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Family Tree Maker

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David Report 12 Jul 2010 11:28

I have a problem installing FTM 2010 on my PC and I wonder if anyone can help?

I had FTM 2009 on my laptop which was not working. I bought FTM 2010 to be able to use the 6 month Ancestry sub which came with it. It arrived just as we were going on holiday so I opened it and left it till we returned. About 2 weeks after we arrived home, I thought it was time to install it so I tried. When I had installed it, I had problrms when I tried to register it and realised I had installed FTM 2009 in error. (a senior moment) However when I tried to run it, it said that it had encountered an error and had to close down, after that I got messages that it could not complete the installation.

I then went into control panel and deleted the program, and then tried to install FTM 2010. This seemed to install OK and I registered it and it said Registration was sucessful, then I clicked OK and it said it could not complete the instalation. I went to control panel but the FTM did not appear, I then went to the C/: drive and looked for the files and there were the files still for FTM 2009 but nothing for 2010.

Every time I put the DVD in and Install shield lads, I get the following message "1628: Failed to comple installation."

I deleted all the FTM 2009 files.

I have emailed the help line mut have received no response as yet.

I have got my laptop working but don't want to instll it on that as I cannot connect it to the Internet for some reason, even though the network thing down the bottom says it is cobbected to local and Internet. Both PCs are connected through the same router, laptop by wireless and the PC by cable.


David Report 12 Jul 2010 16:03


I will try that.


FRANK06 Report 12 Jul 2010 20:26

Hi David,

I would once again make sure you have uninstalled all FTM products from your computer.

Then download from filehippo and try the three following programs to make sure the computer is clean and clear of anything that could be upsetting it.

Ccleaner is a general cleanup program which will run quite quickly although first run may take 30 mins or so as it finds and removes all the rubbish,

Spybot and Malwarebytes will scan the whole computer and take several hours so leave them to run overnight.

Once they have finished reboot the computer and try installing FTM 2010.

It may take a while but it's worth a try.


David Report 12 Jul 2010 22:38

Thanks Frank

I have not had any sucess so far so I will try that.


InspectorGreenPen Report 13 Jul 2010 05:40

The error message is coming from the Install shield package. It is unlikely to be a problem with spyware or malware, nor FTM itself, although there is no reason not to have a good cleanout as suggested, especially your temp directory.

I would also install and run a program called Eusing Free Registry Cleaner, which can be downloaded from here.

Also have a look at this forum, which has a number of suggestions for solving the 1628 problem.


heatherg Report 13 Jul 2010 15:49

I'm just about to install Family Tree Maker 2010 to my computer. If I've understood correctly I should uninstall the old Tree Maker programme I have.
Does that mean I have to save all my information then import it from backup?
I haven't dared try it yet as I'm scared of losing everything.


RutlandBelle Report 13 Jul 2010 16:18

Heather I have just put FTM 2010 onto my computer and it is a completely different programme to my other FTM 2006 so at the moment I have them both. When you get onto the 2010 version it will ask you if you want to download a tree from another source. I have downloaded my Ancestry Tree and also the other 6 small ones I have on my old FTM. So at then moment I have both programmes on my computer till I have made sure I have everything as I want it.

Last week someone had problem installing with Windows XP and she had to pause her anti-virus till FTM installed but I had no problem with Vista

Good luck and go for it! Jennifer


InspectorGreenPen Report 13 Jul 2010 16:58

Don't uninstall the FTM 2006 - it will live quite happily with FTM 2010 which is a completely different program, not an upgrade, as RB has said. Your tree data is not part of either program and is held in separate files. Data created on 2006 can be converted to 2010 automatically.

David has another problem which is probably unconnected with FTM. It is to do with the Windows Installer program which failing to complete the installation for some reason.


David Report 13 Jul 2010 18:35

Ask Sam says that 90% of the time clearing the temp file will solve the problem and says how you find its location. Mine says it is TEMP=C:\DOCUME~1\DAVID\LOCALS~1\TEMP The problem is that I cannot find folder LOCALS~1 or anything like it. I have a temp file on C:\ but that seems be only used by HP Photosmart.

I tried all the other suggestions and MS says that the Installer Engine should not need to be installed on XP.

I have another error which shows when booting up, it is something like Smartheap Error Mem Bad Pointer. I tried all types of suggestions without sucess and eventually downloaded a fix from MS which did absolutely nothing as far as I can see.


RutlandBelle Report 13 Jul 2010 19:11

David all I can say is that last week someone else had a problem , she turned off all her anti-virus software etc and installed with no problem. Then turned it back on again and everything was OK.


FRANK06 Report 13 Jul 2010 19:33

IF............ you are going to disable any anti-virus or firewall, make sure you are not online.
As long as you have either saved a program or have the installation disc, any program can be installed offline only requiring connection for updates etc.

DO......... ensure that all the security has been re-established before going back online !!


David Report 13 Jul 2010 23:35

Thank you

I disabled my Kaspersky, installed the software OK then reactivated the pprotection and connected to the Internat and it seems OK.

I tried activating my 6 months Ancestry but It says I have to phone so I will call them in the morning.

I just received a reply from Ancestry about installation problrms and it seems rather complicated.


Madmeg Report 14 Jul 2010 00:01

Oh Gawd, I dare not disturb my FTM 2005. Scared or what?


FRANK06 Report 14 Jul 2010 20:54

I already had FTM 2006 installed on my Windows Vista computer and have recently installed FTM 2010 without any problem.
I am well aware that many people have issues with Vista but I've never had a problem with mine which was on a new computer.

That said, I was much happier with FTM 2006 which I still have need to uninstall.


David Report 14 Jul 2010 23:46

THasnks all

All sorted out now, and Ancestry activated.

I think the problem with installing it was Kaspersky. After disabling that installation well ahead with no probs.