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Ancestors in Australia then back to Wales

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TinaG Report 15 Aug 2010 12:14

Hi Ozi/Tony

His cause of death was dysentry & occupation was Mason.

I have Janet's birth and her father is listed as a Stonemason.



TonyOz Report 15 Aug 2010 03:20

Hi Ozibird and TinaG.

Just to add Janet REES birth reg details for you, in case you want to purchase cert.

REES, Janet CB 1721067 Birth
Father: Samuel
Mother: Williams Elizabeth
Event Place: Melb
Reg Year: 1853
Reg State: Victoria
Ref Number: 775

If you are looking for "Outward" passengers to the U.K and foreign ports, try this link.
There are REES families here leaving Victoria.

Tony ( Melbourne, Victoria )


Ozibird Report 14 Aug 2010 23:23

I just googled "Passenger list+Melbourne+1852" and it led me to this:

Sam Rees abt 1811 18 Oct 1852 Melbourne, Australia Liverpool (departure port) Ellen (Ship) English (Nationality, in true English style, not caring that they were actually from Wales!)
Eliz Rees abt 1819 18 Oct 1852 Melbourne, Australia Liverpool Ellen English
Elza Rees abt 1844 18 Oct 1852 Melbourne, Australia Liverpool Ellen English
Mary Rees abt 1847 18 Oct 1852 Melbourne, Australia Liverpool Ellen English
Saml Rees abt 1849 18 Oct 1852 Melbourne, Australia Liverpool Ellen English
Philemon Rees abt 1852 18 Oct 1852 Melbourne, Australia Liverpool Ellen


Ozibird Report 14 Aug 2010 23:13

Also looking at Janet/Janetta's birth cert would be good.


Update: Interesting that I can't find a record for her. Although there is a Janet born to a Samuel & Elizabeth in 1853. I just can't find what their surname is.


Ozibird Report 14 Aug 2010 22:32

I'm so pleased. May I ask his cause of death and his occupation at time of death? Purely out of curiosity.

Although I consider myself an Australian, unfortunately I can't help you about their arrival although I'm pretty sure there'd be records somewhere. All my family history is in the UK. However if you enter Australian tips in the keyword search there are plenty of threads on here with info.

As for her returning, as she'd been such a short time in the colony I expect all she wanted to do was return to her family. Perhaps Samuel's place of work or workmates or savings allowed her to do this.



TinaG Report 14 Aug 2010 11:58

Got it!! Yes it is him. Thank you so much.

Would that have been the usual turn of events for them to come back if he had died? Would there be any further information about their arrival in Australia?


TinaG Report 14 Aug 2010 11:45

Thank you for this information. I will certainly try the death certificate!



Ozibird Report 13 Aug 2010 22:14

Could her father, Samuel, be elusive because he's dead? Her mother is a widow in the censuses from 1861 on.

Did he die in Australia? Have you got his death cert? If he did die in Australia it would be well worth getting it as it might give you a clue on why he was there. Australian death certs are very informative. Also very cheap! 99c to view online, about 56p.

There is a Samuel Rees death between 1851 & 1861 at Victoria BDM (notice that Australia has the D before the M).



TinaG Report 13 Aug 2010 20:54


Sorry for delay in replying but I work shifts and have a small child so try to get on when I can inbetween everything!

Her father was a little elusive so appeared on some of the census back in Wales and not others!? He is listed as a Stonemason on her birth entry.

She was born Janet Melbourne Rees in 1853. She subsequently was known as Janetta Rees (several mistranscriptions were encountered alony the way)


Ozibird Report 13 Aug 2010 09:09

Quinsgran, does this relate to Tina's ancestors, or just an idea of why somebody would go to Australia in the 1850s?



Battenburg Report 13 Aug 2010 06:24

If you check out the 1881 census by putting John born Australia you find a family called Addenbrook.

Both parents and older son are born in England. However younger son is born in Brisbane. In this case the father is a solicitor


Ozibird Report 12 Aug 2010 23:46

A Nation's Heritage
Immigration and Ethnicity: Overview
"Many people moved from the city of Melbourne into the centre of the colony, leaving certain industries and businesses desperate for workers."

"The population of Victoria rapidly tripled as a result of the gold rushes, growing from 77,000 in 1851 to 237,000 in 1854. During 1852, the peak year of the rushes, 90,000 people arrived in Melbourne. Victoria had a population of 411,000 by 1857."

"During the gold rushes, the majority of the international arrivals were from Britain. Between 1851 and 1860, an estimated 300,000 people came to Australian colonies from England and Wales, ..."

"Despite the high proportion of people who stayed on in Australia, there were many who kept moving beyond the initial journey from their home country to the goldfields. Some followed the gold rushes to New Zealand, where digging had commenced in 1861. Others did manage to return to their home country; Joseph Jenkins, known as the ‘Welsh swagman’ during his time on the Victorian diggings, returned to Wales in 1894, four years before his death."


Ozibird Report 12 Aug 2010 23:33

What was her father's occupation? At that time thousands of people came for the gold rushes in the 1850s. Not necessarily to pan for gold but also to supply the huge population of miners.

Could his place of employment sent him over for a short term?


Madmeg Report 12 Aug 2010 23:21

We are talking 1850s here, though. Would people have been able to afford to come back then? Well, if, as you say they came back, then they did!

Are you sure you have the right people?

Do you want to give us a few names to investigate for you?


TinaG Report 12 Aug 2010 20:36


My gt gt grandmother was born in Melbourne ( I have a copy of the record which also shows the fmaily members residing there at that time) This was in 1853, she was then back in Wales with the family and appeared in subsequent census.

Does anyone know why a family would travel to Australia and not stay?? Is this common?
