn;'t get as far as Jamaica so what was he doing there?
Thanks for all your help, if any one has any ideas as to what may have happened I'd be interested to hear them.
Thanks again
Susie Tne Techno phobe X
P.S I have to log off now as No.2 son want to do A level work so no hurry folks!


Potty Report 16 Apr 2011 15:13

Maybe he stayed on in the Army after WW1 in which case his record might be available. This site has details of how to apply for them. (They are not at the National Archives).

I see there is a marriage for Percy in 1927. What was his occupation on the marriage cert?

Did Percy have a brother Frederick? There is a service and a pension record for a Frederick William Hisman b 1899 Sydenham, on Ancestry, mother Caroline. There is no Frederick with Percy and his family in the 1901 but there is a 2 year old Frederick in Lewisham Hospital. The address on the Army records is 8 Russell Street, Sydenham.


Potty Report 16 Apr 2011 15:22

This site:

lists where the East Lancs was in 1914-18


Jonesey Report 16 Apr 2011 19:31

Pip, Squeak and Wilfred are the affectionate names given to the three WW1 campaign medals — The 1914 Star or 1914-15 Star, British War Medal and Victory Medal respectively. These are the most likely medals to be found among family heirlooms.

When the WW1 medals were issued in the 1920's it coincided with a popular comic strip published by the Daily Mirror newspaper. It was written by Bertram J. Lamb (Uncle Dick), and drawn by the cartoonist Austin Bowen Payne (A.B. Payne). Pip was the dog, Squeak the penguin and Wilfred the young rabbit.

In a similar vein when only the British War Medal and Victory Medal are on display together they are sometimes known as “Mutt and Jeff”.


Susan Report 31 May 2011 17:46

\dear Piglets Pal, Jonesy (nice photo) , Chris,Potty and Mark,
Thank you all so much for your help, have hasd to leave reasearch for a while, i have to writie 30 school reports! Hope to get back to serious nitty gritty in th 6week hols (You've guessed it i'm a teacher).
Will certainly get hubby to help scanning the photo of grandpa to put on that ROOTSCHAT and as he is with his pals, someone else might recognise theit family member!
Well good luck to you all and thanks again for your help!
Susie XX

:-) :-) <-3


DIZZI Report 31 May 2011 21:35

East Lancashire Regiment 1914-19 (Regimental Histories of the Regiments of Lancashire) [Hardcover]
Lothian Nicholson (Author), H.T. Mcmullen (Author)
£322 YES £322


Susan Report 2 Jun 2011 08:59

Dear Dizzi,
Thanks for the heads up about the book. How ever that but IS pretty big! Perhaps i'll put it on Santa's list! Lol! Maybe i'll be able to look at it at my local history libray, it's worth a try. Will let you know how i get on. Thanks again, Susie x


DIZZI Report 7 Jun 2011 00:20



Susan Report 7 Jun 2011 22:01

Dear Dizzi
Thanks again
Susie :-D