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Ancestry renewal .

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Mary Report 26 Nov 2008 13:23

I would not be without my Genes mainly for the boards and the people on them, also a couple of VERY helpful members who took me past a brick wall. I could not manage without Ancestry as it has given and continues to give so much searchable info.


Pauline Report 26 Nov 2008 12:03

Hello Joy in answer to your message.One off payment to Ancestry .com gives you access to all records.Can view them over and over with no extra charge.With Genes you pay to view on top of subs.FMP, is Find my past,another site with unlimited viewing.Not as good according to other Genes members.But genes is most certainly the nicest bunch of all ,members always ready to help and advise.good luck with your tree Pauline

Bren from Oldham

Bren from Oldham Report 26 Nov 2008 11:56

I find a useful site it has most of the same records as Find My Past on but you can't order certificates on there but you do get the references For some the years it brings up the actual names you are looking for and they are in easy to read print
Some counties have greater coverage than others and some none at all i.e parish records and the 1841census
It costs £3.31 per month and is worth having a look at
When I just used Find My Past I was always getting a message that windows had found a problem and was closing down
Now If I want a certificate I find the reference on Famliy relatives and then order on Find my past


Pauline Report 26 Nov 2008 11:54

Hello Christine thanks for reply .Will I think stick with Ancestry but perhaps hang around a bit to try to get price down a bit.Best Wishes Pauline


Joy Report 26 Nov 2008 00:00

Hello all

I'm new to all this. Just signed up with genesreunited becos overall it was cheaper. Not the very best way to make a decision I know, but I have to watch the pennies, and watch them again. So how does Genes etc compare overall with say ancestry, by which I assume you mean is FMP? Sorry to seem mega-dim, but we all have to start somewhere. It all seems a bit of an up hill struggle anyway..

I am fortunate in having quite a lot of previous family history complete with family photos. Lucky me, I sat with my Granny and asked her who is this, who is that, and wrote it down on the backs of the photos, otherwise I would have all these pictures with absolutely no idea who anyone was.

Oh how I wish I had asked my granny to tell me who lived at 45 Wordswoth Street, or how the psrish of Humbleton features so largely in our ancestral history. She would have known..

She knew that Harry had emigrated to Australia and made and lost two fortunes. She knew that William had gone to Russia and disappeared without trace. (Probably an ancestor of V. Putin) And W. Jackson went on to found a dynasty of bakers and victualers. And what happened to the twins?.

And here is my fsmily keeping on keeping on,,

Too late!! So ploughing through the BMD records is my punishment for not having paid more attention and asked the right questions at the right time....

OK,, onwards and upwards.


CLW2005 Report 25 Nov 2008 22:40

I have been with ancestry for about three years -
love it!
subscribed to FMP also for the last year -
didn't bother to renew - found the site really user UNFRIENDLY!!

I'll be sticking with ancestry!



Pauline Report 25 Nov 2008 22:38

Hello Linda thanks for your reply.Just the sort of reply I was looking for ,for,s and against,s.I expect I will stick with Ancestry and try to get price down.Best wishes Pauline .


Pauline Report 25 Nov 2008 22:34

Hello Bilbo thanks for your reply.I wondered if I changed to FMP how I could transfer my info on Ancestry to FMP.Or if it was possible,not too brilliant with comp but learning.Best wishes Pauline


Pauline Report 25 Nov 2008 22:30

Thanks Simon for your reply.Nice to know people are there to listen and help.Best wishes pauline


Pauline Report 25 Nov 2008 22:27

Hello Lindsey thanks for reply.Really wanted to know if FMP was a better option.Also if my records from Ancestry could be transfered to FMP.Best wishes Pauline


LindainHerriotCountry Report 25 Nov 2008 22:23

Find my Past doesn't have all the censuses, even the 1901 isn't complete.I find it very annoying to use because most of the records are not name searchable, you have to wade through lots of images, usually in vain.
Personally I think Ancestry is much better. It is true that FMP does have some different things, but if you need them specifically, getting just enough credits might be a better thing.


InspectorGreenPen Report 25 Nov 2008 21:28

What do you mean by transferring info to FMP?


SimonSez Report 25 Nov 2008 21:16

Do they automatically renew your subscription , or do they ask you first if you want to renew ?, I can't remember what happened last time. I still like ancestry though.And like you Pauline ,I would not give up genes either.



Lindsey* Report 25 Nov 2008 21:01

Let in run out. They normally contact you and ask why you havent renewed. Hit them with the month of no images, the no search results and very slow running and haggle for a reduced price to renew.


Pauline Report 25 Nov 2008 20:54

Hello everyone due to renew my Ancestry sub.Undecided at present as Find my past looks a better proposition.Any knowledgeable people out there who would recommend the better site.If I do decide to change ,how easy is it to transfer info from Ancestry to the new site.Will not give up genes because its like belonging to a club.Look forward to replies from the clever ones .Thanks in anticipation Pauline