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Am I on the right Train? Advice please

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~Looby Loo~

~Looby Loo~ Report 20 Jan 2010 12:25

I'm searching for a friend and have little info. I have gone through 4 pages on 1901 census and have found one occupation match, should I continue to search or is this enough to be reasonably sure I'm on the right trail?

All I have is his full name and rough year of birth, occupation and area of birth.

His full name was William Samuel Osborne. In 1924 his occupation was License Victualler. His son was born around 1902 and I don't know if this was his first child so am assuming his birth would be around 1880.

I found a William Osborne b 1881 Essex Occupation Barman.
Any help or advice would be brilliant.

Thanks, Lou


Thelma Report 20 Jan 2010 12:32

You should start with the 1902 birth cert. and/or find them in the 1911 census.

~Looby Loo~

~Looby Loo~ Report 20 Jan 2010 12:42

Hi SatNav & Astra,

Unfortunatley they don't know the actual birth date so could prove a problem on getting correct birth certificate. I've also tried to search on the 1911 census but there are too many of them.

Astra, thanks for looking. I don't think that's the family as William isn't with them.
My friends grandfather was named William Frederick Nelson Osborne born around 1902 according to his marriage certificate dated 1924. His occupation was Barman and his father's was Licensed Victualler.

I would have thought with his full name I would have been able to find a birth or baptism register for him, but I cna't and as they don't know his birth date we can only go by the marriage certificate.


Linda in the Midlands

Linda in the Midlands Report 20 Jan 2010 12:51

The trouble is he could have added those names for his marriage cert and not actually been given them at birth.

I had an ancestor who added a middle name on his marriage cert, it led to a lot of trouble finding the correct birth as I was searching for him with the middle name,

~Looby Loo~

~Looby Loo~ Report 20 Jan 2010 12:52

Hi David, thanks, I do think they need to get the birth certificate, but there is only one that is close on free bmd. But the year is Sept q 1903 a year later. This reg has only the first christian name though.

Thanks Lou

~Looby Loo~

~Looby Loo~ Report 20 Jan 2010 12:54

Hi Linda, thanks very much for that. I did wonder if it was possible the name could have been reversed, but it never occured to me they might have been added later, especially on a marriage cert.

Thanks agian , Lou

~Looby Loo~

~Looby Loo~ Report 20 Jan 2010 13:00

Hi David, Brilliant, why didn't I think of that. They know absolutely nothing about him apart from him marrying and at the first sight of a child on the way he ran off and was never heard of again. So that's a great help.

thanks so much to you all.

Will start the new line of enquiry now.

Thanks again,



SylviaInCanada Report 20 Jan 2010 21:24

The extra names might not have been added willy nilly for the marriage ceremony

.............. it's not unknown for a baby to be registered with one name [or even no forename :))], and then one or more names added at baptism.

The birth registration and certificate are not changed in such cases.



mgnv Report 21 Jan 2010 06:30

Sylvia is mostly right - names are mostly not changed.
However, they can be - standard b.certs used to have a column 10: Name entered after registration (see note overleaf), and overleaf it says:

A name given to a child (whether in baptism or otherwise) before the expiration of twelve months from the date of registration of its birth, may be inserted in Column 10 of the birth entry under the procedure provided by Section 13 of the Births and Deaths Registration Act, 1953. If the parents or guardians wish to avail themselves of this facility at any time, they must deliver a certificate of baptism or of naming to the registrar or superintendent registrar having the custody of the register in which the birth was registered. This certificate must be in the prescribed form which can be obtained on application to any registrar.

NB Presumably the governing Act has changed over time.


tricia Report 21 Jan 2010 13:56

There are two William Osborne 's in the 1911 census possible

William born 1880 Towester a Brewers Labourer
wife Annie married 8 years
son William 1904 Towester
son Fred 1906 Towester

Live at 22 gas st Northampton.

William Osborne 1881 Roydon Essex
Public house manager
Wife Julie born bishopsgate married 8 years
son Samuel 1906 Mile end
Daughter Lily 1910 mile end
live at 2 Tredegar road Bow

~Looby Loo~

~Looby Loo~ Report 22 Jan 2010 16:40

Hi Pat,

Thanks for the info on William Osborne, I think they are both good possibilities, I shall investigate further. Thanks very much for your help,

Regards, Lou


Mary Report 22 Jan 2010 18:03

On the 1924 marriage certificate,where was William residing,as they married in Birkenhaed and Florence M his bride was born 1897 in Birkenhead could William have been from the same area,and was his dad deceased?



Mary Report 22 Jan 2010 19:01

1911 William Samuel Osborne 1881 Salisbury Wiltshire jobbing gardener.Maybe he became a publican later.

Louise Jane 1862 nee Bates married 5 years.\born Fifield essex or Fyfield.

Viewed original and it says no children to that marriage,but she is 19 years older so maybe she was married before.

With them is nephew Walter Charles Osborne nephew born 1894 in frome somerset.


~Looby Loo~

~Looby Loo~ Report 24 Jan 2010 21:11

Hi Mary,

You have the right marriage. William did marry in Birkenhead to Florence. From which his wife told their child, he originated from London. I understand and have taken on board from other's have said about the possibility that the names were added after registration / baptism etc.

They don't know when the family moved to Birkenhead, so I supppose a possibility would be to search for them there in 1911.

Thanks again for all your help.

Regards, Lou