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Profile | Posted by | Options | Post Date |
BatMansDaughter | Report | 25 Aug 2009 11:44 |
I am absoulutley gobsmacked at the amount of postings that lack the basic "please" and "thank you". |
Helen in Bucks | Report | 25 Aug 2009 11:50 |
Hear hear! |
Chrissie2394 | Report | 25 Aug 2009 12:10 |
I have to agree with you. Manners cost nothing and MEMBERS, not paid staff are using alot of their free time doing look ups to try and help others. Even if the help was given by paid staff, please and thank you should come naturally when asking for help. |
Researching: |
Irene | Report | 25 Aug 2009 12:18 |
I have to agree with you. Many times I have spent a lot of time getting information for someone only to find you never get a response back from them nor a thank you. |
Kathryn | Report | 25 Aug 2009 12:39 |
Oh I've had an absolute classic - a person contacted me through the tree contact facility with just the relatives's surname in the title and the following message " Name Name - any info?" and their own name as a sign off. Replied saying that without further details how could I possibly know? Some months later got another similar message with a tiny bit more info and a similar lack of manners, but with an opened tree. Took a look and it is in fact a direct relative, so I gave some more information and some very good tips as to tracing more of the family (it's not a common name and less than five minutes on freebmd would have got the information wanted) but I was not going to open my tree or do the work for them. |
Staffs Col | Report | 25 Aug 2009 13:02 |
Denise, I agree with you 100%. Some folk seem to think their £9.95 subscription covers the help that GR members so generously give to fellow members...It doesnt! Help is given happily but a please and thank you should be automatic and it saddens me when it isnt....Having said that I do give ample time for a thank you before I start to get look at our local library shows just how many people have to use a 30 minute a day access slot to do all their research so they cant always be about to say which case it doesnt hurt to say...".I dont have permanent access to a PC so please forgive me if I dont respond immediately" |
Sue | Report | 25 Aug 2009 14:53 |
I hope I always say please and thank you. I would feel awful if I didn't. |
AnnCardiff | Report | 25 Aug 2009 15:10 |
some people ask without actually sayng please, but the manner in which they have asked is polite so that's OK |
Researching: |
littlelegs | Report | 25 Aug 2009 16:54 |
hi i aways say please and thank you and i thank the person again when they get back tome with info |
Jill 2011 (aka Warrior Princess of Cilla!) | Report | 25 Aug 2009 17:01 |
I must admit that I do not help on the threads where they don't say please ... AND I have to sit on my hands not to add a reply saying so! |
Researching: |
BatMansDaughter | Report | 25 Aug 2009 17:42 |
Hi Folks, |
Frances | Report | 25 Aug 2009 18:04 |
I've had the same sort of contact as Kathryn - through the Tree Match facility someone just wrote - "married to ..... son called ....., born in .......". I ignored him for his lack of manners. He was most persistant, kept sending the automatic open tree request with no message. I looked at his tree out of interest, only had about 10 people on it so he obviously wanted someone's tree to copy that branch - well he didn't get mine! |
ElizabethK | Report | 26 Aug 2009 08:32 |
I wonder if "texting" has someting to do with these curt/abrupt messages ? |
Jim | Report | 26 Aug 2009 09:35 |
There is definitely a general lack of manners in the world today not just on Genes Reunited but on the roads. Drivers want to get where they want to go, even if it's in a car park, as fast as they can and totally oblivious to others unless they're in their way. On Genes Reunited people often expect to get answers immediately and see it as some anonymous information-feeding machine - a bit like call centres. Some people are totally unaware that it is ordinary unpaid researchers searching for their own ancestors and offering help to other researchers. Advertising is constantly sending the message Buy it Now with the perpetal reinforcement of instant gratification. No wonder some people don't have the time or inclination to say Thank You. They've already moved on to the next thing. |
Kate | Report | 26 Aug 2009 13:26 |
Great point about driving, Jim. Slightly off-topic here, but I know the Highway Code says you should only sound your horn to alert others to your car's presence (which I always interpreted to mean "don't use it unless they're about to reverse into you") but I have lost count of the number of people who have blasted theirs at me because I couldn't move out onto a roundabout for a few moments in busy traffic. |