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james boyne

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Carol Report 15 Aug 2009 15:16

I have been looking for a birth or death certificate of a james boyne for some time know,birth around about 1815 and his death may have been between 1851 to 1864,if anyone out there could help, many thanks.


Alan Report 15 Aug 2009 15:20

Do you know 'where' the events took place?

IGI has this..............James Boyne Pedigree

Birth: 16 APR 1810

Christening: 20 MAY 1810 St Thomas', Liverpool, Lancashire, England

Father: Thomas Boyne Family
Mother: Mary Craven

Extracted birth or christening record for the locality listed

There is also a JB in Leeds and Halifax same time frame.
Take a look...""


Carol Report 15 Aug 2009 16:07

not sure where he was born but was married in edinburgh 1840, he was on the 1851 census, but after that cant find any info. on him at all.
His wifes name was mary auld.


Freewheel Report 15 Aug 2009 21:35

If this is the correct family in 1851, James says he was born in North Leith

Name: James Boyne
Age: 34
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1817
Relationship: Head
Spouse's Name: Mary
Gender: Male
Where born: No Leith, Midlothian
Parish Number: 692/1
Civil parish: Leith North
County: Midlothian
Address: Sandport St No 16 First Floor
Occupation: Hatter's Shopman
ED: 53
Page: 9 (click to see others on page)
Household schedule number: 37
Line: 3
Roll: CSSCT1851_187
Household Members: Name Age
James Boyne 34
Mary Boyne 33
Mary Boyne 9
Alexander Boyne 7
William Boyne 5
James Boyne 4
Wright Boyne 2


Freewheel Report 15 Aug 2009 21:38

Some of the children in 1861

Name: Alexander Boyne
Age: 17
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1844
Relationship: Brother
Gender: Male
Where born: Leith, Edinburghshire
Registration Number: 692/1
Registration district: Leith North
Civil parish: Leith St Cuthberts
County: Midlothian
Address: Moffats Land
Occupation: Ap Sailmarker
ED: 21
Household schedule number: 64
Line: 7
Roll: CSSCT1861_131
Household Members: Name Age
Mary Boyne 19 HEAD of household
Alexander Boyne 17
James Boyne 13
William W Boyne 11


Freewheel Report 15 Aug 2009 22:11

Civil Registraion didn't start until 1855 in Scotland.


Carol Report 16 Aug 2009 12:37

thanks for that information, I do have most of his details, I just don't have any information to where he died, I no his wife died in 1851 and he was alive then but from then to 1868 I can't find out any information. I have been looking at Scotlands People, but nothing. so if anyone could help. He was deceased when his son got married in 1868.


Helen Report 16 Aug 2009 13:31

Just for interest, you may already have these.

1841 Scotland Census
about James Boyne
Name: James Boyne
Age: 20
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1821
Gender: Male
Where born: Midlothian, Scotland

Civil parish: North Leith
County: Midlothian
Address: Sandport St
Occupation: Walter
Parish Number: 692/1
Neighbors: View others on page
Household Members:
Name Age
James Boyne 20
Mary Boyne 20
Thomas Auld 10

Looks like relations living at the same address

1841 Scotland Census
about Alexander Boyne
Name: Alexander Boyne
Age: 60
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1781
Gender: Male
Where born: Scotland

Civil parish: North Leith
County: Midlothian
Address: Sandport St
Occupation: Mason J
Parish Number: 692/1
Neighbors: View others on page
Household Members:
Name Age
Alexander Boyne 60
Isabella Boyne 50
Elizabeth Boyne 20
William Boyne 15
Alexander Boyne 10
George Boyne 8
Margaret Boyne 6
John Anderson 25
John Shaw 50
John Shaw 14

Had a look at Scotlandspeople and can't see his death either. He may have died between 1851 and 1854 .... making finding a death difficult due to erratic surviving records. He may however have died after 1855 and his name been mistranscribed. Scotlandspeople only recognise the spelling of names as given in the original record. Boyne ... could be translated as ????

According to all your census information, it looks likely James was definitely born in Midlothian.


Carol Report 16 Aug 2009 14:18

Yes I do have most of that information ,it was yourself that gave me most of it thanks, but it is just that I would really like to find out what happened to James, I am happy to no that he was born in Edinburgh. I did find a James in the 1861 cencus in Flintshire as a visitor, born in Scotland, Profession : travelor age 44 ,could it be him? don't no. maybe.


Carol Report 16 Aug 2009 14:29

The information on James, is Commercial traveller: District;Holt Wrexham Administrative County;Denbighshire. not Flintshire.


Helen Report 16 Aug 2009 16:20

Had a look at the original census form and it states James was a widower. Not that it proves anything but we know your person was widowed.
He was living in the Parish of Bangor, in Flintshire.

Had a look for a possible death in England and Wales. There is only the one in 1865. The next recorded for that name is in 1872 and you say your James was deceased in 1868.

March qtr 1865
James Boyne Kirkstall 9b 204

Kirkstall is in the West Riding of Yorkshire.

This may or may not be your person. I don't even know if sending for the certificate would prove anything as English certificates don't indicate parents names or spouse name.

Anyway, it gives you something to ponder over ....

For interest:
Had a look at the previous 1851 census to see if I could find the man whose death is recorded in 1865 living in England or Wales. There was no sign of him ... This may be another clue that your James could be the one mentioned in the 1861 census in Wales. Can't prove it however.


Carol Report 16 Aug 2009 18:56

Thanks for the information, but as you say there is no point in looking at the certificate as it doe'snt give any information. But will have a think about the what you have sent me, very interesting, Thanks again for you're help.
Just a thought is denbighshire in wales my geography isn't to good.!!


Helen Report 16 Aug 2009 19:02

Denbighshire is in Wales

The 1861 census information for James Boyne indicates he was living in Bangor, Flintshire, Wales.


Carol Report 17 Aug 2009 14:11

It may be James, but I don't think I will be able to find out any more, do they mention anything on the certificate where he was born?I know they don't on the scottish, also he may have remarried . Just a thought, on the 1841 census his father Alexander was not born in Scotland, so whether that has anything to do with moving to Wales, there's a lot of ifs,who knows.
Thanks again for you're help.