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Susan Report 22 Nov 2011 11:53

Hi Everyone

It has been hot here today 32c for us and I think Perth got 35c.

I have the OH home at the moment ....he has come in handy today as I wanted another Half wine barrel to plant another tree for the pool area,I would dearly love a cocos Palm but I can't seem to get one so may have to settle for some other type of Palm.

I really don't know what I am going to do when we downsize as I have so many plants in Pots and Barrels ,I can't take them all with us.....OH well I will handle that when the time comes.

Has anyone got any news on Evelyn and Ron,I may go and check her thread for some news ,I do hope Ron is well and Evelyn is coping oK.

My cousin's ashes are being put in his fathers Grave that is next to my Grandparents Grave so he will be in good company.

I have not been on the internet for a few days ,just so busy and I have the Chrissy shopping to do yet,I have not bought a thing yet is all to soon for me this year .

Sylvia I would love a bit of snow right now.

Catch you all tomorrow .
Love to everyone .
Suex %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3

Evelyn ..Lots of love to you both %26lt%3B3


Sally Report 20 Nov 2011 21:45

hello all very cold here today and heavy mist

i have tried to find out about my grandads medal york train museum could not tell me anyting have search on line and found a little may try agaain might be something new

love to all %26lt%3B3

sally w


Tabitha Report 20 Nov 2011 17:11

Snow - in Canada - Summer in OZ & barmy weather here in the south of England.

According to our local paper our council has decided to issue an early drought warning. We have had so little rain that our reservoirs are only a 3rd full. If we don't get above average in the next two months then they will issue a drought warning & hose pipe ban from March.

Who knows whats going to happen in the next few months.

Had a break today just did a bit of family tree paper sifting - we are off to Canterbury tomorrow as they are closing in Januarry for 7 months - won't know what to do with ourselves - lot less ware & tear on the car & save a lot of petrol as well.

Glad it all went well Sue - at least you were with them in Spirit.

Waves & hugs to all the missing ones - as well as all those popping in still. Robert I knew you couldn't keep away.


Take care all %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3


Susan Report 20 Nov 2011 04:17

Hi Everyone

I have been told that everything went well on Friday for my Cousins funeral.

Funny enough it was held at the same crematorium that my Aunt 's funeral was at in a place called Westerleigh just outside of Yate Gloucestershire.

I did get the flowers there on time and they were beautiful my sister tells me.
I am glad it is all over with to be honest,as I feel totally useless over here and very much wanted to be there with all my other relies but I just could not afford to go back so soon after my Aunts Funeral.

Nice and sunny today and my garden is looking a treat.
Have a lovely day everyone .

%26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3

Edit has anyone heard from Evelyn on how Ron is ,my love and prayers are with you Evelyn %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3


SylviaInCanada Report 20 Nov 2011 01:01

%3A-D %3A-D %3A-D


Robert Report 19 Nov 2011 20:29

Saucy Cynthia!!


Cynthia Report 19 Nov 2011 13:31

Ooops. Looks like Sylvia has the hiccups!

Ven Robert, surely you have to come up for air at sometime? Never mind, we are still thinking of you and, instead of being 'winkled', how about being 'winked' at? %3B-%29 %3B-%29 %3B-%29

My decorater arrived on time this morning and has done the painting in the bedroom. On Monday he will paper the walls. Lovely chap with a young family - very friendly, willing and helpful. He came recommended and I am happy to recommend him on %3A-D

Off to pick up my daughter soon....Take care and love to all Cx. %26lt%3B3


SylviaInCanada Report 19 Nov 2011 01:49

Hi all

it snowed overnight .............. only about 1-2cm here at the house (larger amounts elsewhere in Vancouver). The grass and roof tops were all white when I looked out

Hope all is well with you guys



SylviaInCanada Report 19 Nov 2011 01:49

Hi all

it snowed overnight .............. only about 1-2cm here at the house (larger amounts elsewhere in Vancouver). The grass and roof tops were all white when I looked out

Hope all is well with you guys



Robert Report 18 Nov 2011 18:27

Dear Cynthia,

As I mentioned previously, I am in hiding until well into 2012 for fear of being "winkled".

Love to all.


Cynthia Report 18 Nov 2011 18:05

Hope everything went alright today Sue. It must be difficult for you being so far away when you want to be with your family.

Don't go rushing around too much'll wear yourself out! Do have a good time though.... %3A-D

Sally! £10! Wow! You must be spoilt for choice as to what to do with it %3A-D Enjoy it anyway...... %3A-D As for the medal you have - have you tried googling to find out what it actually is and then you can, perhaps, contact the organisation for more details......just a thought.

Wonder where Arthur, Reece and Robert have got to? I'll wave anyway ~~~~~~~

I have been busy stripping wallpaper for part of today and have finally finished. Hopefully my decorater is arriving in the morning.......tell you what though......I am getting too old to be crawling along a skirting board!

