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Just feel abit annoyed

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Chica in the sun ☼

Chica in the sun ☼ Report 14 Oct 2009 12:46

that when I looked on Ancestry Public trees I see that someone has hijacked my tree and connected my great grandmother by marriage to one of their line. This doesn´t seem to be a genuine mistake as the birth date is different, so I can´t understand them doing it. Especially annoying as I only have my tree on GR not on Ancestry. Just had to get that off my chest!


MarionfromScotland Report 14 Oct 2009 12:56

I privitised mine on here for that very reason.
I contacted somebody as they had about 6 names with no connection from various lines of my family. When I realised the number they had in their tree...I stopped.

I dont see the point in name collecting.


Chica in the sun ☼

Chica in the sun ☼ Report 14 Oct 2009 13:09

This is someone who has found out that their ancestor was married to someone with the same name as my g.grandmother who came from England. As her name isn´t very unusual, it seems that they just wanted a British link and picked on mine. Maybe it is because I am very particular in my genealogy and won´t put anything in that is "iffy", but I guess to some it sounds good to say, "my British line goes back to 1625!"


MarionfromScotland Report 14 Oct 2009 13:13

Well done you.
How do you mange to get back that far?


TootyFruity Report 14 Oct 2009 13:29

I too have my tree private on here and Ancestry. I found someone on Ancestry with my great great great grandfatherand his immediate family but unconnected in anyway to the rest of the tree. I asked if they where doing a one name study of the Carruthers name in Kirkcudbrightshire but they did not know what I was talking about and to-date I have no explanation as to why this family is in their tree.

I don't understand name collecting either. The whole point of compiling your own family tree is because it is your family. Isn't it?


Madmeg Report 14 Oct 2009 13:56

I don't even call that name-collecting. I thought name-collecting was adding in remote branches that nobody would ever be interested in, just to say you have thousands of people in your tree. I don't mind that, as it can sometimes lead to new contacts and information.

But adding someone who is the wrong person is just pointless, deceptive, does nothing for anyone - least of all the tree-owner!

I have a Gordon Brown in my tree, born Manchester 1857. Wonder if that is near enough to being our current Prime Minister - think I'll add him to my tree just in case.



Madmeg Report 14 Oct 2009 13:58


Would it not be better if you did NOT have you up to your g grandparents - after all you probably know their descendants anyway, and shouldn't be showing living relatives. I'd prefer to have my g grandparents and their ANCESTORS on view to help me research further back.


Chica in the sun ☼

Chica in the sun ☼ Report 14 Oct 2009 15:03

Thanks for all your responses. Marion, I have two lines going back to around 1625. One I researched back myself, the other was given to me by another researcher. The one I researched was an accumulation of 30 years work! And probably the biggest thrill of my life!

My g.grandfather was a coal miner. Whilst tracing his family I found they had been farming, and the family had lived in the same place for hundreds of years. How lucky is that! Anyway I found parish records, wills (one in 1750 ish left her best black hat, her best handkerchief and her checky apron to her daughter-in-law!) and a map showing the land they owned with their names on it. Best of all I found a survey issued by Henry VIII to assess what weapons the farming yeomen possessed as he was planning to go to war against France. My ancestor owned a glaive (a type of poleaxe), a helmet with a clacky visor and a dagger!

Sorry I´m getting carried away now, you shouldn´t have asked!

I have put it all into a potted family history version for my children with abit of humour and some pics, and some background social history. If anyone is interested in how I´ve made this "book" (so they can use a similiar format for their own tree) please PM me, I´d love to share some ideas with you.


MarionfromScotland Report 14 Oct 2009 15:57

My tree sounds very boring now lol


Potty Report 14 Oct 2009 16:22

Mine too!


Marjorie Report 14 Oct 2009 17:00

No-one should be upset by others stealing relatives - after all, the "cheater" is cheating no-one but themselves and their deceptions can be easily discovered.


MarionfromScotland Report 14 Oct 2009 17:01

I've gots lots of coalminers :)) lol


SylviaInCanada Report 15 Oct 2009 04:44

I have one very small tree on ancestry which was still public (it no longer is!) ... it only has 4 names on it .......... my great aunt, her husband and her parents. I put it up when I was still playing about with what I could do on the site. My main tree is private.

A couple of months ago I discovered great-uncle shown on another tree. Interested ..... I clicked on their tree.

The connection was that we both had John Wrigley who died in Newark New Jersey .............. over one hundred years apart!

Hmmmmmmmmmmm ................ and he somehow had also managed to make my gt grandparents (not called Wrigley!) the parents of someone born one hundred years earlier.

I couldn't find a means of contacting the tree owner ....................... so I finally opened the Comments section on their tree, and put that so-and-so on this tree had absolutely no connection with the tree, please note the birth dates.

the tree had been cleaned up by the time I looked again one week later!


Jill 2011 (aka Warrior Princess of Cilla!)

Jill 2011 (aka Warrior Princess of Cilla!) Report 15 Oct 2009 15:19

Well my gr grandfather was born in Peckham in 1842. There is one tree on Ancestry that shows him being born some 15 years later and in the Channel Islands. Not quite sure what they think the connection is - details from him down seem to be correct and I don't have a clue where they themselves fit into the picture.

I was wondering whether to add a note to their tree but I quite like the idea that in a different life my poor old working class gr grandpappy would have had a possibly blissful childhood in Jersey. Bless him.
