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19 Apr 2010 07:11 |
Hi would anyone that is familiar with Irish records be able to assist with the following?
I have a marriage that may have occurred in Tipperary between two people with relatively common surnames (both were born in Tipperary) so am assuming that they were married there.
I have tried a large number of checks in the Irish records but I do not know if the marriage may have taken place in the North or South of Tipperary and I do not know how to narrow the search to find which area is the right one.
It has cost me a small fortune so far and I am no closer to finding a single thing. This is my first real foray into Irish records and I am a little disillusioned with how tricky it is, compared to the relatively straight forward Scottish records. I have tried and tried to look for myself, but am a bit perplexed, maybe there are easier ways to find Irish records but am not sure…why can’t you do a search that covers the whole of Ireland not just parts of each county!
Any ideas…please before I go completely around the bend!
19 Apr 2010 08:36 |
Have you tried the Irish civil registration index in the Mormons site? here -;c=1408347
19 Apr 2010 08:41 |
I've nudged up the thread on Irish Research Tips for you
19 Apr 2010 09:20 |
Thanks Joy, yes I have and there is nothing there. Based on the information provided on their last child's death certificate they state they married in 1848 in Tipperary but there isn't anything to support this that I can find.
Thanks Inspector, I have checked quite a few of these sites but a lot are relevant to specific areas and not Tipperary.
They emigrated to Australia in 1855 so I guess before the census records, and I have not been able to locate death records in Victoria for them either so no clues there.
19 Apr 2010 09:30 |
Okay, so the next step is to ask around if anyone has the BVRI (British Vital Records Index) because 1848 is when marriage records started in Ireland; also, ask on Australian threads for help concerning the death records; and subscribe (free) on the rootsweb mailing list for Tipperary and ask on there.
And you could post on the rootschat forum, too - here -,77.0.html
Let us know how you get on :-)
19 Apr 2010 09:57 |
Rachelle... Can you list what do have ..Religion names etc. Evidence of when and where they arrived in Aus. The difficulty you may have in locating the require is dependant on where the couple lived eg if they were RC.... then what Diocese...? Many RC Records are not in the Public and Emly... Dependant on the area of the Co.Tipp. the families lived then you may find the Records are in the Co Waterford.... Sounds complicated but its not really just need to locate where the family came from and if they were RC which Parish and Diocese they lived. Then try and determine where the Records may be...
19 Apr 2010 23:33 |
Thanks Joy and Eringobrah,
I have posted a message on the site you have listed Joy and will see how I go. Thank you for that reccomendation.
Eringobrah, the diificulty I have had is that they have such a common surname of Kennedy, that I have not been able to find and entry into Australia for them.
They were Mathew Kennedy b 1830 and Mary Kennedy nee Hennessy b 1831. They had the following children: Ellen b 1850 in Tipperary and Edmond or Edmund (I can't read the handwriting) in 1855 when they emigrated to Australia and then another six in Victoria.
Their daughter married in a Church of England service so I do not know if that was the family's religious denomination in Ireland or whether she just got married due to her husband's choice etc. Their youngest daughter Margaret who died in 1879 at the age of 11 was buried with a Roman Catholic service. Prior deaths in 1964 and 1866 do not show the denomination of the funeral services.
I have been to see Ellen's grave and unforunately it is not marked with a headstone so that does not give me any more information.
I have done quite a few searches using the Irish Family History foundation in Tipperary but have not been able to locate a match.
No one who has been working on this side of the family has ever got past this point so it would be nice to make even a tiny tiny bit of headway!
20 Apr 2010 08:55 |
20 Apr 2010 13:40 |
HI Joy,
Just letting you know that I tried the rootsweb site you suggested, however I was advised that I have "a snowballs chance in hell" to locate them in Tipperary. Unfortunately that disheartened me completely, whether that was the poster's intention or not, that was the end result!
Apparently what I know is not sufficient and I don't know how to get anything else!
Thanks all for your suggestions guess I will give up the hunt for them.
Cheers anyway, much appreciated.
Chris in Sussex
20 Apr 2010 15:17 |
Ok put them on the 'back burner' for now but every so often revist them. As more records come online then maybe, just maybe, one day what you need will appear.
For years I searched for the marriage of my GGrandparents who were said to have met and married in Egypt (Where my Grandmother was born)...He was from Essex and she was from Ireland.
Well last year, while snowed in and bored, I entered GGrandmother's name into the LDS pilot site and a marriage popped up. Interested I entered GGrandfather's name......YES!!!!.....In Ireland.
I am still no further forward with researching GGrandmother's birth but I will keep revisiting sites and, hopefully, one day I will be as lucky as I was with their marriage.
Good luck Chris
20 Apr 2010 16:46 |
Rachelle...I would be saying that the chances of finding the couple pre..1800 is perhaps less than 10% even if you have a bundle of evidence as to where they came from ...however the time frame you are looking for is a little more optimistic but it cannot be done overnite .I would widen my search into neighbouring Counties especially for the Marriage as Mary Hennessey may not have originated from the Co. Tipp.... I cannot locate their immigration to Aus. for the time frame you have ...but will continue to search around...
20 Apr 2010 18:39 |
They are very knowledgeable people on that site. Yes, I saw your post there.
However, please look at people offering help concerning Australian records. For instance, here - or here - - both on the records board here.
20 Apr 2010 19:06 |
There are more replies for you in rootschat site now.
21 Apr 2010 03:31 |
Thanks so much everyone.
I would guess from the other site that they were most likely Roman Catholics and I would assume they emigrated because of the poor living conditions in Ireland at that time.
I can only guess the time period they emigrated based on the death certificate of the daughter Ellen, in which it states the number of years that she resided in Australia. Ellen died on 13 Jan 1937 aged 86 years, having resided 82 years in Australia, birthplace: Tipperary, Ireland. I have checked State immigration records, public record offices, archives etc in Australia, such a common name though and there is always teh possibility that the emigrated just under Mr and Mrs and child.
Thanks Erin, I'll try expanding the search outwards, and then I guess keep checking! They must have left a record somewhere at sometime!
Thanks all