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SylviaInCanada Report 1 Jul 2015 03:57

we've all been skiving off %3A-%29

The weather has been very hot here for the last week or 10 days, and it's going to continue to at least the end of this week. It's been getting to 27/29C outside in the shade in the back garden. This means the house if getting up to 31/32C %3A-%28

We have free-standing fans switched on all the time

64 records for high temperatures were broken in this province over the weekend ......... some of the records date back over 100 years %3A-0 The oldest record that was broken was I think set in 1896

Otherwise, we are well.

Although I had to get an emergency appointment at the doctor's on Monday afternoon .............. I phoned in about 10 am and was told they would see they could do. Receptionist phoned back in less than 10 minutes with an appointment for 1:50 pm %3A-%29

Mossies are very bad here this year, and a bite I got the week before seemed to heal, but then the itching started again last Wednesday. By Sunday, I had a big red patch in the crook of my elbow, a rash, and very bad itching. Hence wanting to get into see the doc.

The doctors (I saw both the Resident in training and his superior) suspect I have Erysipelas, a bacterial infection of the skin, resulting from that mossie bite. I'm on a 7-day course of antibiotic (1 4xday)

The doc marked the outer limits of the redness and rash, and other marks on my lower arm and on the upper arm, both about ½" from the outer limits. If there is no improvement in 48 hours from when I saw him, or the redness has gone past the outside marks ......... I have to go to Emergency to get a stronger antibiotic by intravenous.

I also was told to buy the lowest dose of an over-the-counter histamine usually taken for allergies, and take 1 or 2 every 4-6 hours. That's really helping with the itchiness.

It has spread slightly ........ past the margins but not yet at the other marks. But I have only taken 6 of the antibiotics.

It isn't painful or anything, but the histamine is making me sleepy!

Tomorrow, July 1st, is Canada Day ........ the 148th birthday of the formation of Canada


Tabitha Report 29 Jun 2015 13:03

Ok where is everyone -


Old Report 5 Jun 2015 20:16


I replied yesterday but my reply appears to have disappeared.

Glad you are back at work. Having Shadow with you whilst you convalesced must have helped your recovery.

Vikki is loving going outside. She has made an amazing recovery.

I think I must have lost weight opening the door for her sister when the cat flap was closed.- she loves going out even if it is raining. She presented me with a present - a dead mouse. This is the first kill since my return from my holiday. Perhaps she needs Vikki to help her.


Tabitha Report 4 Jun 2015 13:28


Hope all is progressing well

Amazing weather today - makes you feel so much better

1st week back at work trying to work the full hours - feel so tired

Fell asleep on my feet last night waiting for the oven to warm up
Night bef said to OH just sit for a few mins & then go & put dinner on. he came down after changing and found me asleep on the sofa with Shadow on my lap.

Shadow by the way is now known as "The Sleeping Pill" If he sits on you & wants to settle down - he will keep yawning at you till you fall asleep. Even if he is out he has a knack of knowing when you sit on a comfy chair or sofa and will rush back in & attach himself.

In our case at the moment it does not take a lot for it to happen we just seem to go.


Old Report 1 Jun 2015 18:36


Keeping her in has been a challenge, especially as her sister likes going out all the time.

I will be very slim - ha ha - as I have to get up and go to the back door to let her in many times a day.

I managed 1 tablet against the 5 I was supposed to give Vikki. She only likes dry food! Also she did not like the anti-inflammatory pain relief sprinkled on her food.

Saw the vet this morning - agreed on Friday - and she was delighted with her. Gave her two injections in lieu of tablets and said try to give tablets Tuesday and Wednesday then she can go out. - hooray.

The analysis of the stones will take another 2 weeks and then I will know if she needs a special diet. Hopefully not as it is not the cost, just needing to keep separate foods for the two cats when they will each eat the other's food given a chance.

Amazing how quickly animals - particularly cats - recover from major surgery, and seem almost oblivious to pain.


Tabitha Report 1 Jun 2015 13:36

Wonderful news - did you manage to keep her in?

The vet said to place the anitbiotic in a small piece of chicken or ham - but it didn't work with Shadow as he dosn't like normal food


Old Report 29 May 2015 18:14

VIKKI is back home and back to her normal happy energetic self.

It is going to be difficult to keep her in until she sees the vet on Monday.


Old Report 29 May 2015 14:21

Collecting Vikki this afternoon.

Difficulty I am sure will be keeping her in the house, especially with her sister poppin in and out at regular intervals.

Another difficulty may be giving her antibiotic tablets .

Awaiting analysis of the bladder stones to see if she needs a special diet, but for the moment she can have the same dry food as her sister.


Tabitha Report 27 May 2015 18:35

Arthur wonderful news - hope Vikki is soon back at home

Thank you Sylvia its much better now just finishing off the last lot of drops - I have my next check up on 17 June

Hope you had a fun time with your little grandson


SylviaInCanada Report 27 May 2015 17:33


that is good news!!

