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1911 Census & Kew

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was plain ann now annielaurie

was plain ann now annielaurie Report 20 Jun 2009 19:57

No - they take a photo of you!

was plain ann now annielaurie

was plain ann now annielaurie Report 20 Jun 2009 19:09

They have recently put up an announcement on the site about Industrial Action. If you're travelling a fair way it might be best until it is over, as it could result in short-notice closure they say.


lesleymargaret Report 20 Jun 2009 18:42

Hi Carolyn,

Thanks for the information, hope to go to Kew in a month or so will look at Ancestry and see what additional information they have , I already have a reader's ticket.


TeresainWirral Report 20 Jun 2009 15:12

Useful tip about the coaches day !



Carolyn Report 20 Jun 2009 14:27

Lesley, re. using Ancestry/Findmypast on the computers at Kew, I only have the essentials package for Ancestry at home so can't view the passenger lists any longer but I could at Kew (and print them out) so I assume they have the 'gold' package, not sure about the 'world' records as didn't try them.
The Probate Index is on microfiche and is a yearly list of all wills proved from 1858 up until about the 1940s. It gives brief details of the deceased (date of death, last address etc) so you know you've got the right one. It also gives the names of Executors the probate was granted to and a rough amount of the value of the Estate. You can't view the actual will, if you find one of yours you have to write to the York Probate Office to obtain it at £5 a copy, unless you can get up to First Avenue House in High Holborn London, where you can look up and order a copy on the day, think it takes about an hour and still costs £5.
Just thought I'd mention that if you need to obtain a Readers Ticket you will need 2 pieces of ID, a driving licence is fine, but you'll also need a utility bill/bank statement with your address on, they are quite strict about it, once they wouldn't accept my friend's bill as it was over 6 months old.



Bluesavannah Report 20 Jun 2009 10:19

Thank you namelessone for that information re coaches, certainly will have a look at the website before planning anything now I know that.

I will make sure ive got my driving licence with me for id for the reader ticket if I end up going.



nameslessone Report 20 Jun 2009 09:44

Clare - if you are travelling all that way make sure you are not going on a '3 coaches' day.
Go to the TNA website and look at 'Visit us/ Organising a tour or school visit' then click on 'Schedule of planned visits'. The calander will tell you how many coaches are booked in (up to three). As you can imagine, three coaches will hold an awful lot of people!
If you are using the 1911 census take as much info as you can. If you have preplanned some of what you need you can 'copy' 12-16 sheets in an hour. You will need a readers ticket so take some ID with you and cash to load the ticket.


Bluesavannah Report 20 Jun 2009 09:03

Hi Again,

Many thanks to all who have taken the time to reply. I am thinking a day out there does sound good and ive been looking at the website. The price for prints is good also. I will have a look at mine and hubby's tree to see if there are other records that they hold thats worth us looking at if we went.

Kind Regards


Paul Report 20 Jun 2009 00:03

I would purchase credits to view the 1911 census, unless you have other records you want to look at for example the National Archives have some very good military records, have a look at their site


Carolyn Report 19 Jun 2009 21:57

I was at Kew on monday and can confirm that you can now view the 1911 census on any of the computers there with no need to book. It's also free to view Ancestry/Findmypast and you can print out from all these for 20p for a good quality A3 print out. I also made use of the Probate Index so would say definitely worth a day out.


was plain ann now annielaurie

was plain ann now annielaurie Report 19 Jun 2009 17:12


They got rid of the scheme where you had to book an hour about a week or so ago. You just turn up now and use any computer.


Bluesavannah Report 19 Jun 2009 14:43

Thank you AnnieLaurie for that information.

That is cheaper than I thought it would be so wondering if I could make a day out of this now if I went :)

Many thanks

was plain ann now annielaurie

was plain ann now annielaurie Report 19 Jun 2009 14:42

You can look at as many as you want at Kew and the copies are 20p each.


Bluesavannah Report 19 Jun 2009 13:30

Hi All

Thank you all for your comments. I would more than likely drive down to Kew as I know its got a car park from a visit a few years ago. But, the cost of petrol to get me there and back is something to consider.

Has anyone taken any prints at Kew that would know how much they cost and if you are restricted to the amount you can look at and print off?

Many thanks


Thelma Report 19 Jun 2009 11:57

How much does it cost to view a transcript?

For 10 credits (which cost between 83p and £1.16, depending on the package you buy) you can view a full transcript of everyone in the household, or a whole page of an institution. This compares with £1 to view a whole household on the official 1901 site, which was launched seven years ago.
How much does it cost to view an image?

Viewing the images of the household pages uses 30 credits, which costs from £2.50 to £3.48, depending on the package of credits that you buy.


Bluesavannah Report 19 Jun 2009 08:55


I am thinking of going to Kew to do some lookups on the 1911 census but could anyone advise me if it is worth going or just to purchase more credits on the findmypast site?

I live in Manchester so dont want to make the trip if it isnt worth.

A few questions that I have is how much is it to print out census pages, are limited to a time and how many you can print and do I need to book in advance?

Any guidance from anyone who has been is much appreciated :)
