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past electoral rolls

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Marian Report 10 May 2009 22:32

if I need information about someone and knew what address they lived at ,do you have to go to that particular area to view records? Am looking for a date of birth which would come up on an electoral roll in from 1938 Hampstead.


Marian Report 10 May 2009 22:51

Thankyou,don't mind paying if I get the answers,but shall see.


MrsBucketBouquet Report 10 May 2009 23:19

Couldnt you just buy the birth cert? This will give you the date of birth also Parents names with Mothers maiden name.

(certs cost £7)

Gerri x

...Address too...


KathleenBell Report 10 May 2009 23:33

I don't think you will get date of birth from the electoral register - you just have to be over 18 (or 21 at that time) to be on it.

Kath. x


Marian Report 11 May 2009 12:28

I do have my birth certificate which doesn't have my mother's date of birth on it, but I know where she lived at that time.

Jill 2011 (aka Warrior Princess of Cilla!)

Jill 2011 (aka Warrior Princess of Cilla!) Report 11 May 2009 12:36

I might be wrong but I don't think Electoral Rolls contain ages ...

What about your parents' marriage certificate? That will show her age at the time and help you to track down the right birth cert.



brummiejan Report 11 May 2009 15:36

Marian - I've looked at plenty of electoral rolls, and I do not remember any ages on them.
If you have an approximate year, and birthplace, you (or someone) can search on ancestry as all births are now transcribed. Hope her name isn't too common!
Do you think she was with her family at that time? Obviously that would help enormously.
Maybe some kind person would be happy to look up the address for you - you could always PM them if they offer, if you wish to keep it private. Sadly I live in Brum so no use to you!


Marian Report 12 May 2009 09:58

Thanks for replies,sadly I don't know if my mother married,she was an unmarried mother when I was born and have no record of my father,am going to the area for a nosy in a few weeks and to look in the local library with my daughters.I was adopted but have my baptism certificate with mothers name and address at time plus godmother with same surname but different address so will have to look into it. Marian


Marian Report 12 May 2009 10:19

will a census for that time have an age?If I could get a rough idea even,as I have found a few Elizabeth Ann Kelly's in the Hampstead area in 1938 but the age range is 1893-1923 so I have a small problem,can I get to look at more recent census for that address if I go there?thanks for any help,I have more info which I put in the "Trying to find" pages.


Janet Report 12 May 2009 10:58

Hi Marian
As previously mentioned there are no ages on the electoral rolls. However if you mum's name didn't appear on the address given it may be that she was under twenty one which could be a guide but look for potential parents/older siblings. If she is on the electoral roll she would be at least 21.If you check the god parents address, possibly if they have less popular names, you might be able to start and track them down through the census but not before 1911.Another thought is that your mother may have been in a mother and baby home so the address may not even have been her own home.Visiting the local library will be of benefit.-JLe


brummiejan Report 12 May 2009 21:11

Marian, have you tried the Salvation Army website? I understand they offer help with finding families including those of adopted children. They may be able to advise you.


Sheila Report 12 May 2009 22:42

Hi Marian

Right so you where born 1938, and then adopted, have you done a name search for your birth Mother on this site ?

You say you where baptised and I wonder if you God mother was her sister ? have you tried seeing if you can find a match for both names with the MMN the same ? if you do you can look for other siblings, and maybe able to find a brother of theirs.

The other way to do it , is to search forwards for a poss match for a marriage after you where born.

Just has a quick look then and there is a birth for an Elizabeth A Kelly in Poplar, what was the witnesses name ?


Marian Report 13 May 2009 09:32

Hi thanks everyone for ideas,another kind person on this website looked into a few for me and tried to match godmother,but as I said it's hard with there being a big range in possible date of births.Elizabeth Ann Kelly worked as a live in domestic servant at the time at 47, Canfield Gdns,Hampstead for the Falk family,then moved out to live at 6, Gayton cres Hampstead (address on baptism cert).I have adoption cert also,no date of birth for her anywhere.Godmother surname is also Kelly ,can't read first name but looks like Bacharine(Could be Catherine/Katherine??) she lived at 12, Lyndhurst gdns, Hampstead.Lots of info really, just need to see where to start,have got some credits but I am struggling with what I am looking for.Thanks again everyone.


Sheila Report 13 May 2009 10:10

Hi Marian

Right you have two choices you can if you live locally contact the main library in Hampshire and ask if they hold the elec rolls for the years concerned and see if you can find who lived at these addresses.

The other thing you can take a chance go forwards and see if you can find a marriage for Elizabeth Ann in that area in the years following you birth.

With a name like Kelly it may be that they came from Ireland


Marian Report 14 May 2009 18:11

Hi thanks for ideas.Have done some searches for mariages but seem to find so many again or her name,I could go on forever but still not sure which ones could be her,it's so annoying not having an age.