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How many time

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Lorna Report 4 Feb 2009 10:33

Sometimes I can be a bit lax in replying- I read the email but dont have the info to hand or the time to reply at that moment. But I do try to get round to it at a more convenient time.
Obviously a second kick up the backside email usually prompts me to get on with it. But after 3 attempts think you should give up- maybe try again in a few months time


InspectorGreenPen Report 4 Feb 2009 07:30

For some people it is simply low on their list of priorities - they have other things in their life too. On one occasion it was over a year before I received a reply as the person had only then got round to answering GR messages due to other commitments.

I normally send a follow up after about two months. This often prompts a reaction. If there is still no response then I usually delete the contact.


Huia Report 4 Feb 2009 01:10

Nil desperandum.
As Elizabeth said, sometimes they take 2 years to reply. Perhaps you could try every 3 months or so. Although I think I would give up after 2 years.


penny tomboy

penny tomboy Report 3 Feb 2009 23:26

When I first started last year I ended up with over a hundred messages unanswered at one point, now I post them leave them for three months and clear them out and delete the contact. I take the view they are not subscribed or are no longer interested. I would like to see my message displayed as read then I can decide if the match is worth bothering with after all if they have read your message but can't be bothered to reply. tough.

victoria meldrew

victoria meldrew Report 3 Feb 2009 22:59

Hi all

Thanks for the comments, still not sure how you know whether they have opened their mail. Will look at my sent box.
I always though you had to sign up to send and recieve.

Thanks again



Jeeberella Report 3 Feb 2009 19:58

hi victoria

i had the same problem, I sent a few emails but got nothing back so gave up. But after 3 months I finally got a reply and confirmed he was my 5th cousin and we've been in touch ever since.

He'd been working away so the family tree stuff had to take a back seat so he hadn't checked GR for a while

°o.OOº°‘¨Claire in Wales¨‘°ºOO.o°

°o.OOº°‘¨Claire in Wales¨‘°ºOO.o° Report 3 Feb 2009 16:39

You can see if a message has been opened by looking at "sent messages"


Lindsey* Report 3 Feb 2009 16:36

If the enveloperemains closed in means they are no longer available, they probably left before you joined, but their tree remains forever.!


Potty Report 3 Feb 2009 16:36

They could be on holiday or don't use their computer very often. I pm'd a cousin and didn't get a reply for about 6 weeks as he was on holiday in Australia.


Debdob Report 3 Feb 2009 16:36

Claire, pardon my ignorance but how do you know if the other person has opened their messgae?

°o.OOº°‘¨Claire in Wales¨‘°ºOO.o°

°o.OOº°‘¨Claire in Wales¨‘°ºOO.o° Report 3 Feb 2009 16:33

First you need to check if the message has been opened. If it hasn't then there's no point in sending a second.
If message one has been opened but you've had no reply, try a second message but I would say that this is enough


Sam Report 3 Feb 2009 16:33

You can be a free member and build your tree on here so in theory the tree info could be on here indefinately unless the original person deletes it.

Also unless things have changed recently, free members can reply to messages from other members but they can't originate them.

Sam x


Debdob Report 3 Feb 2009 16:31

Hi, i think that peoples info goes in the system somehow and can connect to hot matches however, i you have to subscribe to be able to return messages or send a message.

victoria meldrew

victoria meldrew Report 3 Feb 2009 16:25

Hi how many time should one e-mail a person who has come up as a hot match, and you know that they are connected.
I have sent 5 messages so far over the last month.
I know some people leave the site so how long are their name left or is it down to the individual to remove their own info.
would love to hear what you think.