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BatMansDaughter Report 14 Jun 2010 19:42

Hi Folks,

Hope I can word this correctly??!!

I was winding away the time looking through my threads and noticed that so often the info we find for the original poster hinges on the outcome of a particular certificate. The OP will often say that they will let us know the outcome, but sadly I have found that often this isn't the case.

I know that I can totally lose myself in the OP ancestry, when the chase is on to track them down and I sort of feel (for that time frame) as if you "know" the ancestor? So to know the outcome of your work, whether it be correct or not would be great.

So what I suppose I'm trying to say is; Please if you have received help and the research done on your behalf hinges on the information from a certifcate, please let us know if our super sleuthing has helped you trace your ancestry..... I know it's exciting when you open the envelope and read the info, but don't forget about us please.

It's not a moan, really, just pure interest.

Dee x


GlitterBaby Report 14 Jun 2010 19:46

Totally agree.

Would love to know if info posted by me or other members on a thread was correct when the person finally gets the certs



Chrissie2394 Report 14 Jun 2010 20:15

I quite agree BMD.

Not knowing the outcome is so frustrating.

I have a thread on the TTF board and have received some great help and advice. Unfortunately I ordered a certificate before asking for help and when it came it was obviously the wrong one. Another birth was found for me and I should receive that certificate by the weekend. Whatever it says I will be updating my thread.



BatMansDaughter Report 14 Jun 2010 20:54

That's great Chris.... I think that's all we want, just to know if it all works out in the end.

Hi Maureen, it would be good to know the outcome. Sometimes as we know a family isn't as straight forward as it first may appear, so feedback from the original poster would be appreciated all round (I think).

Dee x


Madmeg Report 14 Jun 2010 22:14

Abslutely agree, sometimes I can feel like the family is as important as my own.

I want to know what the result is. Makes it all worthwhile.


SylviaInCanada Report 15 Jun 2010 05:07

absolutely agree ..... it is always great when someone does come back and update their thread



Kathlyn Report 15 Jun 2010 16:41

I do agree 100%. But if I am doing research for a friend, they are not particularly keen on putting their hands in their pockets and will accept what info you have given them. I always tell anyone I do any research for it is not 100% unless a certificate authenticates it.

I think I do reply to anyone who has given me help, usually by a pm just incase time may have elapsed from asking to replying.

I cannot stress enough just how kind and helpfull members of this site are, I would be looking at many brick walls without their unskimping help.



Loopylou Report 15 Jun 2010 17:13

Oh Dear,l think l might of sliped up.l put a thank you on success storys.3/6/10. l wanted to thank Gwyn in Kent.Mrs Gumpy.& Rutland bell.for their help finding a death cert.forJoseph Paul Mierau. with their help found under Macraw.
thank you so much. Bette. / Loopyloo/


Tina Report 15 Jun 2010 17:38

Yes I agree it is nice to hear how the story has unfolded. I helped with a request on the Records Office Board over a year ago. I found out the info requested and was thanked on the board for the information.

Over a year later I got a PM from the lady to tell me how further research and a visit from a relative from abroad had panned out and to once again thank me for getting her on the right track, I have to say I was really touched by this gesture and it has made me want to help others whenever I can!!

Too many times we hear about people not saying thanks for information but I have to say not everyone is like that!!!!

Debbie K

Debbie K Report 15 Jun 2010 17:51

Hi Dee

If I do ever get to the bottom of any of my family

Once I get off the floor once my shock has passed I would gladly let you know lol

Deb K


SylviaInCanada Report 15 Jun 2010 19:46


Thanks for the pm this morning :)))))

I almost invariably suggest that buying certificates is the only way to be sure that we/them are following the correct family.

Far too many people respond that they can't afford any more certificates because ... (name the reason!).

This isn't a cheap hobby, but people seem to think it is, or should be!

I used to tell people that all the information I gave them should be double-checked ............................ far too many think that means a second person finding the same information from the same source

which isn't what I meant!!!

I almost never post anything from familysearch records, especially if I get a feeling the the seeker is inexperienced, without a comment such as "extracted records are taken from the actual parish records, and are subject to the same mistranscription errors as any such source" and "submitted records have been sent in by individuals, usually LDS church members, and have no backing documentation. Such records must not be added to your tree until and unless you can find that backing documentation"

How many pay attention??????

goes off stage left shaking head and mumbling incoherently


Chris in Sussex

Chris in Sussex Report 15 Jun 2010 20:39


The phrase...You can lead a horse ect! springs to mind :-)

But then again....How many 'porkies' are told on BMD certs?

I have my fingers firmly crossed that my research is thorough but, in many cases, I have had to rely on the honesty of informants on B&D certs back to 1837.



SylviaInCanada Report 16 Jun 2010 01:06


you are correct

we don't know that the certificates are true!

but they are the best that we can do



SylviaInCanada Report 16 Jun 2010 01:22

how about this comment that I've just seen on a thread

This is so highly appreciated, and your searching really does help me as I often travel and don't have time to sit down and do all of the work myself!

very appreciative BUT ...................................


Chris in Sussex

Chris in Sussex Report 16 Nov 2010 20:35

Going through 'My Threads' I found this one and thought it worth a reminder :-)

Anyone new to here might not know that 'helpers' really do appreciate knowing what happened next after their input....However long it may take!
