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Emmanuel Goldstein

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Dawn Report 3 May 2010 08:16

I am trying to find Emmanuel Goldstein. I know he married Alice Williams in 1880 and they had 4 children, David, George, ? Mary, Edward. They married in Stroud, Gloucestershire, England. I have almost completed Alice's tree from this point forward but am unable to find Emmanuel anywhere else other that one entry on the 1881 census when he was living alone according to this census. I would be very grateful for any information on Emmanuel as I have now been researching him for several years with no success.

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Click ADD REPLY button - not this link! Report 3 May 2010 08:57

This one?

1881 England Census
about Emmanuel Goldsteen
Name: Emmanuel Goldsteen
Age: 23
Estimated birth year: abt 1858
Relation: Head
Gender: Male
Where born: British Subject, Russia

Civil parish: Stroud
County/Island: Gloucestershire
Country: England

Street Address: Belleview Road
Condition as to marriage: Married

Employment status: View image
Occupation: Tailor

Registration district: Stroud
Sub-registration district: Stroud
ED, institution, or vessel: 10
Neighbors: View others on page
Household Members: Name Age
Emmanuel Goldsteen 23



Lindsey* Report 3 May 2010 09:07

Does his marriage cert name his father ?

Edit, marriage cert on ancestry tree father farmer

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Click ADD REPLY button - not this link! Report 3 May 2010 09:12

A tree on Ancestry lists his father as Lazarus. Are the other Goldsteins in Stroud his brothers?



Dawn Report 5 May 2010 20:36

Emmanue'ls Father was recorded as Lazarus on marriage cert and his occupation was 'Farmer'. I do not know if any of the other Goldsteins in Stroud at this time were related but this is certainly something I will check.

Thanks for these tips.


Ivy Report 5 May 2010 23:11

Alice says that she is still married in 1901. I see that the shop next to her parents' tobacconists says "non-resident - nights" and premises further on say "no person sleeps on premises". This makes me wonder whether Emmanuel was a night shift worker and not recorded on the census. Would electoral roll information be useful?


Dawn Report 5 May 2010 23:30

Thanks for this suggestion Ivy, but not sure how to go about getting electoral roll information, never done this before would be grateful for some advice on this.


Ivy Report 5 May 2010 23:35

Hi Dawn,

Electoral roll info is usually kept locally, for instance at the local library.

I'll see if I can locate anything for Stroud or Abergavenny.


Ivy Report 5 May 2010 23:38

Stroud library only has microfilmed newspapers for the town from 1852 and county directories from 1829


Ivy Report 5 May 2010 23:42

Gloucestershire archives do hold the electoral rolls, but do not state at which location - might be worth emailing/phoning them?


Gloucestershire Archives
Clarence Row
Alvin Street

Telephone: + 44 (0) 1452 425295

Fax: + 44 (0) 1452 426378

Email: [email protected]


Ivy Report 5 May 2010 23:51

Gwent Record Office hold the electoral roll info, but with a move planned for 2011, are currently only open Wed-Fri. The contact details are:

Gwent Record Office
Tel: 01633 644886
Email: Gwent Records

- see

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Click ADD REPLY button - not this link! Report 6 May 2010 00:41

In 1881 there's Joseph, Charles and Morris who are all tailors born in Poland living in Stroud. They are all born in the 1850s.


Paul Barton, Special Agent

Paul Barton, Special Agent Report 6 May 2010 01:54

In 1894 there's a Jos. Goldstein at 105 Slad Road, Stroud, Master Tailor.


Ivy Report 6 May 2010 05:59

If you use the search trees option (dark green tab at the top of the page), and look for Goldstein born in Stroud between 1880 and 1900, most members listed are researching Emmanuel's family, but one contact, Mark, has Maurice's children Ada, Beatrice, Lewis and Mildred listed - he might be able to tell you whether Maurice's father is Lazarus too?


Ivy Report 6 May 2010 07:01

Had you seen this item on the 1891 census?

Name: Lazarus Goldstein
Age: 60
Estimated birth year: abt 1831
Relation: Father
Spouse's name: Jane
Gender: Male
Where born: Poland

Civil parish: Mile End Old Town
Ecclesiastical parish: Stepney St Augustine
Town: London
County/Island: London
Country: England

Registration district: Mile End Old Town
Sub-registration district: Mile End Old Town, Western
ED, institution, or vessel: 11

Household Members:
Name Age
Meyer Rosenstein 32
Esther Rosenstein 30 (presumably the daughter of Lazarus)
Samuel Rosenstein 9 b England
Amelia Rosenstein 12 b Poland
Rachael Rosenstein 10 b Poland
Lazarus Goldstein 60
Jane Goldstein 60

Class: RG12; Piece: 301; Folio 97; Page 41

On this information, Rachael would have been born between say April 1880 and March 1881, which fits with the time frame with Emmanuel, Morris and Charles turning up in Stroud and marrying in 1880, 1881 and 1882 (but not to say that this is the same family necessarily).


Dawn Report 6 May 2010 22:33

Thankyou to everyone I have had some really useful information and tips. I am going to follow some of these up and will let you all know if anything comes of it. Many thanks