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how do I borrow or steal a chunk of someone's tree

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David Report 18 Feb 2010 20:04

Some nice people have given me access to their tree - there's a lod of ifo I'd like to have in mine

can anyone tell me how I can most easily transfer it across?




Lawrence Report 18 Feb 2010 20:11

You take them small chunks at a time - The edit function allows you to copy 4 or 5 records at a time from the viewed tree - then you go paste them sequentially from your clipboard into your tree - clear the clipboard and go fetch another small chunk.


Heather Report 18 Feb 2010 20:11

Having first asked said nice person if its ok though.


Chrissie2394 Report 18 Feb 2010 20:37

Hi David,

Don't forget to check that the info is correct as not everyone is that bothered to make sure their tree is accurate.



David Report 19 Feb 2010 08:46

If I have access to their tree can I export part of it myself?

I guess I need a "proper program" to merge the two trees and re-import?

With all the money flying about for FR and GR you'd think they'd have done a perfect job on the tree software :-(


InspectorGreenPen Report 19 Feb 2010 09:00

No, you can't export someone else's tree. You can ask them to send you a copy privately, assuming they agree.

Bear in mind that what you are suggesting is likely to incur the wrath of many other members on here who object vehemently to copying from other trees. Shock Horror, you could even be branded as a 'Name Collector'


ElizabethK Report 19 Feb 2010 09:29

Well-they were hardly likely to spend money improving the site until they were sure it was theirs !!

Here hoping something will happen now that it is settled - and how we will all squeal when changes are made ! (:o)


grannyfranny Report 2 Mar 2010 21:07



Libby22 Report 3 Mar 2010 00:59


Why do you wish to import someone else's info into your tree?

1. Is it info you have researched and verified, but they have for example photo's, or certificates?
2. Wouldn't it be be polite to first check with the tree owner that they wouldn't mind you 'stealing chunks of their tree'
3. How do you know their research is accurate?
4. It's people like you, (if I'm understanding you correctly, if I'm not I apologise now) who have stopped me opening my tree to other members. I do not flatly refuse, as I firmly believe in sharing researched info, and once a definite link has been established I will open my tree for others to view, I do however object to people latching on to say.........John Turner born Yorkshire 1840, there were tons of John T's born Yorks circa 1840, but SOME people will adopt any John T they find in GR trees without verifying all the facts. I do NOT class these people as name collectors (whatever that phrase means!) but do see them as lazy people who cannot be bothered, or don't have a strong passion for this hobby, ie people who would rather someone else did all the work - these people are not researchers, not name collectors, and neither are they interested enough in the hobby to understand how important primary sourced info is. A waste of time! In my opinion.


grannyfranny Report 3 Mar 2010 19:05

I nudged this up to provide an answer to someone who was asking how to copy from a tree of a close family member who had given permission.


Wendy Report 2 Jul 2010 12:34

surely if you have found that person is a relative its not name stealing??? i would always verify the info before and make sure the families are connected but i figure its swings and roundabouts as everyone i have found related to me have different relatives found than i do so i would be happy for them to copy from mine and we all share information and get to our ultimate goal of finding our families together, or am i missing the point here

Jill 2011 (aka Warrior Princess of Cilla!)

Jill 2011 (aka Warrior Princess of Cilla!) Report 2 Jul 2010 13:52

The "problem" Wendy is that some people - call them name collectors, or lazy etc - copy the whole of someone's tree. That's what's so annoying.

I had a connection with someone from several generations ago on my father's side. I gave him access to my tree. He took the lot, including my mother's side! Why? He is not related to my mother - none of his family are related to my mother. Then, he gave a copy of his tree to one of his cousins who placed a copy of all of it on here. Why?

The problem I have with him is that on my mother's side I am doing a One Name Study. I am happy to make contact with anyone with that surname - and I wonder how much help he can give anyone contacting him re that surname. Maybe he's rude and unhelpful to them. Maybe he puts people off contacting others on here. I sincerely hope not but I would be much happier if he at least took off my mother's family ...

So, I am slightly wary of who I give access to nowadays.



Madmeg Report 2 Jul 2010 23:17

The best way is to contact the tree owner and ask him or her to send you a gedcom of their tree. I have done it several times with people I am really sure are genuine relatives. It solves all the problems.


Joy Report 2 Jul 2010 23:33

I, also, am wary; not from passing anything to anyone on this site; however, once passed to someone else, that person can pass all his / her information (including yours) to others and one day you may find it on the internet without your permission.


TootyFruity Report 3 Jul 2010 11:50

How disappointed are you going to be after copying someone elses tree only to discover that their research is flawed and then have to delete all that has been copied?

I use other trees as a possibility and ask for source information ans share certificates. Someone elses tree is not a source and with many a copied tree mistakes are repeated over and over again diluting the integrity of the original research.