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Suggestions please

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Chrissie2394 Report 4 Jan 2010 16:23

I am filing my certificates in alphabetical order and am making a copy of the marriages so that I have one for both bride and groom.

I aim to have birth/marriage(s) and death certificates for each in my direct line, but not sure what to do in the case of death certificates for married women. If I put them in alphabetical order, then under their maiden name there is no death certificate for that person.

Any one got any suggestions.

Thank you



brummiejan Report 4 Jan 2010 16:27

Chrissie, I would use birth name if it were me. Personally, I have my certs in family groups and file them chronologically. I put each in a polypocket with a sticker attached with notes. I also put notes on reverse. But I don't think there is a perfect system!
Maybe an index at the front?


Chrissie2394 Report 4 Jan 2010 16:33

Hi Jan,

Thanks for your reply. I have them in polypockets and that's a good idea putting notes on stickers. I will probably put the death cert in their maiden name then.

Thanks again



TinaTheCheshirePussyCat Report 4 Jan 2010 17:51

Ah now, I approach it from a different angle. I also keep my certs in polypockets - the sort with perforated holes down the side. I have 3 loose leaf folders, one each for births, marriages and deaths. When I get a new cert I scan it and save the copy on my computer (that makes it easy to email it to any interested party). Then I type all the details into my family history program, then I file the cert in the folder for its type in date order. Since I have the date on my computerised family tree, going back to the original cert is easy.

If someone else emails me a copy of a cert, I print it off and put that in the folder as well.



Chrissie2394 Report 4 Jan 2010 18:05

Hi Tina,

Thanks for taking the time to reply. That's certainly given me something to think about. At the mo mine are in 'people order' birth through to death but as we women change our surnames I wasn't too sure which would be the best way to file.

Thanks again


+*+blossom In Essex+*+

+*+blossom In Essex+*+ Report 4 Jan 2010 18:25

I'm a little bit like Brummiejan - I file mine chronologically.

I have four large A4 ring binders, two for my Dad's line and two for my Mum's. Inside the first of my Mum's for instance I have the first divider followed by an ancestry chart showing my Mum at the foot of the chart together with her mum and dad. This chart was taken from Family Tree Maker programme. Behind the chart I have my Mum's birth, marriage and death certs in acid free wallets.

Then comes the second divider. Behind this is the same chart, this time showing my Nan at the foot together with her parents. Behind this are her certs. Obviously also within this section are my Grandad's chart and certs.

Behind the third divider are my great grand parents. (This time there will be four charts).

I find it easier to understand if I subdivide by generation than alphabetically, but everyone has their own way of filing!


Chrissie2394 Report 4 Jan 2010 19:12

Hi Blossom,

Thanks for that, some very good suggestions. I knew I was right to ask.




InspectorGreenPen Report 5 Jan 2010 11:00

I scan mine too, but file the originals in chronological order within a separate section for each main family I am researching.

If a family section gets too big then I split it into two new families.

So in the case of a death of a married woman, the cert will be filed just after her marriage cert, with that of her husbands death etc etc


brummiejan Report 5 Jan 2010 11:40

I do the same as InspectorGreenPen - but he/she has explained it much better!


Chrissie2394 Report 5 Jan 2010 14:20

Thank you InspectorGreenPen for your reply. Obviously several different ways to file certificates. I don't scan them routinely, only if I then discover a connection with someone and provide them with a copy. Perhaps it's something wlse to consider doing.

Thank you all


Jill 2011 (aka Warrior Princess of Cilla!)

Jill 2011 (aka Warrior Princess of Cilla!) Report 5 Jan 2010 17:56

I file mine in one folder in name order - whatever the name is at the time.

But, I keep a spreadsheet - in 3 parts:

Headings are: B / male surname / male forename / female surname / female forename / date / BMD Q / BMD ref nos / BMD reg area / a Y/N column if I've added the cert to BDM Share site / and a notes column.

Deaths have a D column and then same as above.

Marriages have an M column and then same as above - both parties show on the same row.

Then I can sort it by whatever is easiest - male/female surname etc.

I have to do something like this to (a) stop me re-ordering one that I already have (b) remind me to add them to BDM Share (c) note whether I've sent copies off to relatives etc.



Chrissie2394 Report 5 Jan 2010 18:23

Hi Jill,

Thank you for your reply, some very good suggestions. I've only been researching for 18 months but have built up quite a collection of certificates and like you don't want to risk sending off for one I'd already got. I also want to be able to find them without too much searching so need a good system.



Rachel Report 5 Jan 2010 18:46

I keep a separate folder for each family that I am researching. I photocopy the certificates, keep the originals separately, and put the photocopy in chronological order in between census entries.


Fairways3 Report 6 Jan 2010 05:57

I would like to know what everyone does with brothers and sisters and their children for each generation.
Where do you put them? with your direct ancestor and put their children with the ancestor's children or just put a family group sheet in. with the ancestor.


RobG Report 6 Jan 2010 17:32


I too use pockets (the acid-free variety available quite cheaply at places like Smiths). I also scan them too just in case (!!) and for mailing to rellies as well.
As for the order, I use the Ahnentafel numbering. It's a complicated name but is quite simple once you get it.
Basically, if it's your tree, then you are number 1, your father is double your number (ie 2) and your mother is your father's number plus 1 (ie 3). So your father (2) has parents are 4 (F) and 5 (M). If I haven't explained it well, google "Ahnentafel" and you'll find good explanations.
As married couples are consecutive numbers, their marriage cert is filed between them, along with a "family group sheet" I create showing details of where they are thoughout the censuses, etc.
In a seperate file I keep any cert etc of non-direct people (i.e. siblings). Siblings I file under the father's number with a suffix (ie children of 4 and 5 will be in the non-direct folder as, for example 4a, 4b).
There are various things that crop up occasionally that have me scratching my head as to where to file stuff (like second marriages, people marrying cousins - and therefore sharing ancestors) but I think you get the guist.

This way I don't have the problem of filing under maiden or married name for women.



Chrissie2394 Report 6 Jan 2010 19:13

Hi Rachel, Marjery and RobG,

Thank you all for your replies. I've never heard of that system Rob so will google it to see if I can understand it any better. I thought filing under surnames would be the easiest option until filing the death cert of a married woman. I just wanted to have all three types for each person in chronological order. I suppose I will try each of your suggestions to see which I get on better with.

Thank you all again
