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Heir Hunters are back

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Treehunter Report 15 Feb 2011 20:00

Starts Monday 21st at 9.15am

Looking forward to it are you?



Chrissie2394 Report 15 Feb 2011 20:29

Can't wait.



trafiklitedol Report 15 Feb 2011 20:50

Is it a new series or a repeat ?


Treehunter Report 15 Feb 2011 21:12

New series it said in TVTIMES


Elizabeth A

Elizabeth A Report 16 Feb 2011 03:00

Thanks treehunter
Love the programme



Treehunter Report 16 Feb 2011 10:34

Heir Hunters are on the History channel at 1900hrs [I think], an hour long programme, stumbled across it when I trying to find something else

Patricia put this on my thread that i have on Chat about Heir hunters.



Treehunter Report 20 Feb 2011 16:23

Just bringing this to the top to remind everyone its going to be on tomorrow.



K Report 20 Feb 2011 17:27

A new series - Thanks for mentioning it. Will get the box to tape it. OH be pleased



InspectorGreenPen Report 20 Feb 2011 18:29

Yes, the early series were interesting but recently it has become a race for the bounty hunters.

Don't forget that these companies charge considerable fees, often up to 25% of the estate value, in order to stay in business.

Janet 693215

Janet 693215 Report 20 Feb 2011 19:01

But they do do an invaluable job. My Dad's family were tracked down by a firm of solicitors in the early sixties. It took two years for that firm to find the legitimate heirs to the estate of my grandfather's half sister.

I know the firm took a fair wack of the money but the alternative would have been the whole lot going to the Crown as no-one living was aware of the deceased.


HeirHound Report 29 Mar 2011 09:22

My Dad was recently contacted by a firm of Heir Hunters and they charged 5%. Remember that you don't have to sign up with any heir hunting company - once they've contacted you you can contact the treasury directly.

You have to remember though that heir hunters not only need to prove you are an heir but you need to show that they've investigated the whole family and found all the heirs that are entitled to inherit. This plus all the legal work in submitting the claims makes me think 5% isn't such a bad deal for letting them do all the work.

One thing to be aware of though is some heir hunting companies charge a lower percentage but their charges are 'plus research fees'. We all know how much time can go into researching so agreeing to one of these 'plus research fees' deals seems like writing them a blank cheque to me!

I've recently set up a website for anyone who would like to be notified when a surname in their family is published on the list of unclaimed estates. You register and tell it what surnames you're interested in and if they then appear on the list of unclaimed estates it sends you an email so you can do your own research.


Cheryl Report 29 Mar 2011 12:38

Now that I have watched the programme and seen the work they put into a case, I would not have the heart to go it alone.
Afterall you knew nothing about the inheritance before they knocked on your door.
The people that decide to do it as a family and the company gets nothing are very selfish people.
Obviously you would have to work out their costs first.
I also enjoy watching 'who do you think you are' My favourite was Jason Donovan


Rambling Report 29 Mar 2011 13:07

I looked at Bona vacantia the other day and noted someone of my surname there with very 'searchable' names, several people kindly did a 1911 look up for me and i'd quite like to look further just out of curiosity, when I can afford to renew my ancestry sub.

I thnk the firms earn their money though, with the amount of research and travelling they often have to put in.


Chrissie2394 Report 29 Mar 2011 17:39

I have decided to research a couple of names on the bona vacantia list to see if I can identify living beneficiaries.

I checked for probate at the local office first. I did actually find a name which had been included on this months list but found that probate had been granted back in 2001. I contacted the treasury solicitors who confirmed that the name should not have been included on this list.

One name I chose looks as if it is a dead case but with the other I have found what I believe to be entitled beneficiaries. I am not interested in the newly released names but going for those that have been on this list for a long time. My problem now is getting a contract drawn up. I obviously need to make sure it covers everything, but I have been quoted £500-£1000. That is an awful lot of money for someone who isn't setting out to make a fortune from this. I would just like to cover my expenses and receive a fair payment for what research I've had to do, nothing more as I get so much enjoyment from researching. The ideal scenario for me would be for an establised firm to take me on but I doubt that would happen.

It's so frustrating knowing that there are potential heirs living about a mile from where I do and being unable to let them know until I can get a contract in place.
