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Court / Strangeways Manchester Prison - help neede

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Julian Report 5 Feb 2010 11:30

Hi, this is my first post on here so go easy with me :-) any advice would be welcome.

To cut a long story short I have no idea why my G Grandfather Mr Duckworth Hargreaves was in Strangeways prison on the 1901 census. If we assume from the known/unknown facts that it was just a short custodial sentence, what advice and direction can you give me, bering in mind the Strangeways prison records were destroyed in the riots a few years ago. :-(

Known Facts for Duckworth Hargreaves:
1) 1853 Birth year
2) 1891 Census shows up as living at Wash Lane in Bury (married)
3) 1901 Census shows he is at Strangeways Prison (still married)
4) 1901 Census shows Sarah (his wife) is living at Plantation street in Bacup
5) 1905 Was definitely not in prison as it was his 2nd marriage to my G Grandmother in Bacup

Unknown Facts:
1) When he was sent to prison (could be anytime from the day after the 1891 census through to the day before he got married in 1905)
2) Why and for how long he was in prison. (my best guess would be that it was a short custodial sentence)
3) Which court sent him to prison
4) Which address he lived at when he was sent to prison (either Wash Lane, Bury or Plantation Street, Bacup)

(Rochdale based)


Rambling Report 5 Feb 2010 11:42

I don't know if this might help, but worth looking

You can join and look at newpapers online, free...

this site for background


BatMansDaughter Report 5 Feb 2010 11:56


I'm sorry I can't help with your hunt but I just needed to say welcome to the boards and how well laid out your questions were and the facts (unknown/known) were....... for your first posting it was fantatsic to see. 9 times out of 10 we always have to ask for more info.... so well done you and I hope your hunt is successful.

Dee x


Julian Report 5 Feb 2010 12:13

Thanks Rambling Rose,
I have just registered for a library card, also funny you should mention MFHR link as I (naively) e-mail them yesterday for advice and (had to laugh) the guy that runs it asked if I would like to pay £23.00 p/h for him to do some research.

Thanks Dee for your kind words.


George_of_Westbury Report 5 Feb 2010 12:15

Not much help for the info you are looking for, but looks like him on the 1911 census.Every little helps though

HARGREAVES, Duckworth Head Married M 56 1855 Blacksmith Rossendale Bacup VIEW
HARGREAVES, Mary Wife Married
5 years F 37 1874 Rossendale Dean VIEW
HARGREAVES, Ann Daughter F 5 1906 Rossendale Dean VIEW
GREENOFF, Herbert Nephew Single M 18 1893 Derby Doubler Tenter Hard Waste Rossendale Bacup VIEW
HARGREAVES, Harry Grandson M 4 1907 Rossendale Bacup VIEW


RG number:
RG14 Piece:
24701 Reference:
RG14PN24701 RG78PN1417 RD471 SD1 ED7 SN180

Registration District:
Haslingden Sub District:
Rawtenstall EnumerationDistrict:
7 Parish:

8 Sagarholme Terrace Newchurch County:



Julian Report 5 Feb 2010 12:26

Thanks George,
Yeah thats him, I did find this last month but I do find it funny how they sometimes made mistakes with the birth years as he was actually born in 1853.
Thanks again.

Jill 2011 (aka Warrior Princess of Cilla!)

Jill 2011 (aka Warrior Princess of Cilla!) Report 5 Feb 2010 13:40

This is the link to the Blacksmiths Index. I did look for him in Lancashire on here but didn't see him. However, you could always send his details in ... someone else may be looking for him.



Aveyronnaise Report 5 Feb 2010 13:52

Hello Julian

Just seconding the comments made by Dee about your query!

The Lancashire Libraries site is a treasure trove (even for us Yorkies). I didn't have to wait for a card because I live overseas so was given a code by return email. I won't spoil your fun, but ... was your Duckworth's father ALSO called Duckworth?

;) Chris x


BrendafromWales Report 5 Feb 2010 16:07

Hi Julian,

How about getting in touch with the following....... .The archives are based at Manchester Central Library,but they are closing for refurbishment at the end of the month.
If you are based in Rochdale it would be worth a visit,but is advisable to book.You could look through newspapers from the time scale to see if his crime had been reported.
My maiden name was Hargreaves and from Manchester,but don't think it's mine!
Brenda x


Eringobragh1916 Report 5 Feb 2010 16:34

Julian For ref: the 1881 Census shows Duckworth with Sarah and family living at
6 Eastview
He is 25 and a Blacksmith


Julian Report 5 Feb 2010 22:43

Thanks all, some great advice.

Hi Chris :-
Duckworths dad was called John but he had an Uncle called Duckworth.


SylviaInCanada Report 6 Feb 2010 06:22


ages and birth years vary from census to census because the person was asked how old he/she was on the night the census was taken.

That is what is recorded on the census.

The modern-day transcriber translates that age into birth year .................. depending on the date of the census vs the date of birth that means that it could be up to almost 2 years out!

that's why we usually say born ca. 1855 ...... and use +/-2 or 5 when looking for information.



SylviaInCanada Report 6 Feb 2010 06:32

You might want to see if you can find anyhting on this site ........ although there does now seem to be a charge



SylviaInCanada Report 6 Feb 2010 06:34

This is another site where you may find some strange information, it cna be very good, or very bad!!!

You can join as a free member, with some restrictions on what you can do ........ but you can search the site.

I am a free member
