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Please help a new confused GR User!

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Anne Report 12 Apr 2010 22:38

First I must apologise for the long winded story, but any help or advice would really be appreciated.

It appears my mum had 4 siblings - some we didn't know about, but looking at the birth registration dates on GR there seems to be an overlap of some of the registrations. Apart from adoption I can't find any other solution:

Child 1 registered Oct - Dec 1928
Child 2 registered Jan - Mar 1929
Child 3 registered Oct - Dec 1930
Child 4 registered Oct - Dec 1932
Child 5 registered Jan - Mar 1933

Taking into account approx 9 months pregnancy, plus 42 days maximum to register the birth, there seem to be a couple of odd dates. I can't think of anything else other than adoption but wouldn't the childs birth name be on the registration?

I'm sure there must be a simple explanation, other than my grandmother being supermum - or completely off her trolly and 'borrowed' a couple from other people to get more maintenance from her hubby (LOL)!

Thanks for your help/suggestions its really appreciated.

Best Wishes


brummiejan Report 12 Apr 2010 22:46

Why do you believe all these to be your grandmother's children? There could be another couple with the same surnames!



Rambling Report 12 Apr 2010 22:50

BrummieJan, i looked at the children, it's quite an unusual surname,

AMT is it possible that 2 brothers married two sisters? just a thought ( I have that in my own family)


brummiejan Report 12 Apr 2010 22:51

Well, there are two clashes in dates so there must be another explanation! Rose, how on earth did you manage that!
Have you tried looking for another marriage which would fit?


Kay???? Report 12 Apr 2010 22:54

1928,1930 and 1932 could be of same parents but most certainly not 1929 and 1933,

conclusion is,-- same surname of 2 sets of parents only.


Rambling Report 12 Apr 2010 22:55

Hold the front page lol

just been to have another look at marriages...there are two within 2 years of each other same surnames,


Rambling Report 12 Apr 2010 22:57

will PM both to AMT ,


TheLadyInRed Report 12 Apr 2010 23:06

Am I missing something here? (being thick??)
Firstly, the only overlap seems to be in dates of registration of first 2 children which are only 3 - 6 months apart. That's registration, not birth dates.
Then, Rambling Rose, you say you looked at the children "it's quite an unusual surname" but I can't see any names at all so what were you looking at?
Maybe just me being another confused GR user??????


Michael Report 12 Apr 2010 23:08

The child's birth name is never on the birth certificate of an adopted child. it will only carry the name of the adoptive parents.- which rules that avenue out. Apart from searching for the 'natural' parents via social services - it is extremely difficult to find the birth parents of adopted children.

When the adoption is agreed in law, a separate certificate is given to the adoptive parents, which usually shows the birth name of the child.

I have had to do some research of this kind recently - but was very fortunate in that I discovered the orginal adoption certificate - most unusual circumstances in my case. Also - there are sometimes mistakes in the registration certificates themselves. I had a very complex one recently where a man apparently married two women on the same day - the same registration numbers were given - . In this case I can only assume that someone filled in the form naming the witness as the spouse!

You do neeed to be careful! Good luck!


Rambling Report 12 Apr 2010 23:12

Lady in Red, i looked them up last month for AMT and sent the details via PM, and didn't at the time look closely at dates....even taking into account the difference between reg and birth dates it would still have made several of the children very premature.


TheLadyInRed Report 12 Apr 2010 23:17

Cheers Rambing Rose - just couldn't see any names on this thread so thought you had super powers but now see that AMT has previously posted on same subject......


Kay???? Report 12 Apr 2010 23:27


A little correction on your post,

Firstly you are confusing an after Adoption Certificate replacing the original one of which there will be one in a birth name even it if only is by surname only,,,,,
The replacemnt agree shows child name christian name only,(which maybe poles apart from a birth one)depending on choice of adoptive parents names of succesful adoptive parents,,,,,and with full adoptve information 97% chance a birth parent/s can be found....


KeithInFujairah Report 13 Apr 2010 06:06

Another possible explanation is that as the births are registered consecutive quarters, maybe they have been recorded and indexed twice.

As there appears to be two marriages as found by Rose, the only certain way to identify who belongs to who is to order the birth certificates.


Michael Report 20 May 2010 22:40


What I wrote is in fact exactly what hapened. I did not make a mistake - sorry. In this case the adoptive parents were given a certificate by the court which named the child by birth name. I came across the actual certificate when searching through some old papers - so I have it. I was then able using that, to get hold of a copy of the original birth registration certificate of the person and to track back a long way on the natural parents of the adopted child..



Kay???? Report 21 May 2010 00:16

Hi Michael

I know the certificate you may mean,,on that will also be the birth entry number but no district could be grey or white in colour?telling of the date of hearing,and suspect the child wasnt new born?