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How to get Yorkshire Coroner's report 1870

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JALimestonePlains Report 11 Dec 2008 09:30

A great great Uncle William Armitage's death certifcate says 2 April 1870 place of death Huddersfield canal, Leeds Road
Found drowned without mark, no evidence how. Infornation from deputy coroner for Yorkshire inquest held 4 April 1870
Can anyone help with how I get the record of the inquest please? I am not in the UK.
Many thanks



Battenburg Report 11 Dec 2008 13:03

I have 3 deaths involving inquests and have been told the coroners reports are not usually kept. and scroll down to Leslie Garretts piece of where surviving inquests may be kept.
If the inquest was held during the qt sessions when the circuit judges were in town to try big cases there just might be a record kept in the quarter session records at the local Records Office

If the inquest was held at any other time the local coroner would probably keep the records. Have you tried the local newspaper at the time? You are more likely to find more information there.


Cheshiremaid Report 11 Dec 2008 13:08

You may not be able to get the coroner's report as many were not kept. You may find a newspaper article ...I would email Huddersfield Library for help as they hold old newspaper copies...

Huddersfield Local Studies Library
Princess Alexandra Walk

Tel: 01484 221965
Email: [email protected]



JALimestonePlains Report 11 Dec 2008 21:16

Thank you both for the imformation. I am compiling a list for the Hudds library, aleady got my cheque in pounds stirling to send/ They were really helfpul with a previous query which they did for free.


JALimestonePlains Report 11 Dec 2008 21:41

Opps, I did not read carefully - I meant the library at Kirklees, juts noticed Linda said the FH society.

Must log off and go to work!


Cheshiremaid Report 13 Dec 2008 01:30

Hi JA..

The email address is for the library at Kirklees and not the FHS.

The Local Studies Library is part of the main library....from googling.

Also ask if there is any obituary notices...always a great source of info which I have found out over the past few months...that is if you didn't know already lol.

Good luck



JALimestonePlains Report 13 Dec 2008 07:21

Linda thanks for clarifying will email them and see. I doubt an obit notice as they were as poor as church mice bless them- he worked in the gas works
WIll let you know how we get on

Thanks again



JALimestonePlains Report 14 Dec 2008 21:25

Janet, thank you the information, I know little of the geography of Huddersfiled (Apologise for the delay in repying, I have been out and about all weekend, with little time for the computer - that time of year.

The address on the 1861 cenus looks like 22 Townsend Row (it has a line through the last part of the address so it could be road)

Thank you so much for your interest and help, it is much appreciated



JALimestonePlains Report 14 Dec 2008 21:33

Janet, just checked his widow's address in 1871 - it looks like Townsend Row but she has moved to 108.



JALimestonePlains Report 16 Dec 2008 08:01

Janet, thank you for keeping on looking for the address. You sound to have an amazing knowledge of Huddersfield form all you work.
I left Honley when I was 3 years old and ahve not been back much - did get lost in 2000 when I visited an now deseaced honourary Uncle in Huddersfield.

One of my two newly discovered cousins twice removed is following up the newspaper - the three of us only found eachother this year and it is exciting working together across the three continents to piece it all together



Jenny Report 16 Dec 2008 17:45

I have just received a copy of my mothers coroners report which I obtained by contacting the local area Coroners office. I found them really helpful and although my Mum died in the 50's, it might be worth trying them. Good luck


Battenburg Report 16 Dec 2008 19:41

Jenny .
You were really fortunate getting the report as they are only required to keep them for 15 years.


JALimestonePlains Report 16 Dec 2008 20:58

Janet, we must make sure we have a ciffee next time I am in England for I am sure I will visit Honley and the Huddersfield library
Glad you got your cornors report Jenny


JALimestonePlains Report 17 Dec 2008 19:41

Hi J Thanks for clarifying the address - much appreciated. Sad it has disappeared for a ring road but that is often the way.
My cousin had a quick response from the local history library so we have a partial answer to our mystery
below is the brief report of the inquest

Huddersfield Weekly Examiner of the Inquest into the death of William Armitage.

The Inquest was held before Mr Barstow at the Elephant and Castle Inn on Leeds Road. His wife Margaret was called as a witness and she stated her husband had been seen by a doctor on Thursday and Friday after being taken ill from ''taking beer.'' He was last seen on Friday evening by a neighbour when he seemed quite sober. Unfortunately early on Saturday morning he was spotted by a man on his way to work in the canal (Sir John Ramsden Canal) The jury returned an open verdict.

So there we are - two possible answers - drunk again or suicide - often people use alchol to self medicate. Whatever it was a sad thing to happen and left the family to struggle along - I noticed his wife Margaret was a char women in 1871.

Thank you for taking so much interest. I am so appreciative of the GR helpful people



Janet Report 18 Dec 2008 13:43

Glad you got the 'answer' to your query.The open verdict would protect all parties as it was a criminal offence to commit suicide up to the 1960's.His poor wife, no child benefits in those days, sad for everyone.