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Marriage Certs

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Gordon Report 21 May 2009 22:45

Sorry to say but military records did not produce any new information, so I'm back to the drawing board....seems I have come to a dead end with my great grandad..thanks again for all the help.


Battenburg Report 21 Apr 2009 23:26

nudging to see the information from records when you post them


Gordon Report 21 Apr 2009 23:18

Just wanted to say a big thank you to all who helped with my recent query, have looked at the sites you all gave me and I'm now waiting for my great grandads military records to arrive....hopefully with some new information, and I might finally be able to track his ancestors.

I would like to say a special thank you to Keith for giving me details of Kevins web site...brilliant.

Selena in South East London

Selena in South East London Report 12 Apr 2009 19:57

Is this any connection? The profession is the so similar

Birth Year
Birthplace London, England
Age 29
******* Occupation Lieutenant 2nd Batt 12th Regt *******
Marital Status U
Head of Household Frederick BAGNELL
Relation Other

Institution "Fort Regent Brrcks Hosp Mltry Prisn &Mar Qrt"
Census Place St Helier, Jersey, Channel Islands
Family History Library Film 1342349
Public Records Office Reference RG11
Piece / Folio 5616 / 57
Page Number 1


Gordon Report 12 Apr 2009 18:03

Thanks Keith have contacted the site you sent me.

Well spotted Jean missed him completely, I will try your web site now, thanks for your help.


KeithInFujairah Report 12 Apr 2009 16:04

I will pm you some details Gordon.


Gordon Report 12 Apr 2009 15:44

How do I go about hiring someone


mgnv Report 12 Apr 2009 14:21

I'll bet that is all the army recorded. It wouldn't hurt to check for a church register - after all, you know the place and date. I would think it was worthwhile to get his army record - I don't know about 1870s, but WW1 records record his pob & dob (but often lies were told abt the yob), and also his next of kin was listed. It might be cheaper to hire someone to get it if that was the sole purpose of your trip.


Gordon Report 12 Apr 2009 12:42

Thanks everyone for your thoughts....had another look at Marriage Cert and now realise it has been copied from an entry in the Army Register Book of Births, Baptisms and Marriages.

All it states is the Battalion, Rank and Name of Soldier, Name of woman,
Place of Marriage, Date of Marriage, Signatures of above, witnesses and officiating clergyman, maybe thats all the army recorded.

Does anyone know if church records would contain more information or since he was in the army thats as much as I'm going to find out. I have come to a dead end as I haven't been able to find any record of his birth or census records of him before he joined the army.

What I have found out so far...

Marriage Cert
2nd Battalion Somersetshire Light Infantry
No.36/2169 Private James Tillyer Batchelor
Jane Erskin Spinster
St. Anne's Belfast
24th March 1875
Witnesses James Robb & Elizabeth Robb
John Spence Curate

1871 Census
James Tillyer a soldier unmarried aged 20 a private in the 13 regiment, Lt Infantry born Hatton Middlesex

1901 Census
James J Tillyer head married age 48 Labourer Builders born Middleses Hatton
Elizabeth Tillyer wife age 39 Banesford Scotland
and his 4 children all born in India between 1883 -1892

1911 Census
James Tillyer Head Married age 60 Pensioner Army Felton Middlesex
Jane Elizabeth Tillyer Wife Married 30 years Bainsord Faulkirk Scotland
and 2 of their children

James died in Devon aged 60 in 1911

Its interesting that their marriage is only 30 years when I have them married in 1875 when depending on which age Jane gives makes her between 11 and 13 on her wedding day! What she was doing in Belfast is anyones guess family rumour says she was a ladies maid when she met James but surely she was to young.

I have tried the Tillyer Surname site without any luck and with Jane changing her age so often can't pin point her birth.

Any help as to were I can go from here would be most welcome


Thistledown Report 12 Apr 2009 04:04

Hi i do look-ups sometimes and the earlist Irish Marraige cert that i have gotten was 1864, it did have both ages on and fathers names, but the brides fathers christian name was omitted, just a line across, surname was on.
Usually if full age was on it meant that they were over 21 years, minor meant under, my mother was 18 in july 1948 when she married and was a minor on marraige cert.
Also on Irish 1911 census there are a few girls aged 13 years old when they married, one girl on it aged 19 years old was on her second marraige, widowed at 16 and married again at 17, reason i know it has how many years this marraige ,how many children from this marraige.So i looked it up in Records Office.


Madmeg Report 12 Apr 2009 01:02

So no ages given for bride and groom - was the space just left blank or did it say of full age?

If he was in the army, he was presumably at least 16? Some records might be on line, but only likely if he got a pension.

This was an Irish marriage certificate? How did you manage that given that there are so few Irish records online?

Unlikely that she was only 12 on marriage. It was legal but never come across any so young myself.

I think you should post their names and details and see if anyone can find anything different for you.



Nickydownsouth Report 12 Apr 2009 00:26

I think your basically unlucky Gordon, though I have seen a few marriage entrieswhen going through Parish records that have omitted off fathers names and occupations, My 3xgr grandmothers sisters cert is like that, no fathers occupations or names listed, both fathers WERE dead by the date of the marriage, but neither the bride nor groom were illigitimate and am sure would both have been aware of their deceased fathers occupations, i presume its just a mistake made by the vicar, not to have filled in ALL the details.

I know that probably isn`t much help to you, but do you know of any siblings? their marriage certs may have more information, to help you fill in the gaps.



Gordon Report 12 Apr 2009 00:11

Both bride and grooms fathers names are missing and going by a later census the bride was around 12 years old!!!

Would I have to visit Kew myself to get military records, I live in Scotland so this would be a big trip.

I wonder if the lack of detail is because he was in the army


Ozibird Report 11 Apr 2009 21:41

I think you're unlucky as all my certs have had full details. Have you tried for his military records that usually has more info.

~Looby Loo~

~Looby Loo~ Report 11 Apr 2009 21:25

Hi, no father's names usually means illigitamacy, or in some cases it can mean deceased, and if it states full age, that usually means 21 or over. Sorry I can't be of more help.



Gordon Report 11 Apr 2009 21:16

I recently ordered a marriage certificate for my gr grandfathers marriage and was really ages no fathers names.

He was in the army and stationed in Belfast and married in 1875 is the lack of information usual or am I just unlucky.