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Looking for offspring IGI - query

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brummiejan Report 3 Apr 2011 12:07

Advice please! Is there any smart way to look for children born to a marriage, other than guessing possible names and specifying parents?
Thanks all.


Janet Report 3 Apr 2011 12:48

Not sure if I have understood the query but it you have found a batch number then you only need to enter the surname,( no guessing the first name,) and the father's first name and the mother's first name and that should give you all the children, providing there aren't duplicate couples with the same details.
I don't think there will be another way to do it as you can only click on Birth or marriage etc, not both.-jle


brummiejan Report 3 Apr 2011 13:03

Thanks Janet. Sorry if I didn't put it very well! I was trying to say that, for example, if I know Fred Smith married Jane Brown how can I check for children born to the marriage?
Have no idea what you do with batch numbers but willing to give it a go! I only use the old version of the familysearch site, is that an issue do you think?


ChristinaS Report 3 Apr 2011 13:44

On the old IGI form - leave the first and last name of the child blank. Then fill in the father's first and last name plus the mother's first name (don't add her surname). Then you can put in event - birth, approximate years etc.


Janet Report 3 Apr 2011 14:17

Hi Jan -The site isn't working at the moment, (for me) I will have another look and have a go at Christina's method when I next get in. -jl


wisechild Report 3 Apr 2011 15:29

Hi Jan.
If you put in father´s 1st & last names, plus mother´s first names & specify a year (I usually+or-10 years,) the country & the county it will bring up loads of possibilities. Problem is with searching a city like Birmingham, they moved around a lot so could have had children baptised in several parishes or even elsewhere in Warwickshire, but it´s a start


brummiejan Report 3 Apr 2011 16:50

Well, I had no idea you could search without a name at all! This has answered my question, thanks so much.


wisechild Report 3 Apr 2011 16:57

Another way is to find a baptism for one of the children & go to the bottom of the page & click on batch numbers. That will bring you back to the search page. As Janet said, put in the surname & parents names, then click on search.
This will give you all the baptisms in that particular parish.
The other method gives you baptisms for all children whose parents have those names in that county.


brummiejan Report 3 Apr 2011 17:01

Thanks again, very useful info which i shall use shamelessly to advise others too!


wisechild Report 3 Apr 2011 17:17

You´re more than welcome Jan, especially as it was a tip I picked up from someone on Genes 4 or5 years ago.
It´s proved invaluable.
I´m still using the old IGI too. Can´t seem to get much sense out of the new system. Must be getting old.!!!


mgnv Report 4 Apr 2011 00:09

There's an extensive (but incomplete) list of batch #s at:

If you enter a batch #, many of the restrictions the IGI search usually imposes are relaxed. You can just search a batch # without anything else entered (well, it wants region=British Isles), and you'll get a list of everyone in that batch # (which usually corresponds to one register in one parish). Different registers in the same parish often differ in just the last digit.

Outside Scotland, I've not been able to discern a pattern to the batch #s.
However, in Scotland, a CofS batch # takes the form c11pppn or m11pppn, where n=2/4/5/6 and ppp is the parish # (GROS index extracts get n=1/3). This doesn't hold for the big cities (Aberdeen, Dundee, Edinburgh, Glasgow) as they have too many registers to fit into this scheme. The parish # also appears on the census too. Here's a FreeCEN example from Lonmay - parish #=219.

Piece: SCT1851/219 Place: Lonmay -Aberdeenshire Enumeration District: 1
Civil Parish: Lonmay Ecclesiastical Parish, Village or Island: -
Folio: 179 Page: 11 Schedule: 39
Address: Corsekellie Links
Surname First name(s) Rel Status Sex Age Occupation Where Born Remarks
ANDERSON William Head M M 55 Farm Labourer Banffshire - St Fergus
ANDERSON Elizabeth Wife M F 55 Farm Lab's Wife Aberdeenshire - Rathen
ANDERSON Elizabeth Dau U F 22 Formerly House Servt Aberdeenshire - Lonmay
ANDERSON Jane Dau U F 11 Scholar (At Home) Aberdeenshire - Rathen


SylviaInCanada Report 4 Apr 2011 00:25

I'm now using the beta.familysearch site almost exclusively .. it seems that all entries on there are extracted records.

Click on Advanced Search

Enter surname for child/ren

Enter county ............. or I often just use england, in case they've moved around

Enter a year +/- 20 years ...... pick a year about 10 years AFTER the marriage

enter father's forename and surname

enter mother's forename

If you are looking post mid-1911, you could also use

enter surname

enter mmn

choose years from about 10 years before the marriage to about 20 or 30 years after



mgnv Report 4 Apr 2011 00:53

Sylvia - you're correct. The beta records are all extracted. However, I have found the submitted records useful on occasion - not that I normally use the batch #s for these, even if they have them However, if I've seen a submitted record that checks out, and it has a batch #, then I'll pay attention to other family details with that batch #. As always, submitted records do need care, but they can be useful.

The thing I don't like abt the beta site is I find the "place" part of the search rather erratic - sometimes this doesn't matter (e.g., name = Hesmondhalgh in West morland - they're all mine), but with Anderson, it's a problem. The FreeCEN example was my gg gran and her parents, as I knew where to find that.


SylviaInCanada Report 4 Apr 2011 01:42


well, the records on the beta site, are all just taken from the "old" site, so they will be subject to the same whims that we found on there!

I tend to use England a lot .......... at least that filters out getting all US records as first choice!

I agree that submitted records do have a use, as long as one appreciates that they may well be faulty .............. at the very least they give a basis from which to proceed.



mgnv Report 4 Apr 2011 05:33

Sylvia - some potentially misleading wording there. The beta records aren't all taken from the old site - maybe all the old records are taken (I've never checked), but the new site has more.

Here's a couple of examples of records on beta, but not in IGI - there are a profusion of burials on beta, but none on IGI - there's very few deaths - the only extracted instances I've seen were deaths recorded in the baptism register for recently baptized kids.

Name: James Hesmondalgh
Gender: Male
Baptism/Christening Date: 15 Aug 1858
Baptism/Christening Place: Kendal, Westmorland, England
Birth Date: 30 Jul 1858
Death Date:
Name Note:
Father's Name: William Hesmondalgh
Father's Birthplace:
Father's Age:
Mother's Name: Isabella
Mother's Birthplace:
Mother's Age:
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: C01894-9
System Origin: England-EASy
Source Film Number: 1471686
Reference Number: item 2 p 391
Collection: England Births and Christenings, 1538-1975

Groom's Name: William Hesmondhalgh
Groom's Birth Date: 1873
Groom's Birthplace:
Groom's Age: 24
Bride's Name: Margaret Ann Tomlinson
Bride's Birth Date: 1873
Bride's Birthplace:
Bride's Age: 24
Marriage Date: 02 Aug 1897
Marriage Place: Kendal, Westmoreland, England
Groom's Father's Name: Edmund Hesmondhalgh
Groom's Mother's Name:
Bride's Father's Name:
Bride's Mother's Name:
Groom's Race:
Groom's Marital Status: Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name:
Bride's Race:
Bride's Marital Status: Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name:
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: M17127-2
System Origin: England-EASy
Source Film Number: 1471870
Reference Number: p22 cn44
Collection: England Marriages, 1538–1973


SylviaInCanada Report 4 Apr 2011 06:17


they are taken from the records at LDS

which of course have been greatly expanded as ancestry has added records such as England Births, Marriages, etc.