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1911 census

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Mary J

Mary J Report 5 Feb 2009 18:42

It was me who elicited the response of "the thrill of the chase" I posted my opinion as Disgruntled of Telford" I did copy & paste my comments and their answer on a thread on General yesterday but it has gone from "my threads" so I don't know if the original poster of the thread deleted it.
The full sentence is
"In terms of downloading incorrect information, unfortunately, that is one of the hazards (and perhaps the thrill of the chase) of genealogy "

Mary J

Janet 693215

Janet 693215 Report 5 Feb 2009 18:25

I used the enhanced facility but still couldn't find my great gran. However, I did manage to discount 10 of their "possibles" out of the 25 they offered me. I am still unwilling to spend £17.40 on the offchance that one of them "might" be her though.


Sharon Report 5 Feb 2009 17:34

whoops heres another one with a slap on the wrist never mind theyve had £40 of my money, i will have to wait a bit longer now as i am not prepared to pay for alot of wrong census transcript

Snowdrops in Bloom

Snowdrops in Bloom Report 5 Feb 2009 17:10

They might realise how much they're losing when/if everyone stops purchasing credits!!!!

What they are up to is a scam - nothing more, nothing less. They know full well how difficult it is to search and be sure of getting the right images with the meagre information they give out, but are so greedy for money they think we're all stupid enough to fall for it.

I wonder if someone like Watchdog would be interested in knowing what they're up to - especially the response about 'The thrill of the chase'!!!


George_of_Westbury Report 5 Feb 2009 16:51


The "naughty step" is going to be very crowded LOL, i did the same as you, as you say they didnt refuse the money.
Why cant they see how much money they are passing up


Chris in Sussex

Chris in Sussex Report 5 Feb 2009 16:27

From Georges post earlier today.....

"all attempts are monitored and logged"

I wonder what they are going to do with those of us who have used the 'enhanced search functionality'.

Ohhh....Slap my wrists!!!! :))))

I had bought images before the extra search and bought more after when I had narrowed down the possibilities for some others......Didn't see them refusing my cash because I bought them after being 'naughty' lol :)



RobG Report 5 Feb 2009 15:39

Another interesting point from the 1911 blog today.
Someone pointed out that FMP will have 6 months of exclusivity (i.e. Ancestry cannot get their hands on it), starting from the date they have everything online.

So those out there still waiting for areas to appear now know why they are dragging their heels !!!!!

Like my ancestors that I'm trying to find, I wasn't born yesterday either!!!


Caz Report 5 Feb 2009 15:15

US CHEAT THEM!!!!! Huh that's rich.

I used the enhanced functionality to find my TONES family in London purely because they had mistranscribed the name as JONES. The head of the familys name was George and his wife Elizabeth. FMP ought to have a look at how many George and Elizabeth Jones' were living in London in 1911 and calculate how much money they would have cheated out of me if I had had to pay to download a transcription of that lot.

I, like everyone else don't mind buying credits to download the originals when I am sure I have the right family and I have done so and I like many many other people have wasted my hard earned money downloading transcripts of families who turned out not to be mine.

Fair's fair FMP.


Tenerife Sun

Tenerife Sun Report 5 Feb 2009 14:37

I totally agree with the 'find the right household before you buy' priciple. Before the 'enhanced facility' I bought 3 wrong transcripts. After the facility I bought 3 correct full copies.

Anyone looking for Gladys Pearce b 1899 Godstone Surrey or same name b.1904 Dunchurch Warwickshire let me know!



Carter Report 5 Feb 2009 10:47

" enhanced search functionality "


RobG Report 5 Feb 2009 10:35

I have just looked at what the 1911 site blog says on the matter.
We can argue about whether or not the 30 credits/10 credits pricing model represents value for money, but when a member of their staff describes having to spend (waste) £3.50 (ish) of my hard-earned money on the wrong family because of their inadaquate search facility as "part of the thrill of the chase" it makes my jaw drop at the arrogance!! Maybe this FMP employee should read the papers (or at least come in to the real world). We are in a financial crisis.
Like other comments here, I have used the "cheat" (I prefer the term "enhanced search functionality") to narrow my search down and then bought the scans when I was reasonably happy they were the right ones. Without this "facility", I would not have invested, so they would have been worse off. They will suffer in the long run unless they introduce a similar option.


Carter Report 4 Feb 2009 21:08

it is a shame i know it was a bit of a cheat but it helped me narrow it down to the right ones before i paid for the image. cant afford to do it now so they have lost my money.

Janet 693215

Janet 693215 Report 4 Feb 2009 19:20

Well, they won't be getting my money then. I refuse to order the transcripts for every Selina born 1856 on the offchance my great grandmother is there. At least when you could see the others in the household I could work out which ones were a possible.

Roll on 2012. I do hope ancestry gets it.


Carter Report 4 Feb 2009 18:04

yeah i just tried and when i deleted the number 4 and inserted the number 3 it just reverted back to 4
any software whizz kids outs there !!!


George_of_Westbury Report 4 Feb 2009 18:03


This is the reply they gave following someone raising the question on the 1911" blog"

iantester Says:

February 4th, 2009 at 12:58 pm
unfortunately, this was being used by some people to attempt to avoid paying for transcripts. This is not fair to the vast majority of users and has therefore been closed.

Everyone should note that modifying the URL of the site, or any other form of hacking designed to give unauthorised access to paid records, violates the Terms & Conditions of using this site and that all attempts are monitored and logged.

Bit mean i thought



John Report 4 Feb 2009 16:55

hi have they taken way the short cut on this site to see free all the people who lived in the house