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How to tell if an GR account is active?

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InspectorGreenPen Report 26 Jun 2009 11:33

That was really my point, Jim. I also have a second Free Member account would be a bit miffed if GR deleted my free account because of lack of use.

I suppose, going back to the original posting, there is not that much that can be done. Yes there are those who take the mickey, and not that hard to spot either, but I can't see how removing accounts just on the basis they have little activity can be justified.


Thelma Report 26 Jun 2009 10:39

I have two memberships one paid and one free/guest.
I use the free one to compare my tree names to other members.
This free membership has always been free and has been in use,occasionally,for five years.
So how would you describe it? Certainly not lapsed or no longer used.
There must be millions of members who no longer use this site and I would guess some never paid a penny.


AmazingGrace08 Report 25 Jun 2009 23:29

Thanks, sorry I didn't mean to cause an argument.

I know how to check if a message has been read, what I meant was if you get a whole heap of hot matches, I wish there was a column saying when the tree owner was last active, because it's not much point sending an email I guess if the owner last accessed the site 4 years ago!

Didn't mean to cause a difference in opinion over terms, I thought like anything you join, if you don't continue membership lapses.

Thanks anyway for your replies.

English Bob

English Bob Report 25 Jun 2009 19:49

I admit that there is a way to delete your details, but it is obscure and most folks won't bother.

I don’t think you have given my discussable points any thought whatsoever. More that you have a stance and unswayable opinion and worse still are just happy to bat any good comment or suggestion made.

Complacency is a good summing up word.

Happy hunting, Bob


InspectorGreenPen Report 25 Jun 2009 19:23

"Please read my replies carefully before you further your cause. I classed people who listed dummy names as idiots, not genuine members whether Free, Standard or other."

I have read your replies carefully and fully understand what you are saying. However it does not have a logical conclusion to it, so please don't imply that I have not undersood your argument.

What exactly is it that you propose? Zap eveyone who is a 'lapsed member" , in your definition? How exactly do you propose GR do this without upsetting genuine Free Members?

Your comment about not being able to delete your details is also flawed.

Have a look at the Help page and there is a link (It is under the words click here)

""If you would like all your details to be removed from Genes Reunited please click here and follow the on-screen instructions"

At the end of the day, if a member does not wish to contact you then that is their decision, whether they are Free, Standard or Gold or simply can''t be bothered there aint a lot any of us can do about it.

English Bob

English Bob Report 25 Jun 2009 19:01

Please read my replies carefully before you further your cause. I classed people who listed dummy names as idiots, not genuine members whether Free, Standard or other.

Over the years I have successfully gleaned and shared information with genuine members.

Nevertheless, as I have said and wait to be disproved by anyone including GR itself, it is impossible to leave once you have signed up, the most you can do is delete your tree, most don’t, then change your user e mail address, this to effectively not get bothered by the “hot matches and any news letters.

My description of a lapsed member, “one who does not use or has left their membership in disuse“, is more than adequate.

GR are at fault with respect to perpetuating hope for people who find a “match in a tree” when there is no way of ever making contact with the owner.

Good hunting, Bob


InspectorGreenPen Report 25 Jun 2009 18:25

So, we have Free Members and so called Lapsed Free Members or 'Ghosts' whatever they are?

As I have said, the site does not recognise a status of lapsed member - they simply do not exist.

What is more to the point is that there are also members out there, all perfectly legit, who may have a good reason for wanting to remain on this GR, who for one reason or another, no longer regularly access the site, or if they do, have no wish to reply to messages unless they have a good reason to do so.

Yes, it is frustrating but to class them all as idiots or suggest that GR zap them from the site is a not really on.

English Bob

English Bob Report 25 Jun 2009 18:13

A Free member has no message board posting rights, can only build a limited tree, search trees and send an e mail through the GR system.
A Free member can only delete their tree down to their own name, a Free member will find it impossible to leave GR, so when they decide to move on and they will, if they haven’t deleted their tree, however dubious, the information remains, hence the ridiculous tree name number claims by GR.
Hate to be pedantic, but a lapsed member is exactly as described here. You will have no chance of making contact with one of these ghosts.

Happy hunting, Bob


InspectorGreenPen Report 25 Jun 2009 16:46

I accept the bit about suspended members (which I suspect applies to having your board posting rights withrawn), but someone who choses not to renew their subscription does not become a lapsed member - there is no such status.

They revert to being a Free Member, as opposed to being a Standard Member or a Gold Member.

They are perfectly within their rights to do so, and to continue to use the site as a Free Member, for as long as they wish.


Irene Report 25 Jun 2009 14:43

Send a pm message to the person you want to contact then you can check if they open your message. If the envelope stays purple they have not opened the message. Irene

English Bob

English Bob Report 25 Jun 2009 14:37

...of course there are lapsed memberships, if a “member” doesn’t renew and pay the subscription fee they lose many of the member privileges. Also there are “members that have been suspended by GR themselves.

In its wisdom GR keeps all the tree information logged by these supposed non visitors, it has never cleaned up its data base ever.

Some years ago I had a thread about all the “Mickey Mouse” and other phantom names that have been registered by idiots in “trees” that can be searched to this day. Try sending a note to the owner of a tree with Minnie or Mickey, they surely won’t reply because they are no longer members but will always be idiots.

Good hunting, Bob


InspectorGreenPen Report 25 Jun 2009 12:14

There is no such thing as a membership lapsing. A member and their tree stays on the site until such time as they choose to delete it. They may chose not to access the site anymore, nor renew their subscription, but they remain a member.

I use the message open check too - I don't know of any other way, and if the message is opened send a further response afte a short period asking if they have had the time to look at my message and wonder if they are in a position to respond - sometimes does the trick.


ChristineinPortugal Report 25 Jun 2009 07:59

This is not a way to check if the member is active but you can check if the message you send has been read.

In your sent messages, the envelope will remain purple if it has not been opened.



AmazingGrace08 Report 25 Jun 2009 07:04

Thanks Jonesy for that tip!


AmazingGrace08 Report 25 Jun 2009 05:57

Hi everyone,

Does anyone know if there is a way on Genes Reunited if you can tell when someone last accessed the site?

I have just gone through all of my matches and contacts and I am wondering if some people that I match 8 plus people with perhaps are no longer active members as messages have been sent months ago and followed up? I understand that a tree remains on the site for years even if the membership lapses.

If there is a way we could see when they last were active it would save a bit of time sending messages out.

If this has been asked before sorry!

