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Census data - Western Australia

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Janice Report 18 Jun 2010 15:40

I was wondering if someone could give me some advice on this. I have found a George and Eleanor Edwards with 4 children emigrating from the UK to Australia in 1830 aboard the Rockingham. However, the person I am helping doesn't know where in the UK they came from. I assume this would be recorded on subsequent censuses but I don't know when they were taken or if the records are available. Is there anyone with WA research experience who can point me in the right direction please?



Jonesey Report 18 Jun 2010 17:01

I am afraid that once the desired statistics are compiled the originals of Australian census forms are destroyed. Consequently there are no Australian census records available to the public.


Janice Report 18 Jun 2010 18:38

I knew this was true from 1901 but I was hoping that the very earliest ones had survived. Oh well, back to the drawing board.


Reece Report 18 Jun 2010 20:32

There should be a record of this family on their arrival on the "Rockingham" either as "Assisted or Unassisted or Bounty Migrants." Where did you find the information on the name of the ship and the year 1830, please? The place of birth and other information is usually recorded on the ship's list.

Did they arrive in WA and settle there?

Happy to help, with just a little more detail if you can
find out any more. Meanwhile I shall look for the 'Rockingham' and see what I can find.

Edit: Forgot to say also have a look at "AUSTRALIAN RESEARCH TIPS" by TonyOz .


Janice Report 18 Jun 2010 23:34

Hi Reece,

I was given the name of the ship and the year by my friend, whose family this is. She remembered being told it by her grandmother.

I found the sailing on
It arrived on May 14th in Fremantle from London

The passenger list is here

Yes, they settled in Western Australia. My friend is currently in the UK but only till July, and I am trying to find out something about their life in the UK prior to 1830.

Thanks for your offer of help.


Reece Report 19 Jun 2010 08:53

The 'Rockingham' was shipwrecked on 14 May 1830 and if you put that into google you will be able to find some more interesting history on it for your friend. There is a booklet "The Story of Rockingham 1830" by Cygnet which she may be able to either buy or borrow or access through the WA Libraries on her return.

Yes, I found the passenger list with the names on but we really need to see if we can find more shipping records. I will take up the challenge for you. Hopefully, some others may join us in looking for any possible records.

If your friend doesn't know it already, there is a book by Mary Durack "To Be Heirs Forever" (published by Corgi in 1979) based on the records, letters etc. of Eliza Shaw and her family who settled on the Swan River in 1829. It is a wonderful read and I would recommend it to give her a picture of her ancestors' lives at that time.

Can you or your friend get to the GRO at Kew, London where there should be more information?

PM me if you would prefer.


Janice Report 19 Jun 2010 12:46

Hi Reece,

Thanks for that info - I've started reading up about it.

I can get to Kew in the summer holidays to find out more. I'll pass the other info you gave me on to my friend on Monday.

Thanks again,


Reece Report 20 Jun 2010 15:15

I've just had another look around for your George Edwards and have asked for help in Oz and have a message to say that there is a Death for a George Edwards in 1897 in the WA BDM index - and I've just tried but cannot bring it up. You might have more success! It was also suggested to try Gloucestershire as a possible place of birth.

Also had a look on this newspaper site but also try other newspaper sites.

Two more books mentioned on the Rockingham are "Unfinished Voyages" by Graeme Henderson (pages 113, 114 and 118) and "The Sea and The Forest" - a history of the Port of Rockingham by V.G. Fall pub. 1972 by the WA University Press for the Shire Council.

Another place to try is the "Ask a Librarian" service in WA.

Hope this might be of some help.


Janice Report 20 Jun 2010 16:07

Hi Reece,
Thanks for this. I managed to access the WA BMDs and found the George from Gloucester. I think he is probably not the right one as he would only have been 16 in 1830. George and Eleanor emigrated with 4 children so I need someone born earlier than this one.
Thanks for that site info though. I'll have a closer look.

Edit: found an Eleanor Edwards death in 1872 age 73 which looks hopeful. Unfortunately it says place of birth unknown AAAAGGGGGHHHHH!


Reece Report 20 Jun 2010 20:46

Hi Janice,

Just found this on IGI

Marriage: George William Edwards to Eleanor Brady 17 October 1819 Saint Mary, Newington, Surrey, England Batch No M055631 1819-1821 Source Call No. 0307698 Film Printout Call Bo: 6906151

Birth/Christening: William Edwards 16 November 1820 Baptism 10 December 1820 St George The Martyr, Southwark, London, England
Parents: George and Eleanor Edwards

I have no idea whether these might be the family Edwards but it is the only record I could find on the IGI with a George and Eleanor and it would fit the time being looked at.

Worth a try? Does your friend know the names of the four children or any of their descendants?

Enough for now!




Janice Report 20 Jun 2010 21:16

Hi Reece,

I'm hoping she does know the children's names! Won't know till Mon/Tues when I next see her.
I saw that marriage too but ignored it because of the middle name. However, it could be that i haven't been told he had a middle name.

I have also found another marriage on Ancestry - George Edwards and Eleanor Dyson in 1827. Bit late unless they started the family before the marriage!

Anyway, thanks again for your time and help. Will let you know if I find out any more details.



Brett Report 16 Jul 2010 22:35


I am a volunteer with RAOGK and have been contacted by Janice Walker to assist with research of this family. It appears this has already been requested by Janice through this wesbite. My first contact from Janice was 14th July and now that I know this query is being researched by a number of individuals, I will leave it with you all.

Good luck.


Janice Report 27 Jul 2010 12:56

Hi Prento,

Just seen your message on Genes and wanted to clear something up. The Janice who contacted you isn't me, but the friend I'm helping is also a friend of hers.

Janice - not Walker.


Kerri Report 28 Jul 2010 05:49

My GGGrandparents also came out to WA on the Rockingham. And there is 1832 WA census information available-I have 2 photocopied sheets but neither have your EDWARDS family.
Its called "A Colony Detailed-The First Census of Western Australia; 1832- source -Battye Library,WA.


Janice Report 28 Jul 2010 10:52

Hi Kerri,

Thanks for that info, and thanks for looking on your sheets. Definitely something to follow up.
