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transfiring my tree

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Madmeg Report 9 Jan 2010 01:51

Hi Sue,

The memory stick is just the same as any other external storage, e.g. the old floppy disc. You should be able to stick it in the side or back of your computer in a little slot, and save things to it just as you would on a floppy disc or a CD. But I do agree, a daughter or even a grand-daughter can be useful in showing you how it is done.

Shout if you get stuck. I am on here most days, so you can send me a Private Message and I will respond pretty quickly. To send a PM, click on my name the is at the top left of my message, rather than the usual Reply button. I am no techy, but maybe I can help.



sueCsuds Report 8 Jan 2010 18:19

Thank's Madmeg,
I understand the jist of that, but not enough to do it !!
I even have an unopend memory stick. My daughter's gona come down and show me how to use it, and do the "hard drive" thingy .(Ive bookmark'ed this for her)
Thank you for taking the time to explain the working's of the computer it's very good of you.
Best Wishes


Redrobin Report 8 Jan 2010 12:11

Thankyou Margaret for the easy way in which you explain things. Have printed off for future use.

Thanks again


Patricia Report 8 Jan 2010 11:09

I have started a new thread before I found this one.

I need to transfer my tree from Ancestry to Family Tree Maker.

I read the instructions but cannot find a "file" menu on my blue bar. Asked hubby to look too!

There is lots of help for transferring from GR to Ancestry but not from Ancestry to Family Tree Maker.

Hope someone can help.


Madmeg Report 8 Jan 2010 00:56

Hi Sue

Hope you don't mind me chipping in and stating stuff you might know about anyway. I am no expert myself, so if someone more reliable gives you a better answer, ignore mine.

So you have a computer. It has an "operating system" which could be Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows ME, Windows Vista, or Windows 7, or something else. That is the system that tells your computer how to work. Apologies to people with Apple computers, they have different operating systems, but I don't know what they are.

Now you also need "programs" for specific tasks, e.g. a Wordprocessor, a Spreadsheet, and maybe a Family Tree Program. Some people have loads of programs. Most can survive with just a few. They all do different things. The Wordprocessor (e.g. Microsoft Word) writes documents and letters, the spreadsheet (e.g. Microsoft Excel) performs calculations, and the Family Tree Program (e.g. Family Tree Maker or Legacy or Personal Ancestry File) keeps family tree stuff. All are kept on your hard-drive on your computer, which means you can access them without going onto the internet. And make alterations to them.

You may also have an email system, but I've never decided if that is a "program" or not, I think it probably is, but doesn't really matter as long as it works.

You can keep your family tree on Genes Reunited or Ancestry or indeed several other places, but they are all only accessible on the internet, which means you have to be logged on to do anything with them, and if you have problems with internet access you can't get at them. So most people have a Family Tree Program on their own computer that is not accessed from the Internet. It is held on the "hard drive" of their computer, and you can make back-ups onto discs or a memory stick regularly in case anything goes wrong. Which you can if your tree is on line, but only if you are able to access the internet. Most of us do not want our important research only saved on the Internet, so we have a family tree program on the hard-drives of our computers.

There are many Family Tree Programs available, most cost money, and some people wouldn't be without them, but there are some free ones too, that can be kept on your hard-drive (computer). These programs do tend to give you better reporting facilities, e.g. producing lists of people, charts, trees etc. But you might not be worried about that at the moment.

If you have your tree on your hard drive, and want to share it on Genes Reunited or Ancestry, or anywhere else that is online, follow the instructions you already have re Gedcom files. But your main tree remains on your hard drive, and it is yours forever. Unless your computer crashes of course, which is why it is important to make regular backups onto disc or memory stick.

Also, if your tree is on your hard-drive you can add living relatives to it without anyone else knowing about them. If your tree is on the internet, this is inadvisable, so you have to restrict what you put on there.

You can also add lots of notes on a tree that it is on your hard-drive such as "ran a brothel in Manchester and was imprisoned in 1881 for living off immoral earnings". You might not want the whole world to know that, and I'm not even sure that some online trees can accommodate such information.

Hope this helps, and that I have explained it reasonably well for you.

Just ask if not.



TheLadyInRed Report 7 Jan 2010 23:20

I did a training session recently which was organised by ACAS - our nameplates consisted of a piece of cardboard with various points printed on - one of which said:

If you don't understand - ask. There are no stupid questions - only questions.

I think this is very valid on this site!

Trish Devon

Trish Devon Report 7 Jan 2010 23:05

I've always wanted to know how to do that too,
thanks for the instructions
Glad Sue raised this question.



sueCsuds Report 7 Jan 2010 14:02

Hi all,and thank you so much, i got my tree uprooted and replanted only with the help from you all, and thank's to Julia May and Herbert for putting it in simple instructions.
Regards Sue x


sueCsuds Report 6 Jan 2010 18:05

Thank's Julia,that doesn't sound to hard to do,i'll wait till tomorrow though then have a go, if you don't hear from me then, then i got it done ok,any probs and i'll be back on here, and yes Babara it's on the computer.
Thank you all so much
Take care in the snow


TheLadyInRed Report 6 Jan 2010 17:54

Sue, go to the bottom of this page where it says import/export gedcom and click on that.
Follow the instructions (it's easy)

You will then get an e-mail from GR which contains your tree.

Log into Ancestry and go to the blue bar at the top of screen, click on "file", scroll down the drop down menu till you get to "import and export" and click on that then follow the instructions.

Trust me, it's much easier than having to do it all again - it took me minutes last week!


sueCsuds Report 6 Jan 2010 17:38

It's on GR, that's all i know, what do you mean "what program"
Sorry to came over thick, but did say i didn't know anything about computer's.
I only have 309 people on it so would it be easier to do it by hand ?


TheLadyInRed Report 6 Jan 2010 17:29

where is your tree at the moment? Do you know what programme it's in?


sueCsuds Report 6 Jan 2010 17:27

Hi JAE4, No i don't think so, do i need one, if so how do i get it, ?


sueCsuds Report 6 Jan 2010 16:27

Hello again,i joined ancestry last week and now want to put my tree on it, but don't know how to. Ive seen in the threads about GedCon, can anyone tell me what it does,how do i get it (for free)
and can you tell me in O.A.P. talk, as ive only just got round using this computer thing, and if you would tell me step by step, i may be able to do it.
Also will i have to get the census ect from ancestry and put them in again.
I will appreciate any help you can give me.
Regard's Sue