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How do you do that?

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PricklyHolly Report 27 Mar 2010 17:07

Good afternoon all, if i need help with my laptop, i usually turn to a 14 yr old, snotty nosed teenager, mainy because i understand the lingo! You know, like ... you press this like that and then you cick on that like this etc etc! Taking that into considerstion, what i would like to know, is how you guys look up info, say a census and then immediately add it to a thread. How do you do that? Please go easy on me, i have only had my laptop for just over three years! Susan.


Barbara Report 27 Mar 2010 17:13

You highlight the text you want to copy - right click mouse button or edit and copy and then paste where you want it.(edit past or right click paste).


PricklyHolly Report 27 Mar 2010 17:18

Uuuuuummmmm, right! I am 112 and only have the one good eye but i will give it a go Barbara thankyou.


Bobtanian Report 27 Mar 2010 19:14

left click at the start of the text.
drag the curser along to the end, or all the way down if its a pageful

right click on the highlighted stuff and select copy(or CUT if its available)

find a place to put it, And right click there, and select paste


Uuuuuummmmm, right! I am 112 and only have the one good eye but i will give it a go Barbara thankyou


Ps Copy does just that,
makes a copy and leaves the original intact, CUT removes the selected item and MOVES it to a new position......


Bobtanian Report 27 Mar 2010 19:18

and if, Like me you are a show off------

Good afternoon all, if i need help with my laptop, i usually turn to a 14 yr old, snotty nosed teenager, mainy because i understand the lingo! You know, like ... you press this like that and then you cick on that like this etc etc! Taking that into considerstion, what i would like to know, is how you guys look up info, say a census and then immediately add it to a thread. How do you do that? Please go easy on me, i have only had my laptop for just over three years! Susan.


Barbara Today at 17:13 Request review
You highlight the text you want to copy - right click mouse button or edit and copy and then paste where you want it.(edit past or right click paste).


Susan Today at 17:18 Request review
Uuuuuummmmm, right! I am 112 and only have the one good eye but i will give it a go Barbara thankyou.


Amokavid Today at 19:12 Request review
Hi Susan,took me ages to fathom the copy & paste procedure but once you get the hang of it it's easy peasy, lol.

My family would just say click this,click that & click the other!! eventually I wrote it down step by step & managed it no bother.




PricklyHolly Report 27 Mar 2010 21:03

What the ....??? Will get back to you once i have recovered from my nervous breakdowm! Where is a snotty nosed teenager just when you need one?? I got crayons so i am fine! Sue.


Bobtanian Report 27 Mar 2010 21:18

Susan, sorry, just me making the most of my dwindling years..LOL

re the laptop, if you dont have a mouse, you will have to hold the left button down and using the touch pad drag the curser....


Christine Report 27 Mar 2010 21:31

Who's Viola?


PricklyHolly Report 27 Mar 2010 21:45

Christine, if you tell me Voilas DOB and where she was born, i may be able to glue, paste, stick, copy and send you the information you require! Susan.


Persephone Report 28 Mar 2010 04:02

Well this thread is a giggle.
I can colour in inside the lines and join the dots. I like the odd cryptic crossword now and again.

I very rarely use copy and paste
I use control c and then control v and then if I want a further copy another control v or finish with either enter or control z.

Now I will go and wipe my nose.

Pxx (friend of Viola's)


PricklyHolly Report 28 Mar 2010 09:36

I am none the wiser! You do all know that dont you!!! Anyway, i got a staple gun. I dont know why i should bother helping you but ....

Voila Crayola (No, i cant paste, glue or stick it!) Born 01/04/1869 Butlins, Bognor Regis.

Dont forget to thank me for my time and effort. Susan.


Persephone Report 28 Mar 2010 09:55

Oh dear Susan - a staple gun - kapow!!!

Take your mouse to the census page and highlight the area you want copied.

How do you highlight? Take mouse and go over the words I have just typed and there will be a blue background. Once you have so called coloured in the area - then point your mouse onto area and right click it.
Up will come a drop down menu with words like cut, copy and paste etc. Click on copy - then when you get to where you want to put the guff right click the mouse again and click on paste.

Bob did it for you earlier - took what you said copied and pasted down the page.
You will not lose the information that you have copied - the little man in the computer stores it in his memory until you are ready to paste it.

Now put your crayons away and give it ago.



PricklyHolly Report 28 Mar 2010 10:02

Today at 09:55 Request review
Oh dear Susan - a staple gun - kapow!!!

Take your mouse to the census page and highlight the area you want copied.

How do you highlight? Take mouse and go over the words I have just typed and there will be a blue background. Once you have so called coloured in the area - then point your mouse onto area and right click it.
Up will come a drop down menu with words like cut, copy and paste etc. Click on copy - then when you get to where you want to put the guff right click the mouse again and click on paste.

Bob did it for you earlier - took what you said copied and pasted down the page.
You will not lose the information that you have copied - the little man in the computer stores it in his memory until you are ready to paste it.

Now put your crayons away and give it ago.




PricklyHolly Report 28 Mar 2010 10:19

I am not as green as im cabbage looking honest. I wrote down Barbara's info which say's "Edit past" well, i never got past edit past cos try as i might i could'nt find it! Thankyou everyone, its been fun! Perse, go treat yourself to a bag of marbles. Susan.

P.S ... Voila Crayola's father was a red coat.


Persephone Report 28 Mar 2010 10:30

Hi de hi - Susan once they are lost there is no way of getting back my marbles.
I am confined to barracks with a broken foot.
Have cabin fever - so this thread has been amusing and cheered me up.

Do you think Voila may have had a sister Viola?



PricklyHolly Report 28 Mar 2010 10:57

Viola Crayola! I like it. Actually i have a very vivid memory of a day trip to Bognor Regis. It was horrendous because it was a day the flying ants took flight and we were covered from head to toe.
My mum always told us, never ever sit on the seat of a public toilet. When the coach pulled over for a wee stop on the way home, my mum trotted off to the loo. I decided at the last minuet that i would go after all. I ran into the loo, pushed open the door a bit heavy handedly, it smacked my mum on the head and her backside shot down on to the toilet seat! She didnt speak to me all the way home ..... ah, memories eh! Susan.
I would not have told you this story if your name was Perse but since you have changed it to Peggy, i thought it safe to share with you.