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Very strange birth entry??

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Jacqui Report 17 Sep 2010 15:21

This is my partners birth entry can anyone explain it? mothers maiden name same in all cases certificate different in all cases uncommon surname can anyone shed any light??
BATTLES Sean Darren Leeds Yorkshire 1967 Jul-Aug-Sep
BATTLES Sean Darren Leeds Yorkshire 1967 Jul-Aug-Sep
BATTLES Sean Darren Leeds Yorkshire 1967 Oct-Nov-Dec

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it Report 17 Sep 2010 15:32

there seems to have been amendments to his birth registration One of the Sept ones has a small s against the page indicating only a short version would be issued which wouldn't show any parents names. The other one has a D67 in the page nos so directs you to the Dec qtr one.
Was he adopted or maybe his parents married and re-registered him . The only way to know would be to get the Dec qtr cert


Jacqui Report 17 Sep 2010 15:45

Shirley, you certainly are getting the hang of it!!! Very interesting ideas I will have to do just that, and to think we were blaming his father for having one too many beers and registering three times!!!!


InspectorGreenPen Report 17 Sep 2010 15:47

Irrespective of which cert you try to order, only the last one, i.e. Dec should be issued. As Shirley has mentioned, the original entry was subsequently amended and what you are seeing are the amendments in the index.

Not heard of the s meaning short cert - The index points to an entry in the Register, not to a cert. A cert is only a copy of the entry in the Register - not quite the same thing.


Neil Report 17 Sep 2010 15:48

if a birth entry has hand written no's against it, it usually means that the shild was adopted by mother and new father, ie in remarriage. adoption notes are different if the child was adopted by total strangers.


Jonesey Report 17 Sep 2010 15:54

His birth is actually registered 4 times. The 4th being under his mothers maiden name. If you do not know what that means send me a PM and I will explain.


Jacqui Report 17 Sep 2010 16:04

Thanks all, you have been very helpful.

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it Report 17 Sep 2010 16:10

i know of two adoptions and the original birth entries have the small s against the page nos, this means when the cert is requested only a Short one would be issued which doesnt give any details of parents names.


Jacqui Report 17 Sep 2010 16:18

I am intrigued now!! What is my best course of action, apply for the dec cert, or apply for the birth registered with his mothers maiden name or both??


KathleenBell Report 17 Sep 2010 16:26

He was simply born before his parent's marriage. They married in the September qtr. of 1967 (possibly soon after Sean's birth. I will send the marriage details by pm. There will only be one certificate (the latest one) issued no matter which you send for.

Kath. x


Jacqui Report 17 Sep 2010 16:31

Well that was exciting!! Thanks everyone for your help, I shall return when I am next stuck.................... It will not be long have decided to try and solve a Bona Vacantia case just for fun......................!!!! Do I need to get out more?????

Chris in Sussex

Chris in Sussex Report 17 Sep 2010 16:34


As InspectorGreenPen posted....Whichever cert you order you SHOULD receive only the last recorded entry.

That isn't to say you wont get an earlier one you order.. There have been stories where an earlier entry has been ordered and received even though a later entry should have been produced.



Quoy Report 17 Sep 2010 18:09

My husband sent for and received all three of his birth certificates as his parents were not married at the time of his birth.


InspectorGreenPen Report 17 Sep 2010 19:45

Of course, there are exceptions but in the ideal world you should, at least in theory, only get the last a cert for the most recent entry, not any earlier ones.

However, if a birth was registered in the next quarter after the event, and the registrar was not made aware of that when the subsequent amendment was made, the cross referencing to the later definitive entry will not work as the correction entry will be made in the quarter that the birth took place, not the following one when it was originally registered..