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Inquest - Update

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Chrissie2394 Report 29 Jul 2010 16:21

Could someone please advise me where else I can look for deatils of an inquest.

I have the death certificate of my 2x gt grandmother Mary Turner who died on 19/9/1878 as a result of child birth. In the informants column, it states Inquest held 20th September 1878. It was the Coroner for Birmingham West Midlands.

I have checked newspapers through Lancashire libraries on line but come up with nothing. Whether I'm not searching properly I don't know. I did think it would have been in the newspaper.

I'm not sure why Mary would have had her baby in the Birmingham area as she had been living in Derby for many years. I have been unable to find a birth record for the baby but have her death certificate as she died aged 5 weeks.

Could someone please point me in the right direction.


Liz 47

Liz 47 Report 29 Jul 2010 16:28

Have you tried a search on this site to see if anyone else is looking for the family? The inquest may not have been reported in a paper, but you could try Birmingham Library, they may be able to help. Perhaps as Mary was so ill, they overlooked registering the birth.
Good luck,


Joy Report 29 Jul 2010 16:31

Hello :-)

You could email the records office to see if the report survived there. I am fortunate enough to have two for two of my ancestors from Suffolk.


Chrissie2394 Report 29 Jul 2010 16:31

Hi Liz,

Thank you for taking the time to reply.

I take it not all inquests made it to the papers then. I also thought that registering the birth must have got overlooked. Mary was already buried when her death was registered, it fell in the following qurter.



Chrissie2394 Report 29 Jul 2010 16:35

Thank you for your reply Joy.

I have previously made enquiries regarding an inquest for another rellie which took place around the same time and was told that the records were not kept.

This inquest was in a different area so I may be lucky this time, so thank you I will contact them.



Chrissie2394 Report 29 Jul 2010 16:55

Hi Jonesey,

Thank you for your reply, just my luck eh.

Oh well, thanks to your tip about Lancashire libraries, I have been able to read the inquest about a young female rellie who was run over by a cab. A very interesting read were the witness accounts.



Chrissie2394 Report 2 Aug 2010 15:42

Thanks for all the replies.

I have spoken to the genealogist at Birmingham Central library who said she didn't think it would have made the papers as the death was due to childbirth.

She then asked if I would like a copy of the coroners report as they would have them for that year. So I'm delighted and it is only costing me £4.

I'm not that unlucky after all Jonesey.



Joy Report 2 Aug 2010 20:12

I am very pleased and I am sure that you will find it very interesting.


Chrissie2394 Report 2 Aug 2010 21:34

Thank you Jonesey and Joy for your futher replies.



Chrissie2394 Report 26 Aug 2010 14:44

Just an update for those who have replied to this thread.

I finally received a copy of the coroners report today.

One page consistes of the signatures of the coroner and jurors. The second gave the name of the midwife who attended Mary and strangely enough Marys name was initially entered twice as Mary Newbold then the surname has been crossed out and Turner written in. After the address, it says (wife of ------- Newbold a cabinet maker). Mary was infact the widow of Henry Turner and death certificate states that.

So I'm really none the wiser. Based on a newspaper report of another ancestors inquest I was hoping for a few more details.



RutlandBelle Report 26 Aug 2010 15:29

was the baby a girl

Births Sep 1878

Newbold Rose Birmingham 6d 109


Chrissie2394 Report 26 Aug 2010 17:19

Hi RutlandBelle,

Thanks for your comment. Yes it was a girl but since reading your comment I have checked the 1881 census and found who I believe that birth relates to.

The babys death names her as Mary Beatrice Turner but it looks like they didn't get round to registering her birth.



SylviaInCanada Report 26 Aug 2010 21:56


did you look in the next quarter for her birth registration?

could Mary have been living with Mr. Newbold in a de facto relationship?



Chrissie2394 Report 27 Aug 2010 08:29

Hi Sylvia,

Thank you for asking. I did check the following quarter just incase but couldn't find anything. Infact I checked all of 1879.

The baby died aged 5 weeks at her aunts in Derby and her death was registered in the name of Mary Beatrice Turner. I guess they just didn't get round to registering the birth.

I just wish the coroners report held more info, I was expecting there to be more in it.