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Access to Ancestry

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Annina Report 20 Jun 2009 22:26

Thanks Lindsey, I'll try that.


Lindsey* Report 18 Jun 2009 18:30

I dont know if this might help.
Google Chrome is a fast search engine, Put google chrome into your search bar and download it for free, this will give you an extra button on your bottom bar, and will not alter anything on your computer.

Then go into google chrome and type in Ancestry , log in and try a search again.


Annina Report 18 Jun 2009 18:13

Jonesey I love you, thanks a gazillion, I've been trying to crack the code of my maternal grandmother and this may help.

Once again thank you thank you thankyou, luv, Nina from Sheffield. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Annina Report 18 Jun 2009 17:23

Sherat, yes its the orange one.


Annina Report 18 Jun 2009 17:22

Hi all thanks again, Jonesy , it is internet whatever that I use and yes, it is only Ancestry I have trouble with.

No 2 son visiting me today perhaps you will get more sense out of him. You may as well speak Swahili as comp speak to me.

Once again thanks for trying to help.

If you can access ancestry, would you look up a quicky for me and get the page no/s to order cert. I'll do all your ironing for a year.

Hecter V C Kendrick b 1940 Bristol. Please.


Espana Report 18 Jun 2009 16:17

Hi Annina Not sure whether this may help but Ancestry may help you try ringing their toll free number not sure where you are in the world but UK is 0-800-404-9723.
All the advice in the world on what and what not to press with regards to my machine would not help me but speak to them direct they may be able to advise. Cindi


Annina Report 18 Jun 2009 15:30

Hello Michael, when I say nothing happens when I press the SEARCH button, that is exactly what I get,I sit for ages and still nowt.I don't get through, don't get any sort of response at all. I am well aware of how to use the info when I DO get it, but I get nothing at all. I keep re filling the form and trying again untill I give up and come back to GR.

It is really frustrating because yesterday I DID manage to get through, found an uncle that I have trying to trace, and before I could get his records down to order cert, the bl"""dy thing disappeared yet again THanks all for responding, I will now go outside for a fag and a scream. Nina

Mick in the Sticks

Mick in the Sticks Report 18 Jun 2009 08:46


I am not certain from your messages if you are saying there is a problem with your web browser or you just cannot find the name you are searching for.

I would suggest you test the system by ensuring the Historical Records tab is checked on the front search page and then typing in the name William Smith and nothing else. This should show all censi entries for this name with a total of 29,945 for say the 1901 census.

If you do not get this result then there is something wrong with the way you are set up on Ancestry. If you do get this total, it could well be there is no one in the various censi that matches the criteria you are typing in. If that is the case, just type in the persons name first with nothing else to see if you get any results. If you get a lot of names, try reducing them by adding a year range etc.

Remember, censi details are notoriously wrong on dates and rarely match an exact date.



Annina Report 18 Jun 2009 02:38

Hi all who tried to help, I am now off to bed,my feet are cold, Iv'e got a huge headache,and i've gone cross-eyed. See you in the morning,night night, Nina


Annina Report 18 Jun 2009 02:16

Hello Kate sorry iv'e been on another site. Iv'e tried to sign off and on again, closed my comp for a rest, sworn at it and threatened to throw it out of the window,all to no avail.
Iv'e even tried to claim my money back, but can't get any sense out of it.
I think I know Firefox, is mackafee similar? that is what I have I think.


Kate Report 18 Jun 2009 01:28

Firefox is an alternative internet browser, which some people use instead of Internet Explorer.

If it's happening when you click to search (which happens to me on a lot of websites now and again - for some reason, it will just hang and fail to respond to anything short of the Force Quit command on my Mac) have you tried forcing the programme to close and then reopening it? I believe there is an equivalent to Force Quit on Windows but I don't know what it's called.


Annina Report 18 Jun 2009 00:40

Hi Rose, thanks for answering, I mean that after I have filled in name year ect, I press SEARCH and nowt happens. I know that I am not doing anything wrong,because once in a hundred times I am lucky.

As for firefox, I havn't a clue what that is, honourable son programes everything for me when he is here, but he isn't familiar with Ancestry .

I must add that I never have any trouble with GR or Freebmd,Have traced one branch back to 1637,

Click ADD REPLY button - not this link!

Click ADD REPLY button - not this link! Report 18 Jun 2009 00:04

What do you mean by nothing happens?

Have you tried a different browser like Firefox?



Annina Report 18 Jun 2009 00:00

Help anybody!! Iv'e payed my dues to Ancestry, but never get any sense out of it,

I get through, put in details press SEARCH, and , nothing happens. I'm thoughrly sick and tired, and feel ripped off as well as pi"""d off, Can anyone help in ordinary language please.