I don't like the sound of Sylvia's cold can keep over there really you can Sylvia %3B-%29

I have a cream cake sitting in the 'fridge waiting for me......I may just go and put it out of it's misery... %3A-D %3A-D

Love to all Cx. %26lt%3B3


Tabitha Report 18 Nov 2011 16:31

Congratulations Sally - we could both do with a few more Zeros after the 10

Hope everything went well Sue


Sally Report 17 Nov 2011 22:25

hello all

how wonderfull cynthia getting those medals i have a medal of my grandads it is something to do with the railways and st.johns amlance i think he recived in the1890.s

but i can not find outwhat for or why

oh and i won the lottery last night all of £10

%26lt%3B3 to evelyn and ron

sally w %3A-D


Tabitha Report 17 Nov 2011 07:53

I will be thinking of you on Friday Sue

I have two days off now - (4 if you include the weekend) good for me not for the OT or the bills - hopefully there is a silver lining somewhere & something will turn up before December 1st arrives (pay day cut off for Dec)

((((((((((~~~~~~~~~))))))))) for Ron & Evelyn & Reece Take care get well soon

Have to dash off to sort a few things out here in the office.

Will try & pop in over the weekend. Not Sat or Monday as too busy flying around the countryside as usual. Just can't sit & do nothing.

Take care all %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3


SylviaInCanada Report 17 Nov 2011 06:31

Hi all

Susan .............. I hope all goes well for your cousin's funeral. I know you will be there in spirit.

Reece .......... how are you???? I havent' forgotten that you are struggling with shingles.

It has been pouring with rain, and heavy rain today ..... typical November weather for here! It does mean lots of snow up on the mountains ..... which is lovely for the skiers

The last 2 or 3 days were beautiful ...... sunny and crisp, but with temperatures down to 1 or 2C overnight

We have Municipal Elections on Saturday all over the province.

This is the first such election that I can remember where we have not received a brochure from City Hall listing all the candidates for Council, School Board, Parks Board, and any referendums (for raising money).

We have city-wide elections, not wards ........... so we have to vote for the Mayor, 9 Councillors, 7 Parks Board and 5 School Board (I think that is right %3A-S)

I'm going to have to go searching on the web to determine who I am going to vote for!

take care everyone



Susan Report 17 Nov 2011 04:17

Hi Everyone

A lot of emailing at the moment back and forth the Uk .

Arrangements have been made for my cousins funeral all a go for Friday 2pm.

Anne it has been quiet but with Evelyn and Ron going through a bad time it is all a bit sad in here at the present,I don't feel to cheery myself either.

Sylvia is all clear so that is good news.

Rain for us today I don't mind really as it all helps to water the gardens ,they are already starting to dry out a bit so watering of the gardens by sprinklers not to far away.

I have been cutting hair of late ,not a hairdresser or anything like one just seem to be able to cut hair Ok, the son likes to have a no 4 for Summer and the Grandson is coming over to have the same today.
Can't cut my own mind you I have to pay for mine to be done.

Well I am off to the shops today,have a good day everyone .

Thinking of you Evelyn and Ron %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3

Love to you all.

Suex %3A-D %26lt%3B3


Tabitha Report 15 Nov 2011 14:05

Well its been a bit quiet around here for the last few days

Not a lot to report - hear Ron isn't so well at the moment

((((((~~~~~~~~~))))))) to Evelyn & Ron Take care

Cynthia - hows the decorating going?

Sue - Spag Boll - must do one soon - haven't had one in ages - really fancy it now

Will have to stick with the ham sandwich & yogurt for now.

Will wonder off to look at the boards.

Take care all %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3


Susan Report 15 Nov 2011 07:13

Hi Everyone

Sorry Cynthia a few very busy days of late and I am still trying to arrange flowers to the Uk for my Cousins Funeral .

It is on Friday ,he is being Cremated,they did a Post mortem on him last Friday but still no word on the cause of death so I guess we just have to wait.

We do have remembrance day as well but no public holiday as such,I love the way the young ones are taking the places in the parades of the old diggers that went to War .
If they could only see them they would be so proud.
I must admit I do have a little cry for the ones that did not come home even though I never knew them.

Sylvia it sounds like you are really coping it over there with your storms we are heading for the hot stuff worst luck.

I have just a few more weeds to pull out of the Garden them I am done for the day ,already have dinner on slowly cooking...Spaghetti Bog tonight one of my favorites and very easy to cook too.

Will drop in a bit later.
Suex %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3


Cynthia Report 14 Nov 2011 22:01

Where's everyone gone??? %3A-S

Quite a busy few days here what with one thing and another. We're hoping to have our bedroom decorated this weekend so I have been busy stripping the old wallpaper off. It took longer than expected so I'm going to have to have another go at it later.

We had some damaged pointing sorted on Friday and Saturday and a couple of other jobs done too. At least that is out of the way before winter sets in %3A-D

Managing to get most of the Christmas shopping done gradually - vouchers come in really handy!

Had a lovely surprise from my cousin's daughter in Canada on Saturday. We chat on FB occasionally and, as I had posted a picture of my grandfather (her gt. grandfather) wearing his medals, she commented on how much she liked the picture and that she had those medals.

I found this strange because I know I have them here. Hmmmm.....after a chat, she posted a picture of the medals she has. They are a totally different set and are from his time spent in the Boer War. She has offered to pass them on to me because she knows I am into family history etc.

I was so touched by this gesture and can't wait for them to arrive. I feel so proud of him having all those medals and just wished I had asked him more about his military career.

Must stop waffling as it's nearly bedtime.

Night friends....and love to all

Isn't it interesting how Canada has Remembrance Day as a national day off and yet we don't??

%26lt%3B3 Cx.


SylviaInCanada Report 13 Nov 2011 06:58

Hi all

it was a very wet day today. Lots of minor flooding on the roads .......because there are many blocked drains due to all the leaves that were blown off the trees yesterday!

I went downtown for some retail therapy.

Take care