Tabitha ............. hope your eye is now well on the road to recovery. xxx


Old Report 27 May 2015 09:06

Great news

VIKKI had the surgery to remove two bladder stones yesterday.

The surgery has phoned to say everything is positive - she had something to eat overnight. They will monitor her progress over today and all being well I will pick her up tomorrow.


Tabitha Report 25 May 2015 07:54

Happy Bank Holiday

Hope you are all busy out and about with family or working on your trees.

Sally hope all is well with your Oh

Take care
%26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3


Tabitha Report 21 May 2015 16:19

Arthur glad you have it under control at last.

Hope all goes well for the operation

Will be thinking of you on Tuesday


Old Report 21 May 2015 12:56

The mystery problem affecting one of my two cats has been solved.

I visited the Queen Mother Veterinary hospital on Tuesday at 0930. It is a most beautiful place set in beautiful grounds and instils confidence from the moment you enter through the secure gates.

A supervising vet Jess and a trainee vet met me and the young vet was asked to take a history of Vikki's problem - she has had blood in her urine and had been spraying. This has become much worse recently.

All tests at my local surgery,including ultrasound, blood tests and urine cultures had been negative. Treatment had been long term anti-biotics.

Vikki was the model patient and submitted to the thorough checks.

Jess, the supervising vet recommended that they perform an ultrasound under sedation - their equipment is superior to anything in the local vet's surgery. They would also repeat blood tests and try to culture to see if there was an existing infection.

I left Vikki hoping to collect her at 1900. I live an hour from the Hospital, but have to use the Dartford tunnel and QE11 Bridge, but on all 4 journeys I was lucky with the traffic.

Jess phoned me at 1400 and siad they had found the cause of Vikki;s problem - 2 stones in her bladder.

When I collected Vikki, ess explained that stones can result from 3 conditions. firstly from an infection. secondly from a problem with the urinary system in the body nd lastly from causes that they do not yet understand. The solution in all cases is to remove the stones by an operation - sometimes possible to dissolve by medication, but this can be a long process.

Jess said that she was confident that Vikki did not have a physical proble, and future treatment would be determined by analysis of the stones. In all probabilty there would be no need for special diet or medication.

I have fixed to have her operation at my local surgery on tuesday 26th May. The vet who has been looking after her returns from holiday that day, so earliest possible date.

Will let you know how it goes. At present Vikkiappears not to have a care in the world and it is difficult to believe she has anything wrong with her, but the photo of the stones on the ultrasound does not lie. She looks rather funny as half her fur was shaved to enable the ultrasound.

On Family history I expect shortly to receive details of the investigations conducted by the Probate Research ompany. Should make fascinating reading.


Sally Report 12 May 2015 21:40


my computer is on a slow it is all right after a while but I am only on here for 30 mins or so at a time and early to bed as I get so tierd

my daughter has cleaned right through today that has been a great help as the cats are moltimh like mad

oh is still at home as he said he will have some help to wash and dress as he is getting a bit muddled now and again

thankyou for your messages and to come out of hideing

sally w %26lt%3B3


Tabitha Report 12 May 2015 19:10

Sally so sorry to hear your news - thinking of you

I had my eye op 3 weeks ago so been resting off line. That's my excuse

We are all here for you Sally wish I was nearer for you

Take care


Old Report 12 May 2015 09:28


Armenia was great and yes I was there for the plants.

Beautiful country and very nice people. So sad that the difference between rich and poor is so extreme - and there and many poor.

Our last hotel was visited by Kim Kardashian and I got to sit in her chair - I had plenty of room. . The hotel was outstanding and we pinched ourselves to think we were staying there.

Also stayed in a Best Western in Dilijan that was amazing, plus a hotel near the Iranian border that served mine executives - very impressive.

Best part of holiday was losing weight - lost 5 lbs through walking and climbing hills. May have acquired a clicking knee as a result !



SylviaInCanada Report 12 May 2015 01:37

and I've just been hiding!!

Sally ........... so sorry to hear that your OH is not well (((xxx)))

Take care xxxx

Arthur ........... pleased to hear that the Probate business is finally completed %3A-%29

How was Armenia?? I assume you were plant searching?

I hope you didn't overlap with the Kardashian woman's visit %3A-%28

we're doing well. The weather is pretty good here, everything is 2-3 weeks early from spring flowers to berry fruits in the market gardens!

Our daughter and grandson arrive on Friday evening for a 1 week visit. It will be nice to see them.


Old Report 11 May 2015 14:29


Returned today from 2 weeks in Armenia

Sorry to hear the news of your OH. My thoughts are with you.



Sally Report 10 May 2015 19:45

hello all

as every one seems to be in hideing with me

I would poke my nose out

my oh is not very good at all he had a blood transfuseshon on Friday andis a little better but might go in a hospice next week

sally w %26lt%3B3