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BMD oddity?

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Berniethatwas Report 15 Dec 2009 19:36

I checked marriages for Kingsbridge, Sept quarter 1907. There are 16 pages quoted but only three of the numbers are even - the rest odd. It is not important to know, but how do you explain 13 pages getting lost or damaged.
Also, 7 of the pages have an odd number of entries.
Is it any wonder I am bald.


Madmeg Report 15 Dec 2009 20:44

Bernie, I don't understand. Are you talking about the surname Kingsbridge, or the place?

Do you mean there are, for example, 2 wives and only one spouse?

Give us the names, some of us have access to other resources.



SylviaInCanada Report 15 Dec 2009 20:59

and where did you look up the information??

If on here, then you are only directed to an index

It is much better to look up all bmds on ......... that's a free site, and is where volunteers are inputting ALL the bmds for England and Wales from the start of registration on July 1 1837 to 1983, when the records began to be put directly onto the web.

They are currently upto about 1935 or 1940.

between 1935/40 and 1983, and after 1983, the best place to look is, or findmypast, where again you get to see the actual registration rather than just an index. They are subscription sites though.

Margaret ....... this has to be the answer!

He's getting to see the pages of the index for that quarter in 1907. That is where GR sends you. They do NOT carry the information themselves, so they seem to re-direct you to another site.

I tried it out of interest a couple of months ago ................. without Gold membership, I couldn't see the actual information, but it was the index, not what we see on the other sites.



mgnv Report 15 Dec 2009 21:32

Marriages Sep 1907 (>99%)
HEAD Bessie Luscombe Kingsbridge 5b 453

I've just submitted a correction to FreeBMD changing p=453 to p=455


Madmeg Report 15 Dec 2009 22:20

I am still lost. If I go to the GR marriages I get sent to the quarters records, but I don't see how he is getting 16 pages, or odd numbers. You can't do it without a surname - can you?

mgnv - where did Bessie Luscombe/Head come from?


mgnv Report 15 Dec 2009 22:21

Marriages Sep 1907 (>99%)
BLANK Laura Adelaide C Kingsbridge 5b 457
CHADDER-BLANK Laura A Kingsbridge 5b 457

This explains one odd # pf entries. My previous post explains another pair.
I've checked p 456(3 entries) and p 458(1 entry) and they look OK. On FreeBMD there's only 5 pages with odd entries. There's also two unassigned

EVANS Catherine Annie Kingsbridge 5b 4[5_]0
PARKHURST George William Kingsbridge 5b 4[8_]0

but they both look like 450 to me, but I'm not sure enough to submit a correction.


It really is an odd pattern they use 2 and 0 entries alternately for p 433-448, then do 2, 2+2?, 2, 0, 5-1, 0, 3+1, 3, 5-1, 1 for 449-458.

The usual pattern of usage is a series of 4's for a church (followed by a 2 for that church if they had an odd # of marrs), then start the next church on a fresh page.


mgnv Report 15 Dec 2009 22:39

Madmeg - sorry, I was rushing as the phone was ringing. I've gone back and added the header, so it's now recognizable as a FreeBMD hit.

On FreeBMD I can list all the Kingsbridge entries for the date range specified, or even all the p 458s irrespective of vol/district (there's 83 hits for M-1907q3).


SylviaInCanada Report 16 Dec 2009 00:44


you mean that Berniethatwas found this on freebmd?



Berniethatwas Report 16 Dec 2009 01:15

My humblest of apologies,
I forget that not everyone knows I'm a mean old b** that only looks at things that are free!
Yes FREEBMD for the reg. dist. of Kingsbridge. I should have got up earlier to have given it more thought before I dashed off to work.
You may now swear silently.
I did give in to temptation and buy the cert so I do know who the missing groom is, but I wonder if there's a hiccup somewhere with the numbering.
Abject prostration at your feet.
Have a good Holiday.


mgnv Report 16 Dec 2009 08:42

Sylvia - so we've seen Bernie's answer by now. I presume Bernie did something like I did when faced with a similar situation. Say I've got

Marriages Sep 1907 (>99%)
MOYSET Emma Dorcas Kingsbridge 5b 458

and that's the whole page - well if the groom's been transcribed as

SMITH John Kingsbridge 5b 4[53]8
or similar, the only way I'll see it is to list out all the Kingsbridge's for 1907q3, so I do that, and check the images for the incompletely transcribed pages, like the above - so neither of those 2 cases work out here. (Incidentally, although Ancestry and FreeBMD have images of the same pages, they're not the same images - usually Ancestry's are better, but not always.)

So next, I'll look for pages with an extra groom, preferably just one digit off from 458 - it's often easier to order out all the page #s, especially when there's only 43 hits, and after sorting, we see the odd situation that Bernie posted abt


Berniethatwas Report 16 Dec 2009 18:01

Oh mqnv - how did you pick Emma Dorcas out? She is my rellie - surname actually Moysey.
She married William Wellington who doesn't even rate a mention.
There be some queer goings on up there in Devon.

In the middle of breakfast and about to dash again




mgnv Report 16 Dec 2009 19:35

Bernie - There was only one page with more brides than grooms (after I've corrected the 453-->455 thingy), and your Emma was the sole occupant. There's only one page with more grooms than brides:

Marriages Sep 1907 (>99%)
Andrews Rosa Mary Kingsbridge 5b 456
BROWNSON Arthur Thomas Kingsbridge 5b 456
WELLINGTON William Samuel O Kingsbridge 5b 456

but Wm did look like 456 to me.

On the do-gooding front, if the index really does say 456 for Wm instead of the real 458, then FreeBMD will not change it unless you forward them an email from the GRO where they admit to stuffing up (or email equivalent). However, you can post a comment next to Wm saying what the page # ought to be - it's nicer if you actually transcribe the m.cert and stick that into the comment too - you'll have to omit headings etc, to squish it down to 256 charcters (I think that's all they allow) although you could spread it over the two spouses - I've only just thought of that - before I'd squished and commented the same for both.


mgnv Report 16 Dec 2009 19:59

If you want to see an example of a comment, look up the original Sweet Fanny Adams

Deaths Sep 1867 (>99%)
Adams Fanny _ Alton 2c 79

I don't know the facts, but I was told the killer was "a bit simple" and disposed of the body by chopping it into bits, and throwing them into the River Wey. If this were the mode of disposal, I'll go along with the "bit simple" - the river's only 6 inches deep round there.

Bren from Oldham

Bren from Oldham Report 16 Dec 2009 20:11

The ref for the 3rd quarter 1907 at Kingbridge 5b

Emma Dorcas Moylet 456

William Samuel O Willington 456

Taken from Gro references not free BMd