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Records of deaths for Nuns etc

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Eringobragh1916 Report 19 Jul 2010 13:09


Reg Office Marriage doesnt help does it..!! However the Street address may do if we can find the Electoral Rolls /Street Directory...see who was lIsted at the address...
I would also suggest Annie would not have been a witness to a Reg.Office Marriage if she had taken The Veil.


Hawthorn Report 18 Jul 2010 21:06

What a fascinating story!

Why not try writing to as many newspapers as you can find in the area where she was last known. Write to the letters pages, I have done this in the past and had good results.

Also why not try contacting the family history society in the area where she was last known . . . . you just never know.


TootyFruity Report 18 Jul 2010 21:03

I know where you are coming from Elaine

I also have a Bishop and two Priests in my tree and the response from the Diocese was not good, but the Sister of Mercy convent in Glasgow gave me loads of imformation about my Nuns, from dates of births, where they entered the convent, three sister in Glasgow and a cousin in Liverpool and when they died and are buried. They also told me abit about what they did which was nurse the people with Tuberculosis which they all died from.

I gave up on the Diocese for information and put it down to them being too busy with the living.


Arfermo Report 18 Jul 2010 20:10

Eringobragh 1916---Hello---Annie's mother Margaret Casey married James Goodwin in Liverpool Registry Office 29/08/1942. They both lived at 12, Thomas Lane, West Derby, Liverpool. Co-witness to Annie was C J Baldwyn--not known to me. I take your point about the blitz risk--Annie's sister-in-law was killed in a raid on Liverpool, in December 1940. As for a marriage to McNulty, I do have him on my list--march 1946 in Liverpool it says here, I've left a mark by it--trouble is, i made this list of 139 marriage details in her (various) names 2 yrs ago, I'm not sure if it means I've checked it out via the GRO.( or whatever they call themselves today) or not. The usual response from them is that if some detail about their fathers occupation is wrong--and they won't print the document. I've bought loads of duds on that score--a bit expensive, especially as they've put the price up so much. I'm rambling now.--Perhaps I should re-apply for that one, what do you think ? thanks for your interest--very good of you---Arfermo.


Eringobragh1916 Report 18 Jul 2010 18:44

Have you the following...

Marriages Mar 1946 (>99%)

CASEY Annie McNulty James Liverpool N. 8b 873
What Church is listed on her mothers MC..and what address was she living at the time..?
Bear in mind also that Annie may well have died and her death
not recorded...the time period was during WW2 and Liverpool suffered horrendous civilian deaths...


Arfermo Report 18 Jul 2010 18:12

Post script to my letter just now--Not knowing which 'order' she might have joined--is a major problem to locating her, no matter how helpful they might be. If there was a central register for all deaths in service, and she had used her birth name --great. but is there such a register ? i'm not hopeful. but I'll try and seek it out. Arfermo.


Arfermo Report 18 Jul 2010 18:08

Thanks Liz 47--TootyFruity and Joy. (etc) It is believed that Annie was around in 1942 (aged 35 ) as she signed her widowed mothers second wedding certificate as witness. I have done some checking of emigration and passenger lists without luck, in all variations of her name. If she married?---well----again, I've tried to link her name to ALL listed marriages from the 40's to the 90's. This is why I've come to this point--was she a nun etc how about long term prisoner---getting silly now--but what ??? One suggestion was that she simply changed her name, so as to disappear. As far as I know, it's not difficult. Question is, would it be recorded somewhere. ?


Joy Report 18 Jul 2010 16:17

I have a nun in my ancestral family; her birth name was used in her death registration.


TootyFruity Report 18 Jul 2010 13:31

I have nuns in my tree and found the convent very helpful.

They sent me a lot of information regarding them.

Also their death registrations where in their birth names with the exception of one who was registered as Sister Mary Evangelist.

On census records they are under their birth names and occupation as nurse

Liz 47

Liz 47 Report 18 Jul 2010 12:55

Could she have emigrated or died as a child - I have a couple of "disappearing" ancestors


Arfermo Report 18 Jul 2010 00:25

Eringobragh1916---yep, several times, but not since last October so here goes. Born Nov 1907, baptised soon after as 'Anna' Casey, Liverpool. Registered Jan 1908, as 'Hannah'. Known to my mom as Anne, but to other family members as 'Annie' So lots of choices and I've checked them all on BMD's up to 2005. Recent 1911 census shows her last official entry (that I've found) aged 3 listed as Annie, with her family, living in Raymond st. Liverpool district of Scotland. No family member knows what became of her, but a hint that she was around and possibly unmarried in 1942--because, When her widowed mother Margaret Casey, married James Goodwin (this is on my 'Trying to find' board) SHE--appears to be one of the witnesses--I have the certificate--'A.Casey'. there was no other family member with this innitial. So--I concentrated on post 1942 BMDs etc--emmigration/passenger lists but no luck so far. Anyone for a teaser ??--thanks Arfermo.


Eringobragh1916 Report 17 Jul 2010 22:00

Afermo...Have you considered putting her details on your thread...its suprising what people on here can find...


Arfermo Report 17 Jul 2010 21:39

Thanks for replying Pigletspal. I hope Piglet appreciates your kind nature. This question of mine is truly plunging the depths. Having failed to find my aunt after 5yrs of searching every angle and record. Even a professional genealogist said she couldn't have tried anything different. As far as I can deduce, she never married so----Nunneries !! I thought, vows of silence etc. What happens to their death registrations. Your point about using their sisterhood names is interesting though,--and if she changed her name--for whatever reason ?? NO chance. mmm. But thanks. regards Afermo.


Arfermo Report 17 Jul 2010 20:43

Hi all--Does anyone know of any websites that list deaths while in Holy orders, ie. Monastries and Nunneries ? Thanks , arfermo