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Can't find a birth or census record - any ideas?

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HeadStone Report 12 Sep 2010 21:34

Hello Mike,
Glad to see you're making some sense of it all.
Good luck

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Click ADD REPLY button - not this link! Report 12 Sep 2010 17:17

Well I did wonder if that was the case, that's why I asked those questions earlier.

I found a James Quantrill who had served in Pakistan and was born in Bunwell in 1868.



Mike Report 12 Sep 2010 11:13

Things have moved on a pace. Firstly, I was wrong about the birthday book entry. It only said day and month, not year.

Secondly, we've been contacted by someone who thinks he may be related and he's sent us some documents included a death certificate from 1946 which has the age as 79. So, on the 1922 marriage certificate he lied about his age. He was actually born in 1866. Tracked down the record, born in King's Lynn. He was also previously married in 1887 and was therefore not a batchelor in 1922 when he married Norah Murray.


Mike Report 11 Sep 2010 06:30

James married Norah Murray in June 1922. Norah kept a birthday book and it clearly states in their 15/4/1875 "my beloved James N T".

It states in the marriage certificate he was a batchelor.

However, my wife has recently received a letter from someone with the name Quantrill who believes her father was his grandfather Quantrill's uncle. Interesting as we'd always believed my father in law was an only child.....


HeadStone Report 10 Sep 2010 18:41

Hello Mike,
Like the others I cannot find a James George Quantrill - father with a son James Norman Tate Quantrill.

From the age given on the marriage certificate if he was 47 in 1922 then he was born around 1875.

If 47 at time of marriage in 1922 then probable birth
Births Jun 1874
Quantrill James Islington 1b 264

Marriages Jun 1922
Murray Nora M Quantriel Kensington 1a 470
QUANTRILL James N T Murray Kensington 1a 470

Marriages Sep 1843
Name: William Quantrill
Spouse: Elizabeth Tate
Father: William Quantrill
Other: Simpson Tate
More: See all information...

Possibly where the Tate-Quantrill name came from but cannot link that to him. His mother may have been a Tate-Quantrill. Is it possible that Clara or Alice was his unmarried mother?

1881 Census shows a James Quantrill born Islington
Name: James Quantrill
Age: 6
Estimated birth year: abt 1875
Relation: Son
Father's Name: William Quantrill
Mother's Name: Jane Quantrill
Gender: Male
Where born: Islington, Middlesex, England

Civil parish: Islington
County/Island: London
Country: England

Street Address: 47 Outram Street
Occupation: Scholar

William Quantrill 48
Jane Quantrill 49
Clara Quantrill 21
Alice Quantrill 18
William Quantrill 16
Frederick Quantrill 14
James Quantrill 6

Class: RG11; Piece: 235; Folio: 108; Page: 75; GSU roll: 1341051.

It's the father's name that doesn't fit in??
Good luck


Don't know if it's linked but.....
Marriages Sep 1899
Howes Clara Lucy Wandsworth 1d 1097
Quantrill James Wandsworth 1d 1097

1911 Census
HOUSEHOLD QUANTRILL CLARA F 1872 39 St Marylebone London
HOUSEHOLD QUANTRILL JAMES M 1874 37 St Marylebone London

Deaths Dec 1922
Quantrill Clara L 50 Croydon 2a 461

In which month of 1922 did James marry?


Click ADD REPLY button - not this link!

Click ADD REPLY button - not this link! Report 9 Sep 2010 18:18

When and where did he die?

Who were the witnesses to the marriage?


Chris in Sussex

Chris in Sussex Report 9 Sep 2010 15:33

Just to confirm....

Does the marriage certificate state that his father was

James George?
James George Quantrill?


Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it Report 9 Sep 2010 14:52

his name suggests he was born a Tate and his mum then married a Quantrill ,have you looked for a marriage Tate/Quantrill


Mike Report 9 Sep 2010 13:40

Sorry, should have given more info.
He is stated as being a batchelor
His occupation is indoor servant, 77 Wimpole Street
His father was James George, brushmaker.

The family story is that he went into the armed services at an early age. So, I guess that could explain why I can't find him on say 1891 census but not why can't find him on 1881 census ( he would have only been 6) and especially why can't find birth record using the surname Quantrill (with variants) or Tate. There are James Quantrills born 1875 on the census but none with family head James George or even with no male family head. James N T always described himself as a Norfolk Man by all accounts.

Karen in the desert

Karen in the desert Report 9 Sep 2010 13:11

If you think there's a possibility of his being illegitimate, have you also searched for his birth under the Tate surname?



Barbara Report 9 Sep 2010 13:05

There are quite a few James Quantrill on the 1911 census. What area are we looking?

Karen in the desert

Karen in the desert Report 9 Sep 2010 13:04

You don't say where he was born, or lived.
I have found a James Quantrill matching an approx right age, in the 1911 census.
Is this him?

QUANTRILL, James Head Married M 37 1874 Music Agent London Middlesex


RG number: RG14
Piece: 549
Reference: RG14PN549 RG78PN19 RD7 SD2 ED13 SN69
Registration District: St Marylebone
Sub District: St Mary
Enumeration District: 13
Parish: St Marylebone

Address: 74 East ST
County: London


alviegal Report 9 Sep 2010 13:03

What is his father's name and occ. on the marriage certificate? I see he was married in Kensington.


Mike Report 9 Sep 2010 12:49

My wife's grandfather was married in 1922. His name on the certificate is James Norman Tate Quantrill. Age 47. We know from a family birthday book he was born in April 1875. Can I find a census or birth certifcate? Uh, nope! Any ideas? btw there is family talk he was illegitimate.