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Filing information I have collected
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Salgot | Report | 19 Feb 2010 20:24 |
Can anyone share the clearest, and most practical way that they file and store all the information that is collected in the process of researching the family tree. I know that this might sound thick but where do I start. |
Irene | Report | 19 Feb 2010 21:49 |
It's a question really of how long is a piece of string? How far do you want to take it? You need something that can be easily rearranged and you need a system which suits you for cross referencing. The big problem is every time someone gets married they bring in another surname to the family. How you handle this is the key. You could keep families in alphabetical order, or time order keeping the generations in the same time line or focus on one surname only. My first job was in a library so I can't cope if things are not in alphabetical order, but I do keep all members of one family name together. You need an easy method for marking the name changes from father to married daughter so that you can quickly put your fingers on the right persons record. Whatever you do, ALWAYS file your papers back away again or you will always have problems finding things. |
mgnv | Report | 20 Feb 2010 02:05 |
Scan everything and play around with the scanned copies on your PC. |
Michael | Report | 20 Feb 2010 13:58 |
I have found that a little box of those card files is a good place to start. I used to have bits and pieces filling boxes and ring binders (still do) but since I started the card file it is the first place to look back for things! |
Researching: |
Madmeg | Report | 20 Feb 2010 16:54 |
I used to post on here often when I first started out. People gave me lots of wonderful suggestions and made it all sound so easy - but I failed miserably! In the beginning, the card index was fantastic as a hard-copy "quick reference", but I soon grew out of it. I never succeeded with ring binders, but bought a small filing cabinet, with a "tab" for each surname. I can't say it's well-organised, but at least each family is together. |
Madmeg | Report | 20 Feb 2010 19:52 |
LAINIE - join the club! |
Elizabethofseasons | Report | 20 Feb 2010 20:40 |
Dear Sarah |
lulibell | Report | 20 Feb 2010 21:14 |
I've just started; with a file for each grandparent. |
Researching: |
Salgot | Report | 21 Feb 2010 23:21 |
Thank you so much to everyone who has answered my query. I now feel that perhaps I am not alone with this problem. Also, congratulate myself on some of the things people have suggested I have already done. |
Battenburg | Report | 22 Feb 2010 00:16 |
Failing all else suggested,do as most do and sling them in a bag and forget about it lol |
Irene | Report | 22 Feb 2010 18:22 |
Hi, I forgot to mention until I read the other people's replies that I also rely on computer filing a lot. If you have a word processing program or desk top publishing on your computer it is one of the best ways to organise yourself. All you need is a separate folder for each surname and under that you can give each person an individual file. I record everywhere I look for anyone and all people I contact with the results. Sounds a bit anal but it saves a hell of a lot of time and duplication when you can't remember if you checked this or that place or person. I can create standard requests I can just copy and paste if there are a lot of Hot Matches for instance. Saves so much time and effort. You really don't have to print everything out, get it all down onto a couple of memory sticks and use them alternately to back up regularly. Irene |
MarkMorgan | Report | 24 Feb 2010 18:02 |
I save everything on computer. Save all images of census records and BMD pages. I save census transcriptions by selecting print form the browser and selecting a PDF printer (I use PrimoPDF for this) to capture the output as a PDF file - this is also very useful for other web pages that may not be there in the future (including forum posts). |
Contrary Mary | Report | 25 Feb 2010 23:11 |
Jill 2011 (aka Warrior Princess of Cilla!) | Report | 25 Feb 2010 23:34 |
Buy one of those concertina cardboard A-Z filing thingies. Most stationers sell them at a couple of pounds. |
Researching: |
Battenburg | Report | 26 Feb 2010 01:26 |
Mrs Grumpy. |
LakesLass | Report | 26 Feb 2010 13:38 |
I too am semi disorganised. |