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Hot matches seems to have changed

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David Report 20 Nov 2009 09:58

We all do various things to keep on top of this, I have tried a few different methods as described herein but I too have another method I'd like to share with yourselves.

I have created a simple Excel spreadsheet & I enter relevant details from those I wish to keep track of. Please see the file below

"The data within that WORKBOOK has been changed so that no person or endity can be identified".

Now, the first sheet is the same as the 'Contact Sheet (Sample) but the Sample sheet shows you that when you use the 'Sort' function, you can then quickly view your data in various ways.

Happy for you to use this file, delete obviously whats in the front page and add your own information as you see fit.

Now, by using this workbook, you can delete your own tree and after approx 2 days ALL 'Hot Matches' will have disappeared. Upload your Family Tree file once more and by using the worksheet, you can be in more control in what access you have given others, who is actually working on their Trees and your own thoughts on someone else's Family Tree you have access too.

Hope that helps.


MarionfromScotland Report 20 Nov 2009 09:06

Yes it is a better way to delete and faster.
I go through mine as I get them,save letting them build up.I keep the ones that mean anything or might in future.



InspectorGreenPen Report 20 Nov 2009 08:30

I could never see why you would want to delete an entire page without having checked them first, so at least for me this seems a far quicker method as you can check, delete if you want to, and move straight to the next one.

In fact, this isn't actually the issue. What has changed, fundamentally, is that there is no longer the concept of ignored matches, you can now only delete matches altogether, and once they have gone, they have gone for ever.

The Help pages go some way to explaining how it all works.


MarionfromScotland Report 19 Nov 2009 21:49

I think its a lot quicker to delete.You just move onto next...then delete if not wanted.


Kazzaqld Report 19 Nov 2009 21:07

I'm not a fan of the new method, seems you need to look at a match in order to be able to delete it - what about ones where you are already in contact with the person? Perhaps it shouldn't show them at all anyway?

It just seems to be taking even longer than it normally did to search through and discard the ones that aren't relevant!

Or is it just me?


Braken Report 19 Nov 2009 18:51

I liked the way it was a year or 2 ago you could flag up all your new hot matches instead of having to go through all your saved ones looking for new ones to delete



MarionfromScotland Report 19 Nov 2009 18:22

I only delete ones I'm sure .well as sure as i can be that they are not mine....and hope for the best.


Berniethatwas Report 19 Nov 2009 18:21

Well I'm not a fan of this and have complained. You used to be able to select a whole page and delete in one go. Now, while the 'cogs of war' turn slow I've time to have smoko. I'd rather not have any than this.
Rant over!
Hope you day goes better than mine.
B :-^(


Barbara Report 19 Nov 2009 18:17

Not so sure about this being a good idea as when you discarded a match you could always check on it at a later date. I found that when there was 1 new match for a person (not mine) I discarded it - than when I went back to look at discarded matches I found that it was up to 4 matches and as I had got further on my tree I found they did match after all!


MarionfromScotland Report 19 Nov 2009 17:56

Give the girl a coconut ,well done lol


MargaretM Report 19 Nov 2009 17:50

Yes, it's new. Hey, I'm down to 64 pages!


MarionfromScotland Report 19 Nov 2009 16:34

I found it a lot quicker. Is it just new then?


MargaretM Report 19 Nov 2009 16:01

Yes, I've started deleting mine but it's going to take me a month of Sundays to get all 68 pages deleted!


MarionfromScotland Report 19 Nov 2009 15:02

For the better. Easier to delete them :))