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its only me

its only me Report 1 Apr 2009 14:50

I have my tree on GR but it say's it 's too big tp print out. So is there a programme i could buy so i can transfere all the info without having to rewrite it all again


Madmeg Report 1 Apr 2009 15:03

Yes, there are loads. Look at

I think it has a review of several of them. There are also free ones to download from various sites - I tried the one from familysearch though I haven't used it much.

It is a good idea anyway to have a separate program yourself as you don't need to be online to add to it. You install the program on your computer and then go to Genes and somewhere it will let you "export" a "gedcom" file which you also put on your computer. Then "import" the gedcom file to your family tree program.

You will then have the decision as to which to use as your "main" file, and keep the two in line, which is a bit of a pain.

As I don't know anything about printing trees from Genes I can't say whether other programs will do the job - if you want a large tree printing I imagine you will find them all too small to read unless you cover the entire living room wall with it.

Good luck.


its only me

its only me Report 1 Apr 2009 15:05

it might be cheaper than wallpaper maggie LOL


Joy Report 1 Apr 2009 15:19

You could try the Mormons' one first, as it is free, to see what you think of it, and then buy a different one later if you decide to buy one -
Free PAF Family History Software
Personal Ancestral File (PAF) is a free genealogy and family history program.


Christine Report 1 Apr 2009 15:25

And do it quickly! GR still haven't restored my tree - most of it disappeared when they made the recent changes - in excess of 300 names gone missing!


InspectorGreenPen Report 1 Apr 2009 19:39

Hi me, how many names are you talking about? Anything over 200 then you might as well forget trying to print from GR. Personally I use FTM, but there are other programs around too.

Christine, your tree probably hasn't gone 'missing' and it is unlikely to be connected with the recent updates, either. It is more likely that you are having problems accessing it over the internet.

Whilst I can't be certain without sitting in front of your PC, , the problem is most likely to be connected with your browser and internet connection.

Clearing out your temp files and cookies often does the trick, and make sure you have the latest software versions installed.


Christine Report 1 Apr 2009 22:08

Hi BrinsleyS,

I have been speaking (complaining bitterly!) to GR, and at their suggestion have updated my browser and the flash player, and I have also cleared out the cookies, defragmented the disc and emptied the recycle bin!

I had been using my tree a day or two before they made the changes, and the first time I used it again afterwards, there they were all gone! (most of them anyway).



Ann Report 2 Apr 2009 00:07

What I know about computers could go on the back of a stamp, but could you restore your computer to a couple of days before your info went missing?


Vicci Report 2 Apr 2009 01:26

other free software

my heritage family tree builder


Christine Report 2 Apr 2009 10:48

Hello Ann

Ummmmmmmmmm? I have no idea how I would do that? What I did remember was that some time ago, I had exported my Gedcom so that I could send it to someone else. I wondered if I could reimport it so that it replaced what is there - it wouldn't be up to date but would be better than nothing.

My only reservation about that is that they say they "are working on it" (!) - if I do that, will it clash with anything they may do?


InspectorGreenPen Report 2 Apr 2009 11:22

Unfortunately doing a restore won't help, unless the problem is with a corrupted browser.

All our GR trees data is on the GR servers, not our pc so there is nothing there to restore. This is why it is so important to have a good internet connection and sufficient space in the internet cach or temp file area to load the thing up.

Christine, is it possible to check with a contact if they can see your tree? If you are prepeared to let me have access for a short period I will be happy to check it out for you. This will at least confirm if it is a case of the data on GR having been corrupted or losr, or if it is an ongoing problem with internet access to it.


Christine Report 2 Apr 2009 12:10

Hello BrinsleyS

Have sent you a PM - thank you.


InspectorGreenPen Report 2 Apr 2009 14:32

Ok, to take stock - After doing a few tests, I can confirm that I am able to access Chris's tree ok, and she is able so see mine, albeit only part of it.

Chris, can you confirm which browser you are using. Is it Internet Explorer, and if so, which version is it.?

I can't promise but there a few things we can check to see if we can sort things.


Christine Report 2 Apr 2009 16:40

Hi BrinsleyS

You have solved my problem, which appears to have been with the disk space setting for temporary files - no idea which Explorer version I have, but my long lost ancestors are back with me, and I am so happy!

I am so grateful to you - once again I have found what kind people there are on these boards.



InspectorGreenPen Report 5 Apr 2009 09:36

Nudge fo